"I've met the leader!"

After thirty years, Xu Mu once again met Qingyunzi, the head of Qingyun Sect.

For monks like them, thirty years has just passed by in a blink of an eye, and now that they meet each other, they don't feel strange at all.

"When you first started, I knew that your talent was extraordinary, and now it seems that it is indeed the case! To be able to win the first place in the competition with your cultivation in the middle stage of becoming a god, you are really a teachable child!"

Qingyunzi stroked his beard and said happily.

When such a genius appears in the sect and there are successors, he is naturally happy.

"Congratulations to senior brother for recruiting such a good disciple!" Qingyunzi said to the great elder with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

The great elder stroked his beard, feeling greatly relieved.

"This is your reward this time!"

Qingyunzi placed a storage bag in front of Xu Mu.

"Thank you, Master!"

Xu Mu bowed to thank him, and then put away the storage bag without checking it. As the leader of a sect, Qingyunzi could not deduct such a small thing from him.

"I have also spread the news about the Yunding Cave in the back mountain. You can enter it to practice with confidence. If you have any questions about your practice, if your master is not free, you can come and ask me." Qingyunzi said with a smile.

Xu Mu thanked him. Of course he would not actually come to ask about the other party. These were just polite words.

The cave where the leader is located is not on the back mountain, but on the Yunhua Peak in the middle. As the leader, the place where the leader lives is naturally the area with the strongest spiritual energy, and the cave on the back mountain is second only to the front.

Xu Mu has been here for so many years, so he naturally knows this simple information.

Although the place where he originally lived was rich in aura, it was definitely not comparable to the back mountain. Now that he had won the first place in the sect competition, he was qualified to open a cave in the back mountain.

After bidding farewell to Qingyunzi, Xu Mu left Ziyun Peak and flew towards the back mountain.

There is more than one peak in Qingyun Gate, and the same is true for the back mountains. The Ziyun Peak that Xu Mu went to is one of them.

The Qingyun Sect is very large, with countless disciples, but there are not many real core members. In addition to the headmaster and the great elder, there is also a second elder, a third elder, and a fourth elder.

The first elder has only one disciple, Xu Mu, the second elder has one disciple, the third elder is a husband and wife team and has only two disciples, and the fourth elder has no disciples.

The entire sect adds up to five disciples.

Of course, there are also some handymen and outer disciples, but they are not considered formal disciples and cannot participate in the sect competition.

Not long after Xu Mu left Ziyun Peak, he came to a mountain range. The mountains were not tall, but the aura was very rich.

The back mountain is the place with the strongest aura here.

Soon, he came to a cave.

Yunding Cave!

He read the three characters on the stone tablet.

The opening was wide enough for two carriages to pass side by side.

Xu Mu stepped into the cave with his sword!

"This is your residence! You can practice with peace of mind!" the great elder said, pointing to a side hall.

"Disciple understands!" Xu Mu bowed and responded.

After the great elder told Xu Mu a few words, he left the cave.

Xu Mu walked to the side hall alone.

The side hall is not shabby. There are all kinds of elixirs, magical tools, and spiritual stones used for cultivation. Even the beds are prepared, and they are all made of top-quality spiritual wood.

In addition, there are some handyman disciples helping to clean the cave.

"Senior brother! Please tell me if the master wants me to come here to practice. Do I need to make any preparations?" Xu Mu asked a handyman disciple.

The handyman disciple took a look at Xu Mu and saw that he was the disciple that the master had specially told to take care of. He said enthusiastically: "The master has already told me, you just need to practice with peace of mind! The spiritual energy here is very rich, but Spiritual energy also has levels. This Yunding Cave is a blessed land cave, which can transform the nearby spiritual energy into the purest spiritual energy. So you only need to open the air sea in your hand and inhale the surrounding spiritual energy into your body."

Xu Mu nodded in response.


When cultivating, monks will inhale spiritual energy into the body, forming a sea of ​​​​qi in the body. The spiritual energy is constantly precipitated and compressed in the sea of ​​​​qi, and eventually transformed into the purest true essence.

However, air seas also come in different sizes.

The average person's Qi sea is only the size of a fist, but some people with outstanding talents have a Qi sea the size of a watermelon or even larger.

The speed and efficiency of converting spiritual energy into true energy are also related to the sea of ​​​​qi.

The larger the air sea, the higher the conversion efficiency!

However, Xu Mu has reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation. His Qi sea cannot be the size of a fist, it should be the size of a watermelon!

What the handyman disciple said was true!

Practicing in a place with strong spiritual energy can indeed greatly improve the efficiency of cultivation.

