Longevity starts from having a daughter in old age

Chapter 33 Sixth Level of Qi Training

"Among the seven major families, the Song family, the original managers of Baishifang City, is the strongest. There is one in the middle stage of foundation building and two in the early stage of foundation building. They practice the Heart Nourishment Art and the Burning Can Sword Art..."

"Next is the Lu family, which moved from Yinshuangfang City. There is one in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment and one in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. They practice the Seven Talisman Treasure Art and the Silver Frost Sword Art..."

"The fifth one is the Luo family. They moved from Xuanshui City. There is a middle-stage foundation builder. He practices the Deer Spirit Art, which has the ability to restrain the soul and summon the spirit, and reverse the yin and yang."

"The sword technique you practice is the Green Dragon Sword Technique, which was derived from the Great Azure Dragon Technique of the main sect of Tianhe. It is widely spread in the area where Tianhe Sect is located. When you practice it to a great extent, the sword energy can turn into a dragon, and it has the ability to overturn rivers and seas..."

"The ancestor of the family, Luo Xi, is two hundred and thirty-one years old. He is on the fifth level of foundation building. He has mastered the Twelve-Style Green Dragon Sword Technique to a proficient level..."

"The head of the family, Luo Hun, is ninety-seven years old and is at the ninth level of Qi training..."

"Luo Xu, the sixth son of Luo Hun, was thirty-five years old and at the eighth level of Qi training... He was killed while serving as the leader of the patrol!"

"The person I killed was actually the son of the head of the Luo family!!"

"You have already reached the eighth level of Qi training before you are forty years old. If you can get the foundation building pill in the future, there is at least a 70% chance of breaking through the foundation building!"

"No wonder! No wonder they are so persistent!"

After seeing the identity information about Luo Xu, Xu Mu suddenly realized.

The opponent was the future of the Luo family. If Xu Mu killed him, it would be equivalent to meeting the Luo family's rebellion. The Luo family did not overthrow the entire city, which was considered to be extremely restrained.

Of course, the greater possibility is that other families don't let them do this.

Otherwise, the Luo family might really dig deep.

"You must be careful in your actions in the future and never reveal any information related to that night!"

Xu Mu reminded himself secretly.

"It's a pity that I won't be able to use my red gold sword in the future!"

Xu Mu said depressedly.

Even the Thunder Sword Technique must be used with caution. If it must be used, all witnesses must be killed.

And firebending!


Xu Mu just wanted to scold her.

You say you are a good family member, why do you go on patrol to lead, and your head is filled with water?

This can't be used, that can't be used, half of his strength is useless.

"Fortunately, the death of the ancestor of the Luo family is approaching. As long as the ancestor of the Luo family dies and no new foundation-building period is born in the Luo family, I will be safe!"

Xu Mu felt that as long as it was not in the foundation building period and he couldn't win, there was no problem in running away.

"Speaking of running away, should I consider improving my light body technique or learning the wind control technique?"

Windbending and firebending are similar, except that one controls wind and the other controls fire.

One of the abilities of wind control is to control the wind to make the body fly.

In addition to the Wind Control Technique, there are also Flying Escape Techniques and Yuan Magnetic Sliding Escape Techniques during the Qi training period that can make people fly. However, these two spells are both third-level and extremely difficult to practice. Even if Xu Mu learned it, he would not have any luck points. Use it to improve.

In the end, he thought about it and let it go. Not to mention the Flying Escape Technique and Yuan Magnetic Sliding Escape Technique, even the Wind Control Technique, he couldn't bring down his luck value.

It’s better to concentrate on improving your body lightness skills!

With his current physical fitness, he should be able to withstand a master-level light body technique.

His current light body technique is at the master level, which can increase his speed four times. If he breaks through to the master level, according to his calculations, he should be able to reach eight times the speed. If it is extraordinary, it will be sixteen times!

It sounds wonderful, but in fact it is completely useless to ordinary practitioners.

Because my body can’t bear it!

However, for Xu Mu, who can continuously improve his physical strength by practicing Thunder Swordsmanship, it is a magical skill!

If you have a body that can withstand sixteen times the speed, then it may be easy to kill the foundation.

The only disadvantage of the light body technique is that it can only work on the ground and has great limitations.

But for Xu Mu now, the light body technique is indeed the most cost-effective way to improve. It can not only improve his strength, but also improve his ability to save his life.

"Take some time to practice the art of lightening your body these days! Save your luck if you can!"

Xu Mu thought to himself.

In addition to the rather sad information, there are also a few small surprises.

That is, "Green Dragon Sword Technique" is not a unique secret book of the Luo family, and it will not cause too much trouble even if he practices it.

"I'll go to the bookstore another day and check it out. If there's anything for sale, I can try to practice it then!"

