Longevity starts from having a daughter in old age

Chapter 82 Advanced Foundation Building

The elixir is swallowed into the belly and turns into a steady stream of magical power that penetrates the limbs and bones.

As the power of the medicine continued to dissipate, endless magma seemed to flow into the body.



The skin all over his body was burned red, and every inch of flesh and blood on his body felt painful, numb and itchy.

It was subtle at first, but soon became more and more intense, as if there were countless termites gnawing inside the body.

It feels like it penetrates the bone marrow!

pain! pain! pain!

Xu Mu knew for the first time that foundation building was so painful.

"I took the top-grade Foundation Establishment Pill and it was so painful. How will the monks who took the low-grade Foundation Establishment Pill endure it?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Xu Mu's head.

What Xu Mu didn't know was that it was precisely because he was taking the best foundation-building pill that he was in such pain.

Building the foundation is a process of cleansing the marrow, changing the meridians, and reborn.

Originally, due to his extraordinary body refining skills, his body had no impurities in his body. If he took low-grade foundation-building pills, he could easily break through.

The effect of the top-grade Foundation Establishment Pill was far superior to that of the low-grade Foundation Establishment Pill, and it cleared out the deeper impurities in his body.

This deeper cleansing, which goes beyond the ordinary marrow cleansing of the I Ching, is naturally extremely painful.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long, otherwise it might really collapse.

As the body's purification is completed, the spiritual power in the body surges out from the Dantian like ignited gunpowder and begins to circulate in the meridians.

The red crow screamed, flew out of Xu Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and actively poured into the spiritual power.

The spiritual energy in the room began to gather, turning into wisps of white mist, wrapping Xu Mu like a cocoon.

A drowsy feeling, like soaking in a hot spring, appeared in Xu Mu's consciousness.

If it was the transformation of the body just now, now it is the transformation of spiritual power and soul.

The spiritual power is transformed into a liquid state, and the soul is born with divine thoughts.

Under normal circumstances, this transformation takes at least three months, or half a year.

Xu Mu naturally couldn't wait that long.

He resisted the strong sleepiness and took out another top-quality foundation-building pill and drank it.

The elixir melted, and the speed of transformation suddenly accelerated.

"not enough!"

Xu Mu took the first pill again.

Then the third one, the fourth one, the fifth one!

Seeing that the elixir was used up, Xu Mu no longer resisted sleepiness, his expression became calm, and his consciousness gradually fell into the deepest state of emptiness and darkness.

I don’t know how long time has passed.

It seems like a moment!

It seems like years!

Xu Mu slowly woke up from his deep sleep, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and slowly opened his eyes. There seemed to be a flash of light in his pupils as deep as abyss.

There was a look of confusion on his face, and his consciousness was still in a hazy state, as if he had had a big dream, everything was just flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

It took a long time before I came back to my senses from this daze of neither sadness nor joy.

The spiritual power that has turned into a liquid state in the body is running slowly all the time. The whole body, the inside and outside are integrated and integrated into one body. When walking, stopping, sitting, and lying down, there is a feeling of satisfaction.

His consciousness also became extremely clear, and all kinds of inspirations appeared in the flash of his mind.

Many long-lasting memories, like yesterday's experiences, appear clearly in my mind.

Close your eyes, an invisible force spreads out, and everything around you comes into your mind, vividly.

"This is the divine will! It is indeed much more useful than my original perception! Unfortunately, this training room is engraved with a formation that blocks the divine will, so it cannot test the limits of my divine will!"

Feeling a little regretful, he withdrew his spiritual thoughts and only enveloped himself.

With a flick of his finger, a black flame appeared with a pop.

The scorching flames contain terrifying power.

"Huh? Has the true fire in my body also broken through?"

Seeing the color change, Xu Mu's mind moved, and the red crow flew out of his body.

No, it should not be called Red Crow now, but should be called Mo Crow.

The red crow, which was originally as red as blood, now turned pitch black, with wisps of black flames burning and rolling on its body.

A powerful coercion from the soul emanates from its body all the time.

The four completely dark eyes seemed to swallow up a person's soul just by looking at them.

With this breakthrough, not only did his own strength greatly improve, but even the beast soul experienced a qualitative leap, and the flames he controlled reached the level of black flames.

"With my current strength, even if I don't use sneak attacks, I can easily kill the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment!"

Xu Mu thought to himself.

After adjusting to the physical improvement, he opened the system to check.

[Name: Xu Mu]

【Lifespan: 64/287】

[Realm: One level of foundation building; 841/2000]

[Kung Fu: Mastery of Red Spirit Technique; 1866/3200]



The master of the fourth level Foundation Building Pill; 100/2.56w, the third level Xuanyuan Dan is perfect; 1008/3200, the second level Chalcedony Pill is perfect; 76/1600, the first level Qi Gathering Pill master; 389/1600, the first level Bigu Pill is perfect ;761/800,


First-level master of light body art; 71/3200, first-level master of invisibility art; 2/3200, perfect first-level wind blade art; 18/800, proficient in first-level water mirror art; 102/400...