However, Xu Mu did not practice immediately. Instead, he made the bed and took out two Taoist robes that he had never worn before from the storage bag.

One priest's robe is white and one is gray.

These two Taoist robes are both magic weapons!

Although Qingyun Sect is a small sect, as the head disciple, you can receive two magic weapons every year.

He just started this year, so he hasn't received the magic weapon yet.

Although he now has a sword, the sword needs to be nourished with true energy and cannot be used for a long time.

So he planned to refine these two magic weapons as quickly as possible so that he could use these two magic weapons.

Both magic weapons are first-level magic weapons!

Although it is the lowest level magic weapon, it is enough for Xu Mu, a rookie in the middle stage of becoming a god.

He wore the white magic weapon on his body and the gray magic weapon was tied to his left hand.

Then he came to the outside of the side hall. A dozen servant disciples and outer disciples had gathered in the square outside the side hall, and they were all cleaning the cave.

"I've met Uncle Xu!"

More than a dozen handyman disciples and outer disciples all saluted Xu Mu.

Xu Mu has just entered the profession this year, and his seniority is higher than these handyman disciples and outer disciples, so they all call him uncle.

"Hello everyone! It's been a hard day these days!" Xu Mu said with a smile.

"It's not hard work! It's not hard work! It's our duty to serve the sect and our uncle!"

A dozen handyman disciples and outer disciples all said respectfully.

Although they are handyman disciples and outer disciples, they also have their own dignity and pride.

They know that they are part of a sect, and as long as the sect becomes stronger, their status will increase.

Therefore, although they are not inner disciples, they feel extremely proud and proud whenever someone calls them uncle.

"Uncle Master! This place has been cleaned, you can move in!" A handyman disciple said to Xu Mu.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work!"

Xu Mu said with a smile, and then entered the side hall.

The side hall was very quiet, he was the only one.

He walked to the bed, sat down cross-legged, and then opened his Qihai.

Immediately, a strong spiritual energy gathered from all directions, and soon gathered into his sea of ​​energy.

He closed his eyes and remained still, allowing the spiritual energy to settle and compress in the sea of ​​air.

Time passed little by little, and the spiritual energy became more and more pure in the air sea.

A few hours later, he opened his eyes and breathed out a breath.

“This Yunding Cave is truly extraordinary!”

He thought to himself, and then stood up from the bed.

He was going to visit Qingyunzi and several elders on Yunhua Peak.

Although he has become the head disciple of Qingyun Sect, he has not yet met Qingyunzi and the elders.

According to the rules, he needed to first visit the headmaster and then visit the elders.

Ever since he became famous, people came to visit him in his cave every day. Some of them came to give him gifts and wanted to ask him for something.

Some of them simply came over and invited him to drink and dine with him.

In the process, he also became involved with the talented disciples of the sect.

Faced with a mid-stage god-transformation disciple like him with unlimited future prospects, everyone naturally didn't mind dealing with him and deepening their relationship.

More than ten years of such lively days passed in a hurry.

Xu Mu then settled down and concentrated on practicing and improving his cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, another 100 years have passed, and Xu Mu's cultivation has been successfully promoted to the late stage of divine transformation, and his magical powers have improved by leaps and bounds.

The sect competition was held again, and this time he was almost defeated. No one dared to look down on him anymore. Many disciples, seeing that the gap in strength was too big, simply gave up.

Xu Mu once again obtained the right to use Houshan Cave Mansion and received many rewards.

But this time, before he could cultivate safely, he was summoned by the sect. At the same time, several of the top ten disciples, including Qi Lingzi, Ye Mingkong, and Lin Qiyue, were also there.

"I have called you here this time because I have something to tell you." The leader Qingyunzi said: "We, the ten sects of the human race, have united and are preparing to summon young disciples to enter the secret realm of the abyss to experience. We will be accompanied by refiners from various sects. Elders of the virtual realm, you can rest assured! Do you have any opinions?"

Xu Mu and others looked at each other and nodded.

Although this kind of power is dangerous, if it is watched by masters of the sect, it is usually a near miss, and it must have huge benefits. Otherwise, who would do such a thing, there is no reason not to agree.

"In that case, you should go back and prepare. We will set off in a month."


Xu Mu and other Qingyun Sect disciples bowed their heads and left, each going down to prepare.

A month later, everyone took the Qingyun Sect's flying boat magic weapon and headed to the meeting place of the ten sects, preparing to participate in the abyss experience.

"Junior brother, what is the origin of your abyss?" Senior sister Lin Qiyue, who had always been cold and cold, suddenly came to Xu Mu and asked.

