Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 290 Spiritual Planting Department

"The first day of cultivating the ghost-patterned skink lizard: after depositing longevity energy, there is no change, but this is also normal. I prepared enough food for it..."

"...On the second day of cultivation: there is still no change, and the food intake has not changed."

"...The third day, as above."

"...On the fourth day, I was a little disappointed. According to past experience, the Shouyuan deposit will change on the third day at the latest, and the degree will be mild or severe... but it still has no change. Maybe this method is good for the ghost stone." The dragon lizard is of no use, or maybe I should be patient and wait."

"...On the seventh day, this attempt failed. So far, there has been no change in its body. It seems that I should deposit more longevity yuan into it."

"...On the eleventh day, it became pregnant, and I didn't do anything to it..."

"...Today is the nineteenth day. Its lower abdomen is obviously swollen. Other than that, there is no sign of promotion at all on its body."

In the house that belonged to Wang Hao alone, Wang Hao put down his pen and paper and gently closed his record book.

He looked with some disappointment at the ghost-patterned skink lying at his feet, whose belly was obviously bigger.

For more than half a month, he had provided him with delicious food and drinks, but the other party had no intention of making a breakthrough at all.

On the contrary, my body has gained a lot of weight.

Originally, it was not willing to get close to Wang Ba, but now because Wang Ba feeds it every day, it basically follows Wang Ba wherever he goes.

Of course, this is not because it has high intelligence, but because it is stupid... so stupid that it only has the instinct to eat.

"Sigh... that's right. If it were so easy to break through, it wouldn't be the case that all the peak masters of the Beast Peak have failed to improve it over the years."

Wang Hao shook his head slightly, and casually took out a disc-sized jade cockroach from the spirit beast bag, which was struggling desperately, and threw it out. The ghostly skin dragon lizard was lying lazily at Wang Hao's feet with slightly narrowed eyes. His hazel vertical pupils suddenly opened, and his forked blue-black tongue was like a sharp arrow, which quickly and easily rolled the emerald cockroach in mid-air into his mouth.

"Click, click"

A crispy sound sounded in the mouth of the ghost-patterned skink.

There was also the sound of juice bursting in the middle.

It sounds very appetizing...that's weird.

Wang Hao kicked the opponent to the side in disgust.

To be honest, when he didn't eat cockroaches, he thought the ghost-patterned skink was pretty pretty, but after eating cockroaches...

Walked out of the house.

Wang Ba then saw Bu Chan working in the spiritual field with a big belly.

Since there was no one else on Wanfa Peak, with Yao Wudi's nod, Wang Ba and Bu Chan introduced the unused fourth-order spiritual veins into the spiritual field and opened up two acres of fourth-order spiritual fields. .

However, the high level of the spiritual field may not necessarily be a good thing for low-level spiritual plants. Excessive energy will increase the burden on the growth of the spiritual plant, so the spiritual planter needs to frequently dredge the spiritual energy. Only in this way can the fourth-level spiritual plant be exerted. field effect.

Of course, this situation also places a heavier burden on the spiritual planter.

Especially Bu Chan is only a second-level spiritual planter.

In addition to these two acres of fourth-level spiritual fields, there are also more than thirty acres of second-level spiritual fields, which can be opened up with a little tidying up under the strong spiritual energy surrounding them.

It is filled with second-level spiritual rice.

An environment full of aura is both a good and a bad thing.

Spiritual plants grow quickly and healthily.

But under the influence of spiritual energy, it is also more difficult to deal with weeds.

It is necessary to ensure that when pulling out weeds, the spiritual plants will not be implicated, and at the same time, the overall flow of spiritual energy in the spiritual field must not be disrupted.

There are considerable requirements for the spiritual planter's physical strength and magic power.

This is also the reason why there is this spiritual planter. Farming is never a simple matter.

But the truth was this, Wang Hao still walked into the spiritual field with some distress, and stopped Bu Chan who was stained with sweat and had lost a lot of mana.

"Senior brother..."

Bu Chan looked at Wang Ba unexpectedly.

"I'll do it, you go and have a rest."

