Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Zhi, who was fighting with the eight family heads, was furious.

The fifth prince was the first genius of the Xuanyuan imperial family and the heir to the next emperor. If the fifth prince died here, he would not only fail this time, but also have faults, and he would not be able to explain to Emperor Xuanyuan at all.

"You are looking for death!"

Xuanyuan Zhi's eyes were bloodshot. At this moment, he didn't care about the rule that the Gu King could not attack the younger generation. After knocking one person away, he flew towards Long Xuan like crazy.

"Hehe! Where are you running! The strongest man in the Xuanyuan Empire actually wants to attack a younger generation. Do you still want to save your old face?"

The head of the Jiang family stopped him in time and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha... Is the fifth prince dead? Good death, wonderful death! The fifth prince died in your hands. Now I see how you will explain it when you go back."

Seeing the fifth prince being killed, the head of the Han family was very happy and laughed loudly.

"You are looking for death! Die!"

Xuanyuan Zhi lost his mind in anger, and his offensive increased by another three points. Xuanyuan Zhi, who was in a crazy state, made it difficult for the eight family heads to resist for a while.

Although there were eight of them, their strength was weakened under the influence of the Xuanyuan formation, so how could they be Xuanyuan Zhi's opponents.

If Xuanyuan Zhi had not been sure of defeating them, he would not have said that he would challenge the eight of them alone.

Xuanyuan Zhi, who was in a furious state, quickly opened a gap, but he seemed to have regained his sanity at this time. He did not rush out of the encirclement to attack Long Xuan, but instead released a clone, which rushed out of the encirclement and immediately killed Long Xuan.

His original body stayed to continue to deal with the siege of the eight family heads. Perhaps in his opinion, it was not necessary for him to take action himself to deal with a junior in the Spiritual Sea period.


Seeing Xuanyuan Zhi's clone suddenly flying towards him, Long Xuan's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but burst out a swear word, and he was completely uncalm at this time.

This is a clone of a peak Gu King, how could he contend with it at present.

"How can you kill someone casually and attract a Gu King Peak!" Long Xuan cursed in his heart.

He didn't have time to think about it at this time. He subconsciously took Xiaobai out of the insect breeding bag, used Xiaobai's slow field to limit the speed of the Gu King Peak, and used Xiaobai's acceleration field to increase his own speed, and ran away at the fastest speed.

Running is the only thing he can do at the moment. The opponent is a Gu King Peak, and he can't fight hard.

Seeing that his speed suddenly dropped sharply, Xuanyuan Zhi couldn't help but be stunned.

Most of the abilities of Gu worms are ineffective against those at a high level. The ability of this Gu worm can actually affect him across the realm, which really surprised him.

Then he showed greed in his eyes. This ability to greatly limit the opponent's speed is simply a magical skill in his eyes.

The ability in the world is only fast and invincible. If the speed is not enough, you can only let the opponent slaughter you, and don't even think about touching the opponent's hair. He knows the importance of speed too well.

At this time, he has already had a lot of interest in the Gu recipe of this Gu worm and has the desire to snatch it.

"Boy, your Gu worm can not only slow down the enemy, but also speed yourself up. With this increase and decrease, most Gu Kings really can't catch up with you!"

"It's a pity that you are unlucky to meet me. I, Xuanyuan Zhi, am best at speed. It's your bad luck to meet me today!"

Xuanyuan Zhi sneered, and suddenly a pair of thunder wings appeared behind him. Driven by the thunder wings, he broke through many obstacles and chased after Long Xuan's back at a very fast speed. The distance between the two began to close.

Long Xuan looked back and frowned. He was anxious in his heart. He didn't expect that Xuanyuan Zhi was actually a speed-type Gu King. That would be a big trouble today.

Once this peak Gu King could catch up with him, it would be a dead end for him.

He looked at the Baili Talisman in his hand with hesitation.

As long as he tore up the Baili Talisman, he could escape, but he would not have the opportunity in the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum. How could he be willing to do that?

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he really didn't want to waste this Baili Talisman, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity in the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum.

Should I use the Gate of Life and Death again? A terrible idea came to his mind, and he quickly shook his head and gave up this crazy idea.

Once the Gate of Life and Death was used, he would be seriously disabled, even if he could hurt Xuanyuan Zhi, so what? He couldn't even think of dealing with the danger in the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum with a half-disabled body, so he might as well just use the Baili Talisman and run away.

Seeing Xuanyuan Zhi's ferocious face getting closer and closer to him, Long Xuan's expression became calmer.

At this time, he had another bold idea in his mind, which could definitely break the situation, but it was too dangerous to realize it, which made him hesitate for a while.

The idea that suddenly came to his mind was a brain hole in a novel in his previous life. Although the opposite attributes repel each other, it does not mean that they cannot be integrated together.

Such as water and fire, light and darkness, earth and wind, these attributes are difficult to coexist, but if they are integrated together, they will produce infinite destructive power.

It's not that the opposite attributes can't coexist, but because the power generated when they are fused together is too huge, and it is extremely difficult to merge. This kind of power is difficult for humans to control.

Then his mind came up with it. Heavenly fire and heavenly water are opposites. What will happen if they are fused together?

