Longevity starts from having a daughter in old age

Chapter 52: Killing the Foundation with One Sword

The valley is long, the clear springs are clear, and the mountains are green!

The two giant wolves, each as tall as one person and with green manes all over their bodies, were drinking water by the stream with their heads down.


After one of the green wolves drank the water, he looked up to the sky and howled loudly. All the birds, fish and insects within a radius of a hundred meters were frightened and fled.

The other green wolf raised its head and got close to the other one. The two animals locked arms with each other for a moment, then left the stream and ran towards the southwest.

The two beasts had fierce postures, but they were silent when they landed, as if they were not stepping on the ground, but on the air.

He leaped several feet away with his four hooves, his whole body was surrounded by green light, and his speed was as fast as two green streams of light.

Run for a while.

The two beasts stopped suddenly.

A figure wearing a blue robe just rushed out from opposite them.

Six eyes facing each other!

Both humans and beasts were stunned for a moment.

The next moment, the man turned around suddenly and flew away in the other direction.


One of the taller green wolves recognized his enemy, roared loudly, jumped up, and chased after the figure.

Another green wolf also hurriedly chased after him.

The three of them, one in front and two behind, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Fortunately, I took the initiative to attack. Otherwise, if these two fourth-level monsters attack at the same time, even if I survive, the others will definitely die!"

Xu Mu felt happy in his heart.

The wind whistled in his ears. Facing the pursuit of two fourth-level monsters, Xu Mu didn't have much panic in his eyes.


He jumped, nimbly dodged the wind blade coming from behind, turned around fiercely, clasped his palms together, and several ferocious fire dragons emerged at the same time, biting at the charging giant wolf.

Green light appeared under the green wolf's feet, stepping on the void, dodging the flying fire dragon with great agility, and swooped down, instantly closing the distance between the two.

The bloody mouth opened wide, and he pounced again, biting directly.

Xu Mu's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a long sword as white as frost suddenly appeared in his gloved right hand.

The sword blade was filled with cold light, layers of white mist surrounded it, and the air temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees.

The fifth-level spiritual weapon - the Ice Soul Cold Chi Sword!

Xu Mu held the spirit sword in his hand and advanced instead of retreating, rushing towards Qing Lang.

The unique aura of the spiritual weapon made Qing Lang's pupils shrink slightly.

However, facing the charging Xu Mu, Qing Lang also showed a humane sneer on his face, as if he had expected it.

Green light bloomed all over its body, quickly entangled and condensed, and instantly turned into a set of thick wind armor covering the whole body.

This is an ability that it has never used before. It is obviously deliberately hiding its clumsiness, hoping to win by surprise at a critical moment.

"Do you think this thing can stop me?"

Xu Mu's eyes were sarcastic, his heart was beating violently, and his body began to expand as if he was blowing air. His muscles were all knotted, and his veins were bulging. He stamped his feet violently, and the ground shook violently. The ten-foot-wide earth cracked like a spider web.

With the power of his feet, Xu Mu flew forward and slashed. The thick air was torn apart, and a white vacuum force field appeared under the long sword.


The air exploded like thunder!

Thunder Swordsmanship - Thunder Style!


The wind armor on Qinglang's body, which could withstand an ordinary foundation-building attack, was instantly torn apart by the sword that cut out the vacuum.

The sharp blade penetrated the flesh and blood, the sword flashed, and a man and a wolf passed through the air.

The green wolf landed on the ground, staggered a few steps forward, then with a thud, landed headfirst on the ground.

Click, click, click!

Layers of blue frost spread from the wound, quickly freezing half of Qing Lang's body.

Xu Mu handed the Ice Soul Cold Chi Sword to his left hand and raised his eyes to look at the other green wolf, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The one he killed was the green wolf that had been causing trouble for him, and the remaining smaller one was the helper called by the other party.


Facing Xu Mu's gaze, the other green wolf retreated slowly, and took one last look at the fallen body of its companion. With a look of fear in its eyes, it whimpered, turned around and dived into the jungle, and quickly disappeared.


Xu Mu was speechless.

I thought there would be a hard fight.

Although the sword struck just now was extremely powerful, his arm was also injured by the force of the shock. The entire arm had at least three bone fractures, which was equivalent to being useless.

If the remaining green wolf fights against him, even if he wins in the end, it will definitely be a miserable victory.

"Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately! Very good!"

Xu Mu grinned and quickly put away the Ice Soul Chi Sword.

Not to mention that he didn't wear gloves on his left hand, even with gloves on, it was uncomfortable to hold the Bingpohan Chi Sword.

Looking at his right hand again, the gloves Leng Yuening helped him sew had all exploded.

"It looks like I'll have to trouble Miss Yuening to sew another one after I go back!"

At first, he wanted Lan Shijin to help sew, but Leng Yuening took the initiative and seemed to be pretty good at it.

He took off his gloves and was about to throw them away, but accidentally saw a small moon character sewn on them.

He smiled and put it into his storage bag.

Take out a Huiyuan Pill and drink it.

Xu Mu held the sword in his left hand and quickly peeled off the green wolf's fur, cut the body into pieces, and put them all into the storage bag.

Monsters in the foundation-building stage are full of treasures. As a frugal person, how can you waste them?

