"Where are the overseas sword cultivators?"

"Go look over there!"

"Quick! Set up your formation quickly and seal the void! Don't let him escape!"

The panic caused by a piece of news was passed down from the top to the top, and finally caused a huge wave among the monks responsible for sealing the Hualong Pond.

"The inheritance of refining the void! This overseas monk actually stole the inheritance of refining the void!"

"I thought those three inheritances were just decorations, but I didn't expect them to be real."

"It's a pity that overseas monks obtained it."

"Hey, what happened overseas? It's better than letting Yang Que and the others take it away, enriching them, and bullying us like before!"

"That's not what you said. After all, we are all from Huangjizhou. This is an internal dispute, and they are outsiders..."

"Haha, Yang Que's lackeys of the royal family don't regard us as their own!"

"Okay! Don't say anything more. That sword cultivator is recognized by Hualongchi, and it is said that he has reached the two thousandth level. His strength is already the top among Yuanying. Be careful. Once you notice any movement, immediately Send the signal!"

The monks all agreed.

But some monks hesitated and said:

"Didn't the Master of Qiyue Zhai Zuozhai say that we can make friends with overseas monks? We don't necessarily have to fight with that sword cultivator."

His words were immediately refuted by others:

"What nonsense are you talking about! Think about it for yourself, if you got the Void Refining inheritance, would you share it with others? Moreover, even the God Transformation inheritance has been restricted and can only be practiced by one person, let alone the Void Refining inheritance!"

These words were quickly recognized by everyone.

Even if they are willing to make friends with each other, the other party will probably not accept it and will only wonder if they are harboring evil intentions.

While the monks were communicating quickly, a violent fluctuation of mana suddenly rose in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp sword energy that made people's hair stand on end even though it was very far away streaked across the horizon!

"over there!"

"Go quickly!"

Under the urging of the five high-level monks, the figures of the monks flew towards the place where the mana fluctuated at high speed.

Their speed was not slow, but when they arrived, no monks could be seen in the air.

You can only faintly notice that the remaining souls here are quickly dissipating, as well as a few fragments of the magic weapon falling below.


The air wave surged, and a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes with extremely long eyebrows flew over at high speed and landed in front of everyone. Feeling the remaining soul aura around him, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Seeing this middle-aged monk, the monks around him quickly saluted:

"I've met Palace Master Mei."

Mei Shan interrupted everyone impatiently and said in a deep voice:

"Stop talking nonsense, have you seen that overseas sword cultivator?"

The monks looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly:

"Palace Master Huimei, I have never seen this person before. When I waited, he was already like this."

There was a hint of fear in the tone of some Jindan monks.

Mei Shan noticed that the morale of the monks around him was frustrated and hesitant to move forward. His face became darker and he said coldly:

"I've seen that sword cultivator before when he took action. That is, for ordinary Nascent Souls in the middle and late stages, even if they have gained a lot in the Hualong Pond, they still need time to digest. Just because they are talented, it doesn't mean that they can still work with me now. You can come and go freely on the territory of the five sects!”

"Let's wait together and let me capture this person!"

However, after hearing Mei Shan's words, some monks immediately agreed, but more monks showed hesitation.

It's not out of fear, but Meishan is only the master of Babao Palace, one of the five sects. Not all of them are from Babao Palace.

Follow Mei Shan to catch the sword cultivator. If you get the inheritance of refining the void...then whose inheritance does it belong to?

Although everyone usually cooperates well, when it comes to the unique Void Refining inheritance...

Feeling that many monks tried their best to hide it, but still became a bit weird, Meishan, as the master of Babao Palace, wouldn't be unclear about it.

His eyes were slightly cold, and he flicked his sleeves:

"Since you don't want to go...disciples of the Eight Treasure Palace, come with me!"

After that, without stopping for a moment, he quickly flew away into the distance.

Among the crowd, the disciples of the Babao Palace flew out one after another, following closely behind.

Looking at Mei Shan's figure, the monks hesitated for a moment and quickly followed.

At this moment, another violent wave of mana rose in the south!

Mei Shan, who was flying rapidly, froze in mid-air for an instant, looking towards the south, his expression slightly changed:

"No, it's already close to the imperial capital!"

Before he finished speaking, his speed increased sharply, and there was a faint sense of Taoism flowing around him.

Almost instantly, everyone behind him was thrown far away.

