"Fellow Daoist Xu, don't you think about it anymore?!"

Seeing Xu Mu's refusal without hesitation, Chi Feiyan couldn't help but frown.

This time the three major families joined forces to harvest several other major families who had lost their foundation building period. They originally wanted to make a profit before leaving.

After all, when you arrive in a new place, everything has to start from scratch. Bringing more resources will definitely be more conducive to future development.

As for friendship?

If the sect is gone, then what affection is left!

I just didn’t expect that in the end, I would end up losing a lot of money!

The seemingly inconspicuous Song family is actually so rich. Not only does it possess several spiritual swords, but it also has the long-extinct Divine Fire and Heavenly Thunder Son.

Although they could not escape destruction in the end, the three major families also suffered backlash and suffered huge damage.

Their strength was damaged, so they had to give up some of them!

Xu Mu originally also gave up, but she finally stayed after she argued with her father Chi Yuan.

"No need! There's no way I'm leaving my friend behind!"

Xu Mu shook his head.

Of course, this is pure nonsense!

The actual reason was that when he was walking through the crowd just now, he heard other people talking and knew that the three families leaving were, in addition to the Chi family, the Lu family, and the Luo family, which he least wanted to face.

At that time, Xu Mu had already begun to hesitate in his heart whether to go with the Chi family.

Now that Chi Feiyan was here again, he simply borrowed the donkey from Poxia.

This trip is a long one, it will take at least a month or two, and there will definitely be dangers. If he takes action at that time, he will definitely expose his fire spells and sword skills.

No one knows what will happen if they are targeted by the Luo family.

How can I not get my shoes wet if I often walk by the river?

He is really worried about staying under the other person's nose every day!

"Fellow Daoist Xu, thank you for taking care of me during this period. Ning'er and I are not helpless people. You should take Yingying with them!"

Lan Shijin struggled internally and finally said these words.

"I have made up my mind! Fellow Taoist Lan, there is no need to persuade me!"

Xu Mu still shook his head with a firm attitude.

"I don't know how to praise!"

A person following Chi Feiyan said coldly, but Chi Feiyan glared at him before turning his head to the side in disdain.

"The people below can't speak, don't be surprised, Fellow Daoist Xu!"

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Chi!"

Xu Mu didn't take it seriously.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, the road from here to Liyang Sect is very dangerous. Without the protection of the foundation period, it will be difficult for you to get there. I begged my father for this opportunity for a long time before he agreed. If you just give up like this , what a pity!”

Chi Feiyan reluctantly persuaded him again.

She still valued Xu Mu's talent for alchemy.

Xu Mu smiled and said, "I appreciate Fellow Daoist Chi's kindness, but I have my own plans, so I won't bother Fellow Daoist Chi!"

"Oh well!"

Seeing that Xu Mu could not be persuaded, she said nothing more.

She felt that by doing this, she had done her best.

"Fellow Daoist Chi, I have a heartfelt request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"


Chi Feiyan's guard couldn't help but snorted again.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, please speak!"

Chi Feiyan was quite polite.

"I want to buy a map to Liyang Sect from you!"

"This is good!"

Chi Feiyan hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Finally, he returned to the place where his family was, and found someone who didn't know who he was, and got a map drawn on animal skin.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Chi! I don't know how many spiritual stones I need?"

Xu Mu took the map and looked happy.

"Forget it about the spirit stone! It's not worth much, just treat it as a farewell gift to fellow Taoists!" Chi Feiyan said generously.

"Thank you very much! If I have the opportunity someday, I will repay you generously!"

Xu Mu took his three daughters and left.

"A generous reward? Humph! I guess I have to wait for the rest of my life!"

The guard couldn't help teasing him again.

This time, Chi Feiyan said nothing.

"Miss, why are you so nice to him? He's just an ordinary second-level alchemist!" Another guard said with some confusion.

"There are some things you don't know!"

The reason why she is so polite is not only because she values ​​the other party's talent, but also because the poison in the family ancestor's body can only be relieved by the Chalcedony Pill for the time being. Although they have grabbed a lot this time, there is one more person who can refine the Chalcedony Pill. An alchemist is always prepared.

But since the other party was unwilling, she didn't waste any more words.

It’s a worthless map and it should all be a good relationship!

In fact, deep down she admired Xu Mu's actions!

Although being rational makes her feel a little stupid!

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go back! See if we can recruit two more casual cultivators who are in the late stages of Qi training to join us!"

Chi Feiyan didn't explain too much and led the two of them back to the Chi family's team.

"Yan'er, where is the alchemist you recruited?"

Chi Yuan, the head of the Chi family, who was carrying a long sword and discussing matters with the other two families, saw Chi Feiyan walking towards him and asked.

Standing next to Chi Yuan were Luo Hun, the head of the Luo family, and Lu Yi, the head of the Lu family.

Both of them also looked at Chi Feiyan.

"I've met Uncle Robert, I've met Uncle Lu!"