After cutting the body into pieces, Xu Mu kept a piece and used the fire-bending technique to bake it.

No seasoning is added, just eat it immediately after baking.

The green wolf's meat is very chewy, almost like rubber, but Xu Mu's teeth have grown, and his chewing power is even more amazing. He can crush even iron, let alone rubber.

When the animal meat enters the abdomen, it immediately turns into a billowing stream of heat that flows throughout the body, just like taking a panacea.

"It is indeed the monster meat of the foundation-building period!" Xu Mu sighed.

Compared with it, the meat of the third-level monster beast is more than ten times worse.

Feeling the surging energy in his body, Xu Mu was not polite and immediately began to add more points to his thunder sword skills.

With the help of the improvement of thunder swordsmanship, the bone fracture in his right arm was healed.

Finally, it stopped when Thunder Swordsman reached Grandmaster; 20/3200.

He took out a breath-seeking talisman, activated it, and turned it into light. He rolled up a wisp of breath and flew into the distance. He jumped forward and followed the breath.

The cut grass will naturally take root, but he doesn't want to be stared at by another green wolf.

It doesn't matter to him, but it would be bad if he hurt his wife and children.

The light formed by the breath-seeking talisman finally stopped in front of a cave, disintegrated into dots of light and disappeared.

The keen sense brought about by the blood transfusion allowed him to detect the aura of the green wolf in the cave.

"Huh? What does this feel like?"

In addition to the green wolf's breath, Xu Mu also felt a sense of coolness.



The aura emanating from the entrance of the cave made him feel like he was in a spirit gathering array.

"Is this a spiritual vein?"

Monsters don't know how to arrange formations. There is only one explanation for having such rich spiritual energy, and that is that there is a spiritual vein hidden here.

"As expected of a foundation-building monster, it really knows how to choose a place!"

Even Xu Mu was a little jealous.

Living on the spiritual veins is equivalent to staying in the spirit gathering array all the time, and as long as no major damage is done, the spiritual veins will not dry up, but will continue to grow. It is definitely an excellent place to build a family.

"It's a pity that this place is too remote, otherwise it would be a good place for retreat!"

Judging from the richness of the spiritual energy, this is just a miniature spiritual vein, and it is not worth his stay.

Xu Mu kneaded the magic formula with his hand and condensed several flame shields around him. Then he added a protective technique, activated the defensive magic weapon, and then walked in carefully.

The cave is not deep, so after walking a few steps and turning a corner, you can see the whole thing inside.

On the ground covered with cattails, six young wolves with green-gray hair lay, each about the size of a wild dog.

On the edge of the cattail grass, there are white bones piled into a hill.

There are bursts of spiritual energy in the cave, it is cool and comfortable, and there is no stinky smell.


Seeing Xu Mu coming in, the six wolves immediately stood up from the cattail grass, dropped the bones in their mouths, and growled at him with bared teeth.

“I didn’t expect there was still a nest!”

Xu Mu grinned without any mercy, the sword in his hand flashed, and all six young wolves, which were comparable to first-order monsters, were killed.

After putting the body away, I looked around and found a few storage bags, but I didn't know which ones belonged to the unlucky ones.

Apart from these there is nothing of value.

Xu Mu, who was a little regretful, was about to leave.

In the pile of bones, a slight "chichi" sound suddenly came out.

Xu Mu raised his hand to summon a fire dragon and blasted away the pile of bones.

A young wolf covered in dirt and skinny as a stick appeared.

Not only was this young wolf stunted, it was half the size of the other young wolves. Its hair was still rare white, and its eyes were strangely red.

"Mutated monster?"

Xu Mu frowned.

Among the monster race, some strange mutants are occasionally born. Some may be powerful, while others may be born with flaws.

Because of their different looks, this mutant species is often rejected by the group and has a hard time growing up.

The one in front of him was obviously rejected. He was buried directly under the skeleton and was about to starve to death. His breath was so weak that even Xu Mu couldn't feel it.

Xu Mu raised his long sword and originally wanted to kill it, but suddenly thought of Xiao Ling'er.

The little girl likes small animals very much. She chases Ouyang Ying's flaming rat every day. Maybe she will like it if she catches this cub back.

Xu Mu put his finger to the mouth of the white wolf cub.

The white wolf cub glanced at him feebly. Instead of looking ferocious like the other wolf cubs, he stretched out his pink tongue and licked his finger.

"You look very smart!"

A smile appeared on Xu Mu's face.

If this guy dared to bite him, he would never stay.

Being so docile, there is a good chance it can be tamed.

If you get the beast-controlling skills in the future, you might be able to train them into beast-controllers.

Xu Mu picked up the white wolf, stuffed a Bigu Pill into its mouth, then took out a clean sheet and patted it on its body, cleaning off the dirt all over its body.

The cleaned white wolf, apart from being too thin, is covered in white fur and looks quite cute.


After eating the Bigu Pill, the white wolf regained a lot of energy. He chirped softly and rubbed his head against Xu Mu's arm, showing his closeness.

"Not bad! Not bad! Xiao Ling'er should like it!"

Xu Mu laughed, hugged the white wolf and left the cave.

After searching around the area and failing to find another green wolf, he could only return with the white wolf first.

He was worried that something might happen to someone if he stayed out for too long.

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