"The Palace Master is worthy of being a great monk of Nascent Soul Consummation who has fully understood the secrets of Taoism. If not for the sudden change in the world, the Palace Master might even have the hope of getting a glimpse of the realm of divine transformation!"

The disciples of Babao Palace who were left far behind all showed excited expressions.

The other three sect members who followed behind all had solemn expressions.

The reason why the five sects are on equal footing is because the sect masters of each sect are all great monks who have understood the secret of Taoism. Their strength is almost different from each other, and the overall strength of the five sects is also similar. This is the basis for cooperation.

Now among the five sect leaders, except for the unlucky one who was swallowed by a strange bird, only Mei Shan, the master of the Babao Palace, is the closest to the overseas sword cultivator at the moment. Once he successfully captures the opponent, there will be a huge Possibly obtain the Void Refining inheritance...

At this moment, many monks from other sects hoped that the sword cultivator could run faster and not let Mei Shan hit him.

If it really doesn't work, it would be better for Yang Que and the others to meet him than to be swallowed up by Mei Shan alone.

It's just that their ideas are still a bit wishful thinking.

Just a moment later, there was an astonishing fluctuation in fighting skills on the southern horizon!

"That sword cultivator was hit by Palace Master Mei!"

"What a pity, why am I running so slowly!"

These words were not spoken out loud, but they were the thoughts of many monks.

Only the people in the Babao Palace, as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, accelerated towards the place where the fighting technique fluctuated.

After a few breaths, they finally arrived at Mei Shan's side.

However, what surprised them was that Meishan's long eyebrow on the left side disappeared, leaving only a neat cut at the corner of the eyebrow.

"Palace Master!"

Meishan raised his hand to stop the exclamation of the disciple behind him.

He stared at the opposite side with a solemn expression.

There, a spotless figure in plain clothes stood floating in the air, staring at him quietly.

It's Zhao Feng!

Around him, streaks of cold sword light wavered, locking Meishan firmly.

Mei Shan had no doubt that if he made the slightest move, he would receive a powerful blow from the opponent!

And he was not sure that he would be able to take this blow...

"How could this happen! Before he evolved into Longchi, he was not so powerful! How could he be so powerful in such a short period of time..."

Feeling his broken eyebrow, Mei Shan's heart was churning.

But they finally understood why this overseas monk was able to gain recognition from Hualongchi and obtain the Void Refining inheritance before them.

"This man is so talented when it comes to fighting skills!"

"Even if we have to pay some price, we will never let him go!"

In Mei Shan's eyes, there was a hint of killing intent.

Although the opponent is strong, he still relies entirely on the way of the sword. He only needs to block the opponent's explosive blow. Given his level and paying a certain price, it is not without hope.

Thoughts moved slightly.

The machine is running.

In eight directions around Meishan, eight treasures such as gourds, round fans, swords, lotus flowers, flower baskets, fish bones, transverse flutes, and jade plates quickly appeared one after another.

These eight directions cover everything around Meishan.

At the same time, Mei Shan also threw a treasure that looked like a 'weighing weight' in his hand and smashed it towards Zhao Feng!

Zhao Feng's consciousness quickly swept around, his face calm.

Almost as soon as Mei Shan made his move, the sword light around him ejected, like a torrential rain, towards Mei Shan at extremely high speed.

He completely ignored the weights thrown by Meishan.

Seeing how conceited the other party was, Mei Shan couldn't help but sneer.

However, in just a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Those countless rays of sword light actually passed directly over the shadow of the Eight Treasures around him and shot towards the disciples of the Eight Treasures Palace behind him!


Mei Shan cursed angrily, and his consciousness quickly swept over the disciple behind him who had not yet reacted. He gritted his teeth, and instead of slowing down, the thrown weight increased in speed and was about to hit the sword cultivator almost instantly.

Mei Shan's actions obviously exceeded Zhao Feng's expectations, but Zhao Feng's speed also exceeded Mei Shan's expectations.

He shook slightly, and his whole body instantly turned into a sword light. It was supposed to be a sure blow, but it was narrowly avoided.

However, the moment Zhao Feng avoided it, a stern look flashed in Mei Shan's eyes, and then the weight treasure suddenly shattered and shot towards the surroundings!

Even though Zhao Feng reacted quickly to the sword light he transformed into and tried his best to dodge, the scale treasure covered all directions, and a fragment still hit the sword light after all.

The next moment, Zhao Feng's figure fell out of the sword light uncontrollably.

The breath is disordered and the complexion is pale.