Chi Feiyan first saluted the two of them, and then said: "I told him that I could only bring two people with me, and he left if he didn't agree!"

"Humph! It's really not a compliment!"

Chi Yuan snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

"He's just an ordinary alchemist. Why should niece Yan'er bother to recruit her? Many of us in the Lu family are proficient in alchemy. If you need anything, just ask my Lu family! After all, we will all be a family from now on!"

Lu Yi, who was wearing a long-sleeved robe and full of elegance, said with a smile.

After hearing Lu Yi's last words, Chi Yuan's face changed slightly, but Chi Feiyan looked calm and said a faint thank you.

At this time, Luo Hun said: "I think it's almost time. Let's get ready and set off! If we wait for the Soul Refining Sect to arrive, we will be in trouble!"

Thinking of the methods used by the Soul Refining Sect to control ghosts, several people couldn't help but feel their hearts skip a beat.

They have already developed a shadow in their hearts!


Neither Chi Yuan nor Lu Yi had any objections. They also wanted to leave early. They nodded and went back to organize their teams.

After separating from Chi Feiyan, Leng Yuening looked at Xu Mu with bright eyes, as if she was meeting him for the first time.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, there is really no need for you to give up this opportunity for our mother and daughter!" Lan Shijin said with some regret.

Although she was also very moved by Xu Mu's actions, she couldn't eat as much as she was moved.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, don't think too much, and don't be embarrassed. I have my own plans, and it's not all because of you two!"

He is more concerned about his own safety, and at the same time he is relatively confident in his own strength.

But Lan Shijin sighed in her heart.

She didn't believe Xu Mu's words, she just thought that the other party was comforting her and didn't want her to feel psychological pressure.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

Could he be—

Lan Shijin looked back at her daughter.

I shook my head mentally.

Although it is very common in the world of immortals to have wives and concubines, she does not want her daughter to be a concubine in the past.

Of course, if the other party is in the foundation building stage, let’s talk about it differently.

In the future, we should try not to let our daughter get too close to each other to avoid problems.

Lan Shijin thought to herself.

"Ms. sir, where are we going now?" Ye Yingying asked.

There was no sad expression on her face because she could not join the foundation-building team. Instead, she looked at Xu Mu with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

This kind of self-sacrifice for righteousness is indeed easy to move!


Just as Xu Mu was about to speak, Zhang Shouren, who was not far away, squeezed through the crowd and waved to him again.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, do you want to join our team?"

Zhang Shouren extended the invitation again.


This time Xu Mu did not refuse and nodded.

His strength may be sufficient, but his survival experience in the wilderness may not be as good as that of a mid-stage Qi-training person who often enters the wilderness.

So I thought about finding a team in the early stage to get used to it, and then depending on the situation in the later stage, I would consider whether to go alone.

Most of Zhang Shouren's team is made up of acquaintances, so it's perfect to join them.

Although the more people there are, the easier it is to attract monsters, but it shouldn't be a big problem in the early stage. After all, the monsters have been hunted to death on the outskirts of Baihe Forest long ago, and the real danger is five hundred miles away.

"Great! Come on, let me introduce you to the leader of our team!"

Zhang Shouren smiled and took Xu Mu back to the team, found Zhou Chong, and prepared to introduce him to Xu Mu.

"Lao Zhang, when did I agree to let him join? We don't care if others don't want it!" Zhou Chong said jokingly.

As soon as these words came out, several people's faces suddenly looked a little ugly.

"In that case, I'll take my leave!"

Xu Mu was not angry either. He cupped his hands, turned around and left with the three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Xu! Hey! Fellow Daoist Zhou, can't you be accommodating? Fellow Daoist Xu and Daoist Lan..."

Zhang Shouren wanted to save him again, but unfortunately Zhou Chong didn't give him face at all.

"Old Zhangtou, who do you think you are? You still have the nerve to plead for others. If I didn't see you as pitiful, do you think I would let you join! And you're bringing a scumbag!"

Zhou Chong looked at the young man next to Zhang Shouren with a look of disgust on his face.


Zhang Shouren's old face turned green and red.

Zhou Chong said this, which directly made him feel ashamed, and there was no place for his old face.

"In that case, I won't hold back Daoist Fellow Zhou anymore!"

Zhang Shouren, who was embarrassed and shameless, gritted his teeth, took his grandson and left with fists in his hands, and chased after Xu Mu.

Zhou Chong didn't care at all about Zhang Shouren's departure, with a disdainful sneer on his face.

The addition of Xu Mu and Lan Shijin will indeed increase the strength of their team, but it will also be troublesome to start.

Soon after, cultivators from the three major families released dozens of small airships, and several people rode on one. At the same time, they lifted into the sky and turned into streams of light, which quickly disappeared into the sky.

Only the dumbfounded casual cultivators were left!

Want to follow behind and take advantage...


The frightened birds flew over the heads of everyone.

Stupid people! I don’t know how to ask for further reading! Just add more updates for everyone! Everyone, I'm sorry to trouble you!

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