Then he flipped through the books that recorded family information, and after putting them away, he took out a piece of paper, which recorded the recent battle between the Qinghe Sword Sect and the Soul Refining Sect.

Compared to family intelligence, this is much simpler.

"On February 17, Qinghe Sword Sect's foundation-building stage monk Yu Chenglong killed a foundation-building elder and nineteen Qi-training stage disciples of the Soul Refining Sect in Shuanglong River!"

"On March 2nd, ambushed the Soul Refining Sect's Dongsheng City stronghold, killed hundreds of demonic cultivators, and recaptured Xingzhifang City!"

"On March 28th, we shot down a transport ship of the Soul Refining Sect and captured dozens of Soul Refining Sect disciples and hundreds of demon cultivators!"

"On April 1st, Qinghe Sword Sect elder Qi Tao was ambushed by the Soul Refining Sect and was seriously injured!"

"On April 18, the Qinghe Sword Sect took back Qichufang City, and the Soul Refining Sect began a large-scale retreat!"

According to the intelligence, the Qinghe Sword Sect had a huge advantage, winning almost consecutive battles, and even if there were occasional losses, they would be very small.

"It seems that the end of the war is not far away!"

Putting the paper away, Xu Mu was in a good mood.

As long as the war is over, he can have a stable life.

Maybe the Luo family will move away!

Then the world will truly be at peace!

"Mr. sir, what are you so happy about?"

Ye Yingying came over with a teacup and teapot. Seeing Xu Mu's smile, she asked curiously.

"I feel like the war will end soon, and we can live a stable life from now on!"

"Really? That's great!"

Ye Yingying said happily.

Then she put down the tea cup and poured Xu Mu a cup of tea.

The tea is reddish-brown, with smoke curling up and a sweet aroma.

"Ms. sir, do you think it tastes good or not? This is what Sister Lan gave me yesterday!"


Xu Mu took a sip and said a little strangely: "This tastes like this? Why have I never drank it before! What kind of tea is this?"

"This is not tea, it is a red wild fruit. It is said that drinking it can nourish qi and blood!"

Ye Yingying opened the teapot lid and showed it to Xu Mu.

The red fruits inside have been soaked, and they look very familiar.

Isn't this wolfberry? !


Xu Mu was speechless.

My current body can kill a cow with one punch, so I need to drink something like this! !

"Ask fellow Taoist Lan where to buy it. I'll buy some tomorrow too!"


A few days passed in the blink of an eye. When Xu Mu was practicing, the spiritual power in his body flowed naturally, and his cultivation was a matter of course, and he was able to break through to the sixth level of Qi training.

In addition to the breakthrough in cultivation, there is another surprise!

Xiao Ling'er can talk!

It's a pity that the first word is not dad!

In the blink of an eye, another month later, Xiao Ling'er can already walk unsteadily, and her food has long been replaced by spiritual rice and animal meat. Her teeth have almost grown and she can chew by herself. However, in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies, Xu Mu Occasionally I buy her some beasts as a supplement.

Chalcedony elixir is naturally indispensable!

It's just that Xiao Ling'er doesn't like the taste of chalcedony pill, so she has to coax her for a long time before she can eat it.

It was only later that Lan Shijin suggested wrapping the outside with a layer of honey, which solved this thorny problem.

Regarding the battle between the two sects, there is also good news.

The Qinghe Sword Sect has basically recovered all the lost territory, and the two factions have entered a confrontation stage, which is expected to end in peace talks.

The major families who have moved here have already begun to pack their things and are expected to leave when their ancestors return.

The expansion work of Fangshi naturally came to an end without any problem.

But this is what Xu Mu wants to see most.

In terms of magic practice, Xu Mu also made unexpected improvements.

I don’t know if it’s because of the marrow refining that I’ve been reborn and my thinking has become sharper. The progress of the third-level firebending skill is much faster than before. In just two or three months, it has improved by hundreds of points. It is already far away from the mastery level. close.

Even the light body technique that I occasionally took time to practice has improved my proficiency by more than a hundred points.

This kind of speed of progress was unimaginable before.

In the meantime, he also went to the store that sold secret books and took a look. There was indeed a secret book on the Qingjiao Sword Technique, but it only had simple training methods, and there was no secret book with detailed annotations like the one he had in his hand.

Feeling relieved, he also took the time to practice a little and get started with it.

When used in conjunction with the fire sword condensed by fire control, the power does increase to a certain extent.

It's a pity that he doesn't have much time to practice, nor does he have enough luck value to improve, so he can only put it aside temporarily.

The days go by like this!

The environment is stable, the family life is happy, the strength is improving rapidly, the luck value has exceeded 1,000 again, and no one is afraid of killing people at night. Everything is developing in a good direction.

Until this day, Su Qing suddenly took the initiative to send news that someone wanted to see him.

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