However, Meishan's face turned even uglier.

Behind him, all the disciples of the Babao Palace who came with him had been turned into pieces!

In the sky, dark clouds gathered quickly.

It was just a very short fight, Zhao Feng was injured, and Mei Shan lost many disciples.

This also made Mei Shan blush instantly:

"The thief is ordered!"

The shadows of the eight treasures around him quickly revolved around him, and the Tao rhyme flowed, stimulating the power of heaven and earth around him.

Zhao Feng's expression was cold and solemn, and the sword in his hand quickly condensed. He stared at the opponent solemnly, preparing to strike with all his strength.

However, at this moment, another burst of mana fluctuations suddenly came from the northern sky.

"Ji Yuan is out too?!"

Zhao Feng's heart condensed, and the desire to win that had just arisen disappeared in an instant.

Without any hesitation, he swayed his body and transformed into sword light again, quickly flying towards Ji Yuan's position in the north.

"Want to run?"

Meishan was furious, the shadow of the eight treasures wrapped around him, and he quickly chased Zhao Feng.

However, just as he stood up to chase, Zhao Feng suddenly turned around, and a thick and cold sword light came out from between his eyebrows and suddenly shot Mei Shan!

Even though the Eight Treasures' phantoms quickly eliminated the sword light, the Eight Treasures' phantoms also shattered one after another!

In mid-air, Meishan was left standing there with his eyes widened.

Looking at the Eight Treasures Taoist method with only half of the jade plate left in front of him, Mei Shan felt cold sweat!

"This sword cultivator... this sword cultivator..."

Not sure what he was thinking of, he suddenly shouted loudly towards the figure that had already flown away:

"Do you dare to leave your name?"

However, what made him look embarrassed was that the figure seemed to have not heard it at all and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

"You bastard! How dare you underestimate me like this!"

Meishan gritted his teeth:

"If I see your accomplice, I will be cruel..."

The words have not yet finished.

In the huge dragon-transforming pool above, a figure of a young man with a sword appeared out of thin air and fell uncontrollably.

The direction of the fall was clearly where Meishan was.

At this moment, Mei Shan and the boy with the sword subconsciously looked at each other.

Mei Shan looked stunned for a moment, then recognized the identity of the young man carrying the sword, and a sneer slowly appeared on his face.

But the expression of the boy with the sword changed drastically:

"It's too late! Why did it get here!"

Wanxiang Sutra Library.

The bald female cultivator Jiang Yi looked at Wang Ba in front of her and the piles of books and jade slips behind him with a somewhat stiff expression.

Although she already knew the situation from Pang Xiu's mouth, she still couldn't help but scan the books again and again.

She has been in the scripture library for more than a hundred years. How could she not know that she wants to read all the books in front of her and understand their profound meanings, and then filter out the really useful things from these complicated information, and finally understand the so-called The 'Yin Yang Principle'... Even if it really only takes ten years, it's outrageous!

But how long did it take for this young young man in front of him?

She couldn't remember clearly.

It wasn't because too much time had passed, but because of her longevity, she didn't even notice the passage of such a small amount of time.

She only remembered that since she left before, she had just roughly figured out a book of spirit transformation techniques...

"Definitely not ten years! No, it should be less than three years. A god-transformation technique cannot take me that long."

"But, in such a short time, can you really understand the way of yin and yang? This... I have never heard of it."

Countless thoughts surged through Jiang Yi's heart, including surprise, doubt...

This kind of emotional ups and downs had never happened before when I saw the sky in this world split apart and the heaven and earth degraded.

"Pang Xiu shouldn't lie to me. It makes no sense. He practices Yin and Yang himself, so he shouldn't be mistaken."

Jiang Yi didn't have time to recall how long the other party spent. He looked at Wang Yan's eyes full of expectation and Pang Xiu's eyes on the other side that seemed to have deep meaning.

She couldn't help but recall the scene not long ago when she swore in front of Pang Xiu that Wang Yan would definitely not be able to do it, and she felt an inexplicable pain in her cheeks.

After all, she still couldn't break her promise and gain weight, so she sighed secretly:

"To be able to understand something in such a short period of time, maybe I was born to eat this kind of food."

The world is so big and full of wonders that it is not impossible to be born suitable for cultivating the Yin and Yang Way.

Thinking of this, she coughed lightly, looked at Wang Ba, and said seriously:

"Since you said you have understood the way of yin and yang, I don't need to set any tests. I will help you refine the two qi of yin and yang."