Wang Hao carefully wiped away a bit of plaster on Bu Chan's forehead.

He didn't deliberately help the other party.

There is absolutely no need for this. After all, although she is pregnant, she is still a foundation-building monk, so she will not be so weak.

Bu Chan was not so pretentious. Seeing Wang Hao's rare considerate look, a smile appeared in his eyes, but he gently pushed Wang Hao away:

"No need, you are too clumsy and always bring out the spiritual plants, so I'll do it."

Wang Hao firmly pulled Bu Chan out of the spiritual field:

"It's just a few spiritual plants. If you're exhausted, it's not worth it."

"How can I be exhausted? I am a foundation builder..."

Bu Chan couldn't help but give Wang Yan a rolling look, and then said seriously:

"Besides, we are raising more and more spiritual chickens. If we don't hurry up, we won't be able to keep up with the chicken feed."

"The Blue Water Spirit Turtle is fine for the time being. It's okay to have a full meal and stay there for a few years... I recently planted some of the spiritual fruit seeds I saved before, which will allow the Spirit Turtle to grow better. "

"Chicken stuff..."

After hearing Bu Chan's words, Wang Yan couldn't help but ponder.

Since he made an agreement with Gu Wen of Feiyu Peak on the supply of spirit chicken essence, he once again asked Jia Fifteen and Jia Seventeen to start the sowing mode.

Among them, Jia Fifteen and Jia Sixteen are already third-level spiritual chickens. Jia Sixteen had laid about ten eggs before, thanks to Jia Fifteen's efforts.

But most of them are white eggs that cannot be hatched.

Only three eggs were fertilized, and they have been incubating for several months now, but there is no sign of breaking out of their shells.

If Wang Ba hadn't been able to clearly feel the beating life inside, he would have almost thought that the hatching had failed.

However, Wang Yan was really looking forward to what kind of sample-level spiritual chicken these three eggs could hatch.

According to past experience, it is very likely that he will be born as a third-level person.

If it is confirmed, then Wang Yan can start researching the recipe for the third-level spiritual chicken essence.

Not just ordinary broiler chickens, the Phoenix-feather chickens that had been almost forgotten by Wang Yan and had no other use except for their beauty, and the black-feather chickens that were hybridized between white chickens and Phoenix-feather chickens, were also re-bred by Wang Yan. stand up.

These spiritual chickens are all mutated varieties. If they are used as the main ingredients of spiritual food recipes, they can probably also be contributed as a new recipe.

However, the quantity is not large at present, so Wang Yan has no plans to refine it for the time being.

It's just that it's difficult to increase the number of these two kinds of spiritual chickens. For the former, even if the mothers are all Phoenix-feather chickens, the probability of their offspring being Phoenix-feather chickens is still extremely low.

The number of black-feathered chickens is even more difficult to increase. Since they do not have the ability to reproduce, they can only be born by repeated matings of phoenix-feathered chickens and white-singing chickens.

Of course, once the basic number of these two kinds of spiritual chickens increases, everything will be easy to say in the future.

And this means that a large supply of chicken feed is needed.

The key point is that although Bu Chan is a spiritual planter, it is indeed a bit difficult for one person to handle so many spiritual fields and spiritual plants.

"It seems that we need to find someone who supplies chicken feed..."

Wang Hao thought secretly in his heart.

However, compared to before, it is much easier now. There is a spiritual plant department in Mu Xing Division, and you can get it from there.

"We'll look for him after the holiday is over."

These thoughts passed in a flash, but Wang Yan still resolutely gave in and let the cicada rest beside him, and went to the fields to pull weeds and dredge the spiritual energy himself.

Even though he had built a foundation of Heavenly Dao, he had a deep foundation, and he had abundant mana in the second Dantian. After working for a while, he still felt that it was a bit too much.

Bu Chan saw Wang Ba's clumsy look on the side, and couldn't hide his smile, but he hesitated to speak.

I really want to teach Wang Yan how to do it with the least effort.

But she didn't say anything in the end. When Wang Yan felt a little tired, she quietly returned to the spiritual field and continued to be busy.

