Li Yangcheng

Qinghuai Lane

late at night!

The stars in the sky were dim, and the whole city was immersed in haze. The southern city, which used to be brightly lit, seemed particularly quiet at this time.


A beam of green fire suddenly shot into the sky in the northern corner of the city, and the whole city instantly became lively.

There were crackling explosions of magic spells, clanking sounds of magic weapons, screams, wails, roars of practitioners, and weird laughter coming from nowhere.

Just like a play about to begin, characters appear on stage one by one, turning the quiet night into a lively one.

"The lunatics from Tongyou Sect are here again! Damn it!"

A disciple of the Liyang Sect who was in charge of patrolling, looked at the flames burning in the distance, and angrily punched the locust tree next to him.

The few leaves on the locust tree were knocked off by the shock, making it look even more miserable.

"Don't worry! The elders from the gate will be there soon to deal with it. We just need to keep an eye on our own area!"

Yu Heng, who had a heavy look on his face, patted his junior brother on the shoulder to tell him not to get too excited.

During the recent period, every late night, there would be members of the Tongyou Sect who had transformed into ghost cultivators and wreaked havoc in the city.

This group of people relied on ghost cultivators to fight if they could, and run away if they couldn't. The entire Liyang Sect was in a state of distress, but there was nothing they could do.

Now the only thing they hope for is that Patriarch Tianhe will deal with the Yuanying Ancestor of Tongyou Sect as soon as possible, so that he can be free to help them clean up these scattered ghost cultivators.

Looking around, the monks living nearby have all activated the defensive formations arranged in their homes. Those who have not arranged any formations have also activated the defensive talismans posted on the walls.

Yu Heng sighed softly in his heart.

According to the news he heard, the disciples of the Tongyou Sect who were transformed into ghost cultivators were all at the foundation-building stage, and all of them were very powerful.

These defensive measures alone are, to be honest, just a psychological comfort.

The effect may not be as good as an evil-repelling charm, or an evil-repelling charm.

However, recently, the prices of talismans such as evil-proofing talismans and evil-repelling talismans, which can resist spirits, have skyrocketed. Even if they want to buy them, they may not be able to buy them.

Yu Heng prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that no ghost cultivators would target them so that they could spend the night safely.

It lasted for more than an hour. As a large number of Liyang Sect elders flew out of the mountain gate, the fighting in the city gradually showed signs of calming down.

Just when Yu Heng and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, wisps of faint gray mist had already surrounded them unknowingly.

A strong feeling of sleepiness suddenly surged into his heart. Yu Heng shook his head desperately, but to no avail.

"what happened?"

Before Yu Heng could figure out the situation, a member of the patrol team beside him suddenly fell to the ground with a thud.

"There are enemies!"

Yu Heng suddenly woke up. He shouted and immediately released his magical weapon, a fiery red diamond circle.

Plop! Plop!

Despite his reminder, the patrol members around him were still falling down one after another. The two who barely took out the magic weapons were also staggering, looking as if they were drunk and had no fighting ability.

"This is my newly acquired psychedelic technique! It seems to be quite effective! Jie Jie!"

A sinister sound, like a drake's throat, floated slowly from the darkness.

Yu Heng braced himself hard and wanted to control the magic weapon to attack, but found that his mind was completely out of control. The spiritual power mobilized in his body was also obscure and abnormal. The steel ring of the magic weapon beside him flickered and swayed, let alone flying out to attack. Nowadays, even maintaining it is a bit difficult.

"Stop holding on! You are no match for me!"

An old man shrouded in black mist, seemingly incorporeal, with only a strange blood-red face showing, slowly floated out of the darkness.

A cold breath emanated from the bloody-faced old man. He laughed coldly, and his eyes were full of desire for food.

"Don't worry! I will make your death less painful! Jie Jie!"

The black mist turned into a long arm and grabbed at Yu Heng who was still resisting desperately.