"Of course, if you don't understand enough, I've said it before, even if you have sparks, it's useless without firewood. You should understand this truth. If you fail to refine it later, you can't blame me."

Wang Ba saluted politely and said:

"Senior is willing to help me. I'm very grateful. If I still can't practice it, I can only blame myself for not practicing it well enough."

Seeing that Wang Ba was reasonable, Jiang Yi nodded slightly and then looked at Pang Xiu.

"I only have Nascent Soul Consummation now, so I'm a little short of a shot, so I'll leave it to you."

Wang Hao was a little surprised, but when he saw Pang Xiu nodding, he obviously knew it already, and showed a faint smile and said:

"Refining the two qi of yin and yang, generally speaking, it can either be gathered through the dual cultivation method, or it can be collected from the wonders of heaven and earth. The former requires thousands of women or even more in one night to have a glimmer of hope, and the latter It’s also something you can meet but cannot seek.”

"One night...thousands of royal maidens?"

Wang Ba's face looked a little strange.

So is this still a human being?

It's simply worse than Jia Fifteen...

He immediately frowned. He had no idea about the road of being a queen, and the wonders of heaven and earth... just as Pang Xiu said, they are rare. He didn't believe that he could encounter such a good thing.

Pang Xiu noticed his worries and said with a smile:

"There is another way, which is the sparks and firewood mentioned by Senior Jiang... A monk who practices the way of yin and yang provides a little bit of the initial yin and yang energy, igniting the monk's own understanding of the way of yin and yang, thus igniting a raging fire. Fire!"

"It's a coincidence, I have yin and yang to kill the two qi."

"The yin and yang consume the two qi?"

Wang Ba heard this and had some understanding.

The ways of yin and yang are ever-changing. There are ways to nourish creation, and there are ways to eliminate life and death.

It just depends on how the monk realizes it.

At that moment, Pang Xiu Yuan Shen flew out.

Two jets of black and white air suddenly spurted out from his nose.

The black and white flew around Wang Yan in an instant and started spinning rapidly.

The bald female cultivator Jiang Yi was not idle either and whispered: "You need to remember what I said!"

After saying that, he started to mutter something.

Wang Hao listened to Jiang Yi's words while guarding the entrance.

He felt that the black and white aura lingering around him seemed to have an inexplicable attraction, attracting something from his body.

Gradually, every word Jiang Yi uttered was imprinted in his mind, and the feeling of desire that was about to explode became stronger and stronger!


Wang Ba felt as if there was a bundle of firewood in his body. After a few sparks accumulated, a raging fire burst into flames!

Not far away, Jiang Yi, who was staring at Wang Yan with a slightly solemn look, suddenly noticed something and looked shocked!

"So fast!"

next moment.

In her slightly surprised eyes.

A small Nascent Soul creature flew out of Wang Ba's body.

Then the little Nascent Soul snorted lightly!

A tiny entangled black and white energy swam out like a swimming dragon, and then quickly flew around, swallowing the black and white energy originating from Pang Xiu in one gulp!

Not far away, Pang Xiu was surprised and happy when he saw this scene:

"It's done!"

"Yi An is in danger!"

In the Hualong Pond.

In front of Guan Ao and Master Hualong, several water mirrors appeared, reflecting the outside world.

And in two of the water mirrors, there were clearly Zhao Feng, who was tired of life, and Wang Yian, the young man with a sword who had just fallen.

At this moment, as soon as Wang Yi'an left the Hualong Pond, he ran into Mei Shan, the master of the Babao Palace.

Seeing this scene, Guan Ao's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but immediately asked Master Hualong:

"I beg you, senior, to save my junior disciple!"

"Or just let me out!"

Upon hearing this, Master Hualong shook his head helplessly:

"No, I can't get out either... If you don't go to Hualong Tiandao to try, I can't let you out either."

Even though Guan Ao was extremely anxious, he still managed to hold it back at this moment and said quickly:

"Senior's status is lofty and extraordinary. Is there no other way?"

"If I try to break into the Dragon Transformation Heavenly Way now, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

Master Hualong hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Guan Ao. His originally funny face became inexplicably solemn at this moment, and his eyes shone with a brilliance that he had never seen before:

"There is a way..."

"You promise me to learn the method of "Qianlong Dazai" and inherit Ye Cangsheng's mantle. Then I can make the decision and let you out." (End of Chapter)

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