At sunset, Wang Ba stood in the spiritual field. Seeing that there were no more weeds in the field and the cicada covered in mud, the two looked at each other and smiled.

The round afterglow of the setting sun dragged the two people's figures very, very long.

The second day.

The second floor of the Bamboo House of the Spiritual Food Department.

Wang Hao stood in front of Cui Daqi's desk and bowed:

"Excuse me, uncle."

Cui Daqi nodded slightly:

"That's right, I'll just come to your uncle if you have anything to do...Linggu Bran, right? It's probably a bit difficult to deal with at the fourth level..."

"It doesn't need to be the fourth level, uncle. Just the chaff taken off by the second and third level spiritual rice will do."

Wang Hao said quickly.

The second-level spirit grain bran is basically enough for most spirit chickens, but now both Jia Fifteen and Jia Sixteen are already third-level spirit chickens. If Jia Seventeen is cultivated for a while, he will probably catch up. The number of third-level spiritual chickens will gradually increase, and the third-level spiritual grain chaff will definitely be used. This can be regarded as a precautionary measure.

"It's not the fourth level, that's easy to handle!"

Cui Daqi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

As the head of the spiritual food department, he naturally knows a lot about spiritual plants, one of the important sources of spiritual food.

Things like spiritual rice are very common in the first and second levels. After reaching the third level, both varieties and output start to become scarce.

As for the fourth-level spiritual rice, they are treasures of the spiritual plant department. The yield is extremely low and the growth time is extremely long. Even spiritual rice bran may not be able to be supplied to Wang Yan.

"Okay, just forget about this matter. It's just some unused spiritual grain chaff. I have been friends with Director Ma of the Spiritual Planting Department for many years. After today is over, you and I can go directly to him. yes."

Cui Daqi took over everything.

This is indeed not a big deal, just some unnecessary spiritual grain chaff.

Of course, strictly speaking, this is the property of the sect after all. Although it is not worth mentioning, it still requires the minister's nod.

Wang Ba was not too worried.

Compared with Chen Guodong Shengzong who wants to break a piece of spiritual energy into two parts and make full use of such completely useless things as spiritual grain chaff, the conditions of Wanxiang Sect are much superior, with abundant spiritual energy and monks. We don't need to be too frugal, and therefore, the spirit grain chaff has no use here. It is usually burned on fire.

Normally, the people in the Spiritual Food Department would not make things difficult for him.


After Wang Ba refined another hundred portions of Immortal Tree Treasure Jelly in one go, he followed Cui Daqi to the Spiritual Planting Department not far from the Spiritual Food Department.

The Lingzhi Department is also a two-story bamboo house.

It's just that compared to the people in the Spiritual Food Department who need to refine spiritual food in the bamboo house, the people in the Spiritual Planting Department rarely stay in the bamboo house.

So much so that when Wang Ba arrived at the Lingzhi Department, he felt that the area was a bit empty.

"Minister Cui, wait a moment. Minister Ma is inspecting the medicine field and will be back soon."

Inside the bamboo house.

A golden elixir deacon from the Spiritual Planting Department dressed as a farmer poured tea for Cui Daqi and Wang Hao quite skillfully.

"It's okay, I'll wait for him here."

Cui Daqi was not in a hurry.

Compared to the leisurely life of the Spiritual Food Department, the Spiritual Planting Department is undoubtedly the largest and busiest department in the entire Mu Xingsi.

The Spiritual Planting Department is also responsible for supplying spiritual rice and spiritual fruits to the Spiritual Food Department, elixirs to the Alchemy Department, and spiritual herbs to be eaten by the spirit beasts of the Beast Control Department, etc.

These things are very labor intensive.

It is precisely because of this that even the ministers of the Spiritual Planting Department have to go out in person and call out to the Hall of Human Virtues every day for the lack of people.

However, there is nothing the Rende Temple can do. You cannot lower the recruitment threshold arbitrarily just because of the shortage of people. People from the Puppet Department have been arranged to cooperate. Unfortunately, the refined puppets can also handle simple farming and the like, which is somewhat useful. , but not big.