As soon as this idea came up, he couldn't stop it, and couldn't help but feel frightened.

He couldn't help but shiver, and his soul was trembling at this moment. Even he was frightened by what he suddenly thought of, and his face turned pale.

If I really want to make such a thing, will I be killed by the explosion? There is no doubt that this is a forbidden technique and it is very dangerous to use.

But seeing the hideous face behind him getting closer and closer to him, Long Xuan's eyes began to become more and more crazy, and devilish thoughts could not stop arising.

"Damn it! At this critical moment, how can I care so much!"

Long Xuan gritted his teeth and finally released the devil in his heart, throwing the Baili Fu in his hand into his mouth. Once the experiment failed, he was ready to bite the Baili Fu immediately and run away directly. He would never plan to take the treasures in the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum again.

He was not sure whether his idea could really be realized in this world, nor was he sure whether he had the ability to perform it if it was theoretically feasible. The Baili Fu in his mouth was his retreat after the experiment failed.

Long Xuan's eyes were fierce, and he finally stopped hesitating. A ball of violent flames suddenly rose from his right hand, and a splash of water suddenly rose from his left hand, releasing a heart-pounding energy.

He took a long breath and slowly brought the sky fire and sky water together.

"Heavenly Fire! Heavenly Water! You actually possess both Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water at the same time! How is this possible?"

Seeing him release Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water at the same time, Xuanyuan Zhi's pupils shrank and his eyes showed disbelief.

Both Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water are rare in the Gu world, and most people will hardly see one in their lifetime.

Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Fire cannot coexist. Except for the old ancestor Fentian, no one can subdue the two Heavenly Fires at the same time. Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water, which are naturally opposed, are even more unlikely to coexist. It will be more difficult and more dangerous to force them to be stored in the same body.

This person actually possesses Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water at the same time in his body, which surprised him greatly.

He didn't have time to be greedy for these two things. When he saw this boy's hands slowly approaching, intending to merge Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water together, he suddenly showed a look of horror and couldn't help shaking all over.

"Fuck! What are you doing? Can that thing be fused together? Stop it!"

"Crazy! Crazy! You're fucking crazy!"

Seeing this crazy move, Xuanyuan Zhi was so scared that he cursed and his face turned pale.

Needless to say, once the sky fire and sky water are fused together, whether it succeeds or fails, it will definitely produce infinite destructive power.

He didn't dare to guarantee whether he could withstand this destructive power.

Seeing that the sky fire and sky water were getting closer and closer in this boy's hands, they began to fluctuate violently, and the energy became extremely unstable. He gritted his teeth and increased his speed by another three points, saying that he would stop it no matter what.

This place is surrounded by the Xuanyuan formation, and the space is too small. Once this thing explodes, everyone here will be affected.

Their Xuanyuan royal family has sent 10,000 elites in it. Once most of the 10,000 elites are lost due to the explosion of this thing, the Xuanyuan royal family will be severely damaged, which will trigger a series of chain reactions. The consequences are simply unimaginable. He, the leader, has no face to meet the Xuanyuan emperor.

He was completely anxious at this time, with a ferocious face, chasing forward at all costs.

At this time, Long Xuan in front showed a madman's smile, and his smile became more and more crazy.

At the moment when the sky fire and sky water were about to collide, he actually saw the progress.

What does this mean? This shows that his brain hole can be realized in this world, and the sky fire and sky water can really be merged together in this world.

But the sky fire and sky water are both synonymous with destruction, and have the power to destroy the world. It is easy to imagine how difficult it is to merge these two things against the sky.

It was originally difficult for someone to successfully merge the sky fire and sky water for the first time, but once there is progress in this process, it will be much easier.

Once the progress disappears, it means that he made an error in the operation, and he can adjust it in time. He can test the energy ratio of the sky fire and sky water at a very fast speed.

By cheating, Long Xuan may really succeed in merging the sky fire and sky water for the first time.


The sky fire and sky water finally collided with each other, making a muffled sound like thunder, and his hands began to tear and bleed.

The power of the Skyfire and Skywater was so huge that they seemed to have seen their natural enemy and began to release their power uncontrollably. The aura of the Skyfire and Skywater began to rise step by step, as if they were competing for supremacy.

The energy fluctuations of the Skyfire and Skywater began to become more and more palpitating and chaotic. They were on the verge of losing control, as if they were about to cause an uncontrollable disaster at any time.

Under this terrifying power, even Long Xuan, who had amazing defense, could not bear it and his hands collapsed in an instant.

Resisting the severe pain in his hands and biting his teeth fiercely, Long Xuan used the progress prompt to slowly merge the Skyfire and Skywater at all costs.

Not long after, the space around him began to distort.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Zhi's face turned pale, and his eyes slowly showed horror.

The Skyfire and Skywater were actually slowly merging under the control of this boy. The powerful force generated could actually distort the space. He was shocked and could not believe his eyes.

He could not imagine what kind of destructive power this thing would produce once it exploded.

"You lunatic! Stop it now!" He roared angrily.

"Hurry up and throw that thing away, it's going to explode!" In the distance, Qin Mingyue's face