Thunder swordsmanship is extraordinary and holy; 0/0, proficient in the six moves of Qingjiao; 215/800

supernatural power

Perfect Fire Control; 6341/6400, Proficient in Crow Cry; 627/1600, Proficient in Flame Wings; 534/1600, Proficient in Soul Devouring; 812/1600]


Mastery of 108 Yin and Yang Tongji styles; 2921/10000

[Achievements: Seven achievements in total, you can get 100 luck points every day]

[Luck value: 5381]

Seeing that his life span had been increased by 87 years, Xu Mu was extremely excited.

He cast a spell and condensed a water mirror.

Inside was an extremely young face, probably in his early twenties at most, with a heroic appearance and a high-spirited look. He also had an unspeakable majesty that made people feel awe.

"Fortunately, I'm not getting younger and younger. I don't want to become a child!"

Xu Mu joked.

In fact, at his level, he can completely control the changes in his body. As long as it is not too exaggerated, he can completely change from youth to middle age or old age.

Looking at the system column by column, Xu Mu was suddenly stunned when he saw the remaining luck value column.

"That's wrong! After adding alchemy skills, I should only have about two thousand left. Why is there still so..."

He seemed to have thought of it, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

He quickly picked up the formation token and contacted the monk in charge of renting the house. After confirming the time, Xu Mu's face became extremely bitter.

Thirty-two days! !

The body's transformation took a full thirty-two days!

Compared to other practitioners, this is very fast.

But at this time, he just missed the opening of the space crack again.

In other words, he has to wait another month.


I originally thought that after taking five top-quality foundation-building pills, the transformation would be completed in ten days and a half at most, but I didn't expect that it would still take so long.

"If I had known earlier, I would have refined a few more!"

Things had happened, and he could only sigh in his heart.

After tidying up his body, he used the formation token to notify the monk in charge and took him out of the practice room.

There was still the elegant young man in front of the counter.

Although a month has passed, he still seems to remember Xu Mu.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist for breaking through the foundation building stage!"

After noticing the fluctuations in Xu Mu's cultivation, the young man showed a look of surprise.

It was not uncommon for him to see people who broke through the foundation-building stage in seclusion here, but this was the first time he had seen someone who could complete their transformation in just one month.

"Fellow Taoist, thank you!"

Xu Mu smiled and cupped his hands.

After sixty years of hard training, I finally made a breakthrough. It was impossible to say I was unhappy.

Originally, when I was alone in the room, I just felt excited. But now when I was touched by someone, I felt as cool as eating iced watermelon in the summer, and my whole body felt comfortable.

In fact, it was because he deliberately released his aura and showed it off that the young man noticed it.

After all, he is not a saint without desires, and it is inevitable that he still has a little bit of a desire to show off.

After paying the rent, the other party returned the remaining spirit stones to him, and then he said: "May I ask fellow Taoist Mu, have you joined any sect or force?"

"I'm used to being idle, so I didn't join in!" Xu Mu said with a smile.

The young man's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "I wonder if fellow Taoist would be interested in joining our Four Seas Immortal Palace?"

"Generally, cultivators have to learn new exercises when they reach the foundation building stage. We are from the Four Seas Immortal Palace and I dare not say anything else, but the number of exercises is definitely the largest among the three major forces!"

"As long as you pay a little spiritual stone, you will definitely be able to choose the technique that you want!"

"And among the three major forces, only our Four Seas Immortal Palace has the least restrictions on its members. It is just suitable for Taoist friends who like to be unfettered and idle monks!"

"This!" Xu Mu hesitated for a moment, then said, "You can still think about it!"

He was not surprised by the young man's solicitation.

The Four Seas Immortal Palace is a very loose and large organization.

It is indeed not binding in itself, and there are no strict regulations.

However, there are numerous factions inside it, large and small.

In order to increase the power of their own faction, they will continue to recruit idle practitioners to join.

Not to mention that Xu Mu is in the foundation building stage, even if he is in the Qi training stage, as long as he shows his willingness to join, there will still be people who come to win over him.

It's just that his status is not as good as the young man in front of him.

Although the young man in front of him looks young, his strength is not weak at all. Xu Mu can feel that the opponent is only one step away from breaking through the middle stage of foundation building.

And to be able to be in charge of a place like the training room, where people make a lot of money every day, the faction behind it is probably extraordinary.


As he spoke, the young man took out a jade talisman from his storage bag and handed it to Xu Mu, smiling: "Here, Long Ye, this is my identity jade talisman. If you want to join us in the Four Seas Immortal Palace, fellow Taoist, please bring it directly." Just take this jade talisman and report to the branch in the city!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Mu took the jade charm, said goodbye and left.

After coming out, he went directly to Yahang, which rented a house in the city, and spent six middle-grade spiritual stones to rent a house for a month. He planned to take advantage of this time to refine more Foundation Establishment Pills, and wait for them to go back to Liyang. City sales.

Although the price of foundation building pills in Zhufeng City is also very high, it is still much lower than that in Liyang City.

He currently has limited spiritual stones, so he naturally wants to maximize profits.

"If there is no problem with that space passage, I can be a happy man in the future!"

I won’t write about my achievements to avoid being criticized.

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