Wang Ba is also not in a hurry. As long as he can find a supply of chicken feed, Bu Chan can also relax. Although the more spiritual plants cultivated by the spiritual planter and the higher the grade, the more helpful it will be to the spiritual planter.

But cultivation also pays attention to relaxation and relaxation. Bu Chan has been so busy, and Wang Hao is also a little worried.

He had been worried and worried for the past thirty or forty years, but now he finally had a stable life, and he didn't want Bu Chan to still be so hard.

However, the Spiritual Planting Department was obviously very busy until it was completely dark.

Several figures hurriedly flew down from a distance.

The leader looked like an old farmer, with his sleeves rolled up and his trouser legs rolled up. His exposed skin was dark and cracked. Wang Yan really couldn't imagine how a monk could look like this.

After all, mortals will get dark if they are exposed to the sun, but monks have no such idea.

When the old farmer saw Cui Daqi, he was startled for a moment, and then a smile like an old chrysanthemum broke out on his face:

"Old Cui, why didn't you say anything when you came? I just came from the wolfberry field. There are many wolfberry trees that are thousands of years old..."


Cui Daqi originally wanted to say hello with a smile on his face, but after hearing this, he coughed quickly and changed the topic:

"Haha, Lao Ma, I came here to ask you something..."

"Is something wrong?"

When the old farmer saw Cui Daqi's solemn look, he immediately thought of something and his expression changed slightly:

"Don't tell me that your department has incurred overexpenditures again this time."

"No way!"

Cui Daqi listened to this big-mouthed nonsense and quickly explained his purpose, pointing at Wang Ba:

"This is a young nephew of mine. He raises a lot of spiritual beasts and needs spiritual grain chaff as food. Look here..."

"Spiritual grain chaff?"

When the old farmer heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again:

"It's a small thing. There's a lot of spiritual energy left in this thing. It's best to feed it to chickens and ducks, but we usually don't bother to do that anymore."

Cui Daqi quickly said:

"He currently needs at least 10,000 kilograms of second-order spiritual grain chaff and one thousand kilograms of third-order spiritual grain chaff every month. In terms of price..."

"No matter what the price, they are all unwanted items. It just so happens that he takes them away, which saves trouble. Besides, they are all from his family."

He immediately looked at Wang Hao, pointed to a golden elixir deacon beside him with a kind smile and said:

"You go to him about this matter. His surname is Qiu. If he can't handle it well, you go to me."

In a few words, the matter was settled.

Although Wang Ba knew that with Cui Daqi coming forward, things would not be too troublesome, but it was so easy and did not even cost a single spiritual stone, which really exceeded Wang Ba's expectations.

This was an ease he had never experienced in the first thirty or forty years of his practice.

Cui Daqi reminded him at the right time: "Wang Ba, you can just call him uncle."

"Yes, Wang Yan, thank you, uncle."

Wang Hao quickly bowed and saluted the old farmer.

"Wang Ba..."

The old farmer was slightly confused, and felt as if he had heard it somewhere before.

However, Cui Daqi's words immediately attracted his attention.

But the Golden Elixir deacon appointed by the old farmer said to Wang Yan in a cold tone:

"Fellow Taoist, I don't know if there are any requirements for the type of spirit grain chaff..."


Wang Hao was slightly startled.

In the Wanxiang Sect, this title is not common, because they are all from the same sect, so calling them like this is a bit alienating. Generally, those with close cultivation levels will casually call each other senior brother and sister first, and then talk about their seniority after getting acquainted with each other.

Wang Hao glanced at the other party's reluctant expression, reacted immediately, and said apologetically:

"Brother Qiu, please, any variety is fine."

As he spoke, he took out two pieces of spirit chicken essence from his sleeves and gave them to the other party.

Deacon surnamed Qiu suddenly looked much better when he saw Wang Yan being so polite.

Wei Wei waved his hand: "Junior Brother Wang, who do you think I am?"

Wang Ba wanted to give more, but the other party refused.

This made Wang Yan couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

At this time, Deacon surnamed Qiu took out a jade slip from the storage instrument and carefully recorded:

"There are ten thousand kilograms of second-order spiritual grain chaff every month, and there are also one thousand kilograms of third-order spiritual grain chaff, right? Where to send them?"