Xu Mu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Senior sister, I am new to the sect and I don't know the origin of this abyss."

Lin Qiyue nodded slightly, as if she had expected him to say this, and continued: "I once heard Master mention that this abyss is a small interface, created by the self-destruction of a true fairyland power who fell thousands of years ago. Formed by a space storm."

What a wonderland!

Xu Mu felt as if his mind had been hit by a heavy hammer, and he was in a daze.

He never expected that the death of a true fairyland power would form a small interface, and they would enter this small interface for training.

"It is said that the powerful man in the True Immortal Realm was an unparalleled demon. When he was about to fall, he forcibly opened a space crack and left his Taoism and inheritance there."

Lin Qiyue said, a look of longing flashed across her face, and Xu Mu naturally saw it.

"Senior sister, are you interested in the relics of that powerful man from the True Immortal Realm?" he asked.

"Yes! If we can obtain the inheritance and Taoism of that powerful man from the True Immortal Realm, it will definitely improve the overall strength of our Qingyun Sect." Lin Qiyue said, a hint of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes: "This is also the order given by the leader. The reason why I’m waiting to participate.”

"So it turns out that the senior sister and the leader have good intentions." Xu Mu understood, but at the same time he was also a little confused.

Lin Qiyue glanced at him, as if she was a little confused as to why he had such an expression, but she didn't ask any more questions and just said calmly: "During the training process, everything must be obeyed by the masters' arrangements."

"Yes, senior sister."

Xu Mu nodded in response, but he was thinking that this matter might not be that simple.

Even though thousands of years have passed, the remains of a true fairyland powerhouse are still not something they can easily obtain.

He even suspected that there might be many dangers in the ruins.

However, these are not too big a problem for him.

Half an hour later, Qingyun Sect's flying boat magic weapon arrived in a huge valley.

Disciples and elders from the other nine sects in the realm of refining the void have already gathered here.

Qingyunzi walked over with Xu Mu and other Qingyunmen disciples.

Soon other people came over to say hello. After a few polite words to each other, they began to discuss many matters about entering the secret realm of the abyss.

The headmaster and the great elders had already discussed these matters, so it didn't take much time.

As more and more sects gathered here, some people with ulterior motives began to make moves.

Some sects deliberately stir up trouble and want to offend other sects before entering the secret realm of the abyss, so that they can have no worries in the secret realm.

However, Qing Yunzi, the head of the family, naturally wouldn't buy it. He would tolerate it when he should, and when he shouldn't, he would teach him a lesson directly.

Although the Qingyun Sect is a low-level sect, it still has its foundation, and under the leadership of Qingyunzi, it is not that easy to bully.

After some thunderous tactics, the disciples of those sects became much more honest.

After waiting for two full days, we finally discussed many matters regarding entering the secret realm of the abyss.

Ten elders in the realm of refining the void worked together to open the space channel and prepare to enter it.

Xu Mu stood at the back of the team, looking at the talented disciples from various sects in front, feeling somewhat excited.

He knew this was his chance to make a name for himself!

Once he gets some treasure or opportunity in the secret realm of the abyss, he will have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

The Abyss Secret Realm is a small interface. Although it is not as vast as the spiritual world, it is not comparable to ordinary interfaces.

The space passage soon opened, and a dark space crack appeared in front of everyone.

The leader, Qingyunzi, was the first to step into it, followed closely by the elders of other sects and those talented disciples.

Xu Mu also stepped into it.

The moment Xu Mu stepped into the secret realm of the abyss, an ancient and vicissitudes of atmosphere hit his face, as if he had returned to hundreds of millions of years ago, feeling the glory and power of this small interface.

The scenery around him kept changing, and the originally dark space passage gradually became brighter.

There is chaos in the secret realm of the abyss. There is no sun or stars in the sky, only rolling clouds and mist and the vast void.

The ground is also desolate. Endless years have eroded this land to devastation. Broken ruins, ancient statues, and broken weapons are scattered everywhere, testifying to its former glory.

Not far away, a huge palace came into view. Although it has gone through many vicissitudes, its former majesty and glory can still be seen. Countless ferocious beasts and evil spirits roamed around the palace, roaring and hissing from time to time.

Xu Mu took a deep breath and felt the rich spiritual energy and law power in this small interface, and became even more excited.

He knows that in this small interface, only through continuous experience and growth can we have greater opportunities and hopes.

He quickly glanced at the surrounding environment and found that genius disciples from other sects had begun to disperse, each investigating the situation in this small interface.

Xu Mu knew that this was also an opportunity, so he immediately used his body and light skills to fly away into the distance.

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