Yu Heng felt increasingly dazed, as if his soul was about to fly out of his body.


The other party's methods were too secretive, and they didn't even have time to send out a signal. When the elders found out, they would probably have to help them collect the corpses.


A clear dragon roar suddenly rang in Yu Heng's ears. His already dazed spirit suddenly sobered up a lot. He looked up and saw a flaming dragon roaring towards the old man of black mist.

"Damn it! Where did the foundation building stage come from?"

The old man Black Mist cursed angrily, but had to retract his arm and mobilize Black Mist to resist.


The two collided, and the black mist dispersed a lot. The fire dragon also dispersed, revealing a red flying sword with mysterious runes shining all over it.

The flying sword let out a soft cry, turned the sword, and shot the sword light towards the old man of black mist again.

The old man of black mist released the black mist to resist for a few times. After realizing that he could not take it down immediately, he immediately escaped underground without hesitation.

The long sword blasted a big hole in the ground, but there was no trace of the opponent.

Finally, the long sword turned in a circle and flew into the sky. A figure wearing a blue robe just flew over. The long sword quickly shrank and got into his cuff.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!"

Yu Heng, who barely regained some energy, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to thank him.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. Is it possible that fellow Daoist Yu doesn't recognize me?" The visitor fell from the sky and laughed.


Yu Heng raised his head in confusion and looked at the other person's face. The next moment, his eyes could not help but widen with shock on his face.

"Are you Xu, fellow Taoist Xu?!"

"That's right!"

"Damn it! The Liyang Sect should have all been attracted by senior brothers and the others during their foundation building period. Why is there still one here? It's really unlucky!"

The figure of the black mist old man emerged from the ground and said unhappily.

Originally, he wanted to capture a few Liyang Sect disciples to replenish his soul power, but now it seems that he can only find a few ordinary casual cultivators.

"Just wait! Sooner or later, I will make you lose your soul!"

The old man of black mist snorted coldly, and was about to pass through the nearby courtyard wall, but suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart that he was being watched. He was alert in his heart and turned around sharply.

A strange crow with four eyes and a body burning with black flames was standing on the wall looking at him.

Without waiting for the old man to react, the crow slowly opened its mouth.



Yu Heng, who was reminiscing with Xu Mu, heard the crow and immediately looked not far away, but found nothing unusual.

I wondered if the effect of the spell just now had not disappeared.

At this time, Xu Mu said: "Fellow Daoist Yu, I'm in a hurry to go home and have a look, so I won't talk to you any more!"

"Senior Xu, go ahead and do your work! I will visit you in person tomorrow!"

Yu Heng looked extremely respectful.

Regardless of whether the other party was lucky enough to succeed in foundation building, it was an indisputable fact that the other party was a great monk in the foundation building stage.

When facing a great monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, even if he is a sect disciple, he must show enough respect.

When Xu Mu's back disappeared, several members of the patrol team started talking with envy on their faces.

"I remember Xu, Senior Xu was only practicing the seventh level of Qi when he first moved here. I didn't expect that he would be able to build the foundation in a blink of an eye!"

"Yes! At that time, I thought he was too old and had no hope in this life! I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it!"

"After advancing to foundation building, not only will your strength greatly increase, but your lifespan will reach more than two hundred years. You will truly reach the sky in one step. From now on, Senior Xu will no longer be in the same world as us!"

"Oh! It's really annoying to compare people to each other! He was still being polite to us some time ago!"

Everyone was envious and a little downcast at the same time!

Obviously they are disciples of the sect, and they are obviously more talented, but when facing the foundation building stage, they still feel that the other party has already completed the advancement.

"Okay! Stop talking! If it's not good for Senior Xu to hear it! If Senior Xu can advance, it's an opportunity! You can't force this kind of thing. As long as we continue to work hard, we may not have no chance in the future!"

After hearing what Yu Heng said, everyone recovered a little.