"Huh? There's no need to give them away. I feel bad about getting these for nothing."

Wang Bao said quickly after hearing this.

"It's okay. I'll ask. If it's close, it's okay to send it over."

Deacon surnamed Qiu said.

In the end, he couldn't resist the other party's sincerity, so Wang Hao had no choice but to say:

"I'm at Wanfa Peak, senior brother, you..."

The words have not yet finished.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Wang Ba's ears:

"You said you were at Wanfa Peak?!"

At the same time, the old farmer's dark and chapped face appeared in front of him in an instant, eyes full of anger, staring at Wang Hao!

Cui Daqi on the side was stunned, suddenly thought of something, and secretly said: "Oh no!"

Immediately, he quickly dodged and stopped in front of Wang Yan, looking nervously at the old farmer in front of him:

"Lao Ma, he is just a disciple of Senior Brother Yao. You and Senior Brother Yao..."

"Get out of the way! Cui Daqi, don't force me to do something to you!"

The old farmer said angrily.

The change came so fast that Wang Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

Xuan even reacted immediately, and the first thought in his mind was:

"Master must have bullied him before..."

Wang Ba was not too panicked. Since the other party didn't take action immediately, it meant that he was still conscious, but his emotions were a little difficult to control for a while.

With Cui Daqi here, there is no need to worry about his own safety.

At this moment, he was more speechless in his heart.

"Master, how many people has he bullied..."

Since the day he entered the sect, he has met important figures such as Luo Yuzhong, the deputy head of the Rende Hall, Song Dongyang, the deputy head of the Diwu Hall, He Jiugui, the deputy minister of the Spiritual Food Department, and Minister Ma of the Spiritual Planting Department... …These people have all been bullied by Master.

It's hard to imagine how annoying this old man was back then.

But no matter how suspicious he is, he is still his master.

It’s just that the low profile that Master said is really feasible when so many sect bosses have been offended?

Maybe it’s time for me to adjust my thinking.

"How did Yao deceive me back then? Have you really forgotten?!"

The old farmer glared at Cui Daqi angrily.

The entire room was filled with the aura of Yuanying monks, and the spiritual plant cultivators on the side were also stunned by this scene.

In their memory, they had never seen the minister so angry.

Cui Daqi smiled bitterly: "I know, why don't I know, but... Wang Yan is innocent. He has only been in the sect for a few months. Even if you are unhappy, just look for Senior Brother Yao..."

"If I could beat him, wouldn't I go?"

The old farmer couldn't help but said angrily.

Cui Daqi: "Uh..."

When Wang Ba heard this, he knew he shouldn't laugh, but he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

This Minister Ma...has really gone too far.

Hesitating slightly, he thought carefully and stood up.

"Wang Ba!"

Cui Daqi said quickly.

Wang Bao gave Cui Daqi a reassuring look, then raised his hands and clasped his fists at the old farmer and said:

"Disciple Wang Ba, I have met Master Uncle Ma."

The old farmer narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Wang Yan.

There was a sharp light in his eyes:

"How brave!"

"What do you want to say?"

Wang Ba was respectful and calm:

"As the saying goes, once I am a teacher, I am always a father. Master treats me with kindness. As a disciple, since I have enjoyed the teachings given by master, I must also bear the consequences of everything the master has done."

"I don't know the situation between Master and Uncle Ma. If my Master does the right thing, I naturally have nothing to say and I will just listen to you."

"If my master did something inappropriate, as a disciple, I have nothing to say, but I am willing to make up for the mistakes my master has done."


The old farmer sneered:

"You are just a foundation-building monk. What ability can you make up for the mistakes your master made?"

"Have you seen my face? Have you seen the color of my skin? I was about to become a Taoist couple with a female cultivator, but your master used the 'Great Sun Technique' to burn me, both my soul and my body. So, it’s been like this ever since! He even admitted that he made a mistake, can you make up for it?!"

Wang Ba was silent for a moment.

at the same time.

Shaoyin Mountain Mission Hall.

A naked figure fell down quietly.

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