Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 14 He should learn to go with the flow

"One, two, three..."

"Oh my god, fifteen dead!"

He Ergou smacked his lips and counted, looking frightened.

"There should be more than that..."

Chu Mu was silent for a moment before uttering a few words.

"I didn't count wrong, it's fifteen..."

He Ergou stopped talking halfway.

At this moment, the two people's eyes were fixed on the same place.

At the exit of the mine, another group of inspectors came out of the mine carrying corpses wrapped in straw mats.

After the shock, He Ergou seemed to come back to his senses and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Where did the accident happen? Why didn't I hear any noise?"

As he said that, He Ergou ignored Chu Mu and walked towards the group of inspectors, obviously preparing to inquire about the news.

Chu Mu stayed where he was and had no intention of following him. Instead, he turned and went to the canteen.

This is certainly not because Chu Mu is not curious about the scene in front of him. Chu Mu simply feels that with He Ergou's big mouth, if he really gets the news, it will probably spread throughout the inspection station in the time it takes to eat.

In this case, why should he bother to think about it? It is better to have a quiet meal.

And the fact is just as Chu Mu thought. He Ergou's boasting voice sounded in the canteen just after he finished the meal.

Chu Mu glanced at He Ergou, who was arm in arm with a patrol inspector at the door of the canteen. Looking further away, he could also vaguely see that a patrol inspector was carrying corpses down the mountain.

The boasting voice was clear and clear, and it also outlined a complete vein in Chu Mu's mind.

"Mine accident? The No. 6 mine cave of Yizi collapsed?"

Chu Mu couldn't help but look at the team carrying corpses down the mountain again.

In one morning, dozens of lives were lost quietly...

"If this happened in the previous life, it would probably have been reported to the heavens..."

Chu Mu pursed his lips and looked around the inspectors in the canteen. The canteen was not too big. Square wooden tables were neatly arranged, and about a hundred inspectors sat together in groups of three or two.

Dozens of lives obviously did not cause any fluctuations. It seemed that there was just one more thing to chat and brag about... That's all.

Chu Mu ate his food with big mouthfuls, without thinking about it anymore, and didn't want to think about it anymore. The values ​​and outlook on life in his previous life seemed to be somewhat incompatible with this era.

In this world, he felt that he should learn to go with the flow.

A fairly rich meal cost only three coppers, which can be said to be extremely cheap. At least, in Nanshan Town, except for the canteen of the inspection office, there is no other place to find such cheap and delicious food.

There is no free time after dinner. The system of one person per job means that if you want to be lazy, you have to be lazy in your own job.

Working one person per job day after day may be boring and even unbearable after a long time.

But for Chu Mu at present, it is still quite good.

After all, compared with the miserable working social animal in the previous life, the current job of inspection can be said to be too comfortable.

Supervising and being supervised, guarding and being guarded, this is undoubtedly the difference between heaven and earth.

Moreover, the people who are supervised and supervised are quite conscious.

After eating a few cheap steamed buns, the corvées consciously picked up their own tools and started working in the mine like worker ants in an ant colony.

Dozens of lives, not only did not fluctuate during the inspection, but also seemed to be the same in corvée.

Chu Mu still leaned against the bare tree, but what he held in his hand was no longer the long knife hanging on his waist, but an enlightenment book.

The brand new book has become a little old after several days of flipping through it, and the corners have even curled up.

It has been several days since Chu Mu entered the private school. Although he only took time to go to the private school to learn to read and write after work, he has barely recognized a hundred characters in several days.

Of course, among the hundred characters he knows, at least sixty or seventy are still limited to recognition, or rote memorization.

Although the characters in this world are completely different from the Chinese characters in the previous life, Chu Mu found that in many aspects, the characters in this world are quite similar to the Chinese characters in the previous life after learning.

This similarity does not refer to the similarity of fonts, but the similarity of the composition structure of characters, such as homophones and homonyms, and the characters of this era are the same.

This similarity undoubtedly makes Chu Mu's learning difficulty almost straight up.

One homophone and homonym after another can make Chu Mu very upset.

Chu Mu even feels that if he does not use the "Spiritual Blessing", he will probably have to pay another half year of tuition after half a year.

Holding the book in his hand, Chu Mu read slowly and reluctantly, just comparing the words in the book with the words in his mind over and over again, reviewing the old and learning the new.

If he wanted to read at the beginning just to get rid of the hat of illiteracy, then after seeing his team's real kung fu, Chu Mu undoubtedly had a new motivation to read.

Although he was still uncertain about the connection between literacy and martial arts, Chu Mu still understood the principle that more skills are better than less.

Chu Mu flipped through the book slowly, and his original standing posture leaning against the big tree slowly turned into sitting under the tree as time passed.

At this time, the benefits of the inspection and enforcement system of one carrot and one pit were undoubtedly revealed.

Unless there was something beyond the daily routine, no one would bother Chu Mu.

Other inspectors would not bother Chu Mu, and the corvée laborers would not bother him.

As for the noise of labor in the mine, Chu Mu just took it as a way to exercise his concentration.

It took almost half an hour to finish reading the thin enlightenment book. Chu Mu held the book, closed his eyes and recalled it carefully for a long time before closing it.

Looking around the mine in front of him, Chu Mu habitually recited in his heart, and the light curtain panel emerged.

There is no doubt that after more than half an hour of concentration, the "Spiritual Brilliance Value" has increased a lot, and it is one step closer to the 100% limit.

"If you want to study, you can take it slowly. At most, you have to pay more money. The swordsmanship cannot be neglected. The majority of the Spiritual Brilliance Value should be placed on martial arts..."

Looking at the "Spiritual Brilliance Value" on the light curtain panel, Chu Mu thought silently.

Perhaps it was because he had not yet completely adapted to this era, or perhaps it was because he had seen how cheap life was, which always gave him an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Especially, he was still wearing the skin of an inspector.

While thinking, Chu Mu couldn't help but look at the open space not far away where his team was practicing martial arts.

After a moment, Chu Mu still shook his head secretly. If the original owner's father was still there, maybe he could make a plan.

He was a newcomer and hadn't even figured out this inspection station. If he wanted to get in touch with real kung fu, he really couldn't find a way in a short time...


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