Led by Yu Heng, several people continued to patrol nearby. News about what had just happened and Xu Mu had been passed to the sect through the jade talisman.

It is estimated that someone will come to visit tomorrow and invite Xu Mu to join the sect.

On the other side, Xu Mu, who was walking towards the door of his home, suddenly stopped. The next moment, a crow with flapping wings flew over from the darkness and landed on his shoulder.

"This will bring you great luck!"

Looking at Mo Ya, whose aura had become stronger, Xu Mu couldn't help but laugh.

For other people, they would naturally avoid ghost cultivators, but for beast souls that can swallow souls, it is the best tonic.

After taking Mo Crow into his body, he didn't go far when the door of his house came into view.

Sensing spiritual thoughts.

In the house, Ye Yingying, Lan Shijin, Leng Yuening, Xu Ling, Ouyang Ying, Zhang Shouren, Zhang Yu, Bai Lang, three little guys, and two little maids were all safe and sound. Among them, Lan Shijin's cultivation level , has broken through the seventh level of Qi training, and both Ye Yingying and Leng Yuening have also improved a lot.

In fact, he had already seen it when he first came back, otherwise he would not have the leisure and elegance to save Yu Heng and others.

He walked to the door and knocked.

Bang bang!


"it's me!"

The door opened slowly, and a group of people were still in the defensive formation. After seeing Xu Mu coming in, everyone was very excited, except Lan Shijin who looked nervous.

"Ms. sir!"

Ye Yingying wanted to break out of the formation and throw herself into Xu Mu's arms, but was held back by Lan Shijin.

"Don't get excited! Have you forgotten the rumors in the city? The aura on his body is wrong. He is probably a ghost cultivator!"

As soon as Lan Shijin reminded her, Ye Yingying reacted immediately, her excitement dissipated, and her eyes looking at Xu Mu became suspicious.

Others also became suspicious.

Only Xu Ling sat on Bai Lang's head, looking at the nervous people, scratching her little head, not understanding.

This is obviously daddy!

Seeing everyone's appearance, Xu Mu touched his nose and was speechless.

It was probably because he broke through the foundation building and his spiritual pressure became much stronger that Lan Shijin misunderstood him.

The formation in front of him naturally couldn't stop him, but he didn't need to forcefully destroy it. With a flash of his eyes, he had an idea.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, I remember leaving a spiritual bird egg at your place before I left. I wonder if it's still there?" Xu Mu said with a smile.

"Spirit bird eggs?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at Lan Shijin in confusion.

He wondered if it might be some kind of powerful alien egg that was placed at Lan Shijin's place and asked her to help hatch it.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lan Shijin's fair face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This bastard actually said that kind of thing in front of so many people.

She gritted her teeth, feeling ashamed and annoyed, and said coquettishly: "Of course! If you don't eat it later, see how I deal with you!"

After saying that, he untied the formation and went back to the house angrily.

Everyone was confused by the two of them, but since Lan Shijin had unlocked the formation, there was no doubt that Xu Mu in front of them was real.

"Mr. sir! Have you advanced to the foundation building stage?"

Ye Yingying threw herself into his arms, looked up at his cheek and asked.

Everyone in the yard looked at Xu Mu, and Lan Shijin, who had already walked into the house, couldn't help but stop.

Although everyone felt the powerful spiritual pressure from him that was only available in the foundation building stage, they still weren't sure until Xu Mu personally admitted it.

That was the foundation building period!

A realm that many qi cultivators dream of!

Except for Leng Yuening who had some hope, no one else even dared to dream about it.


Xu Mu smiled and nodded.

Ye Yingying burst into tears with excitement.

"I knew...I knew my husband would be able to do it!"

Sorry everyone, I may not be able to do three updates in the next few days. Today I have symptoms of itchy throat and headache. I don’t know if I am infected! If not, keep going, if yes, I’ll fill it in for you later! Bow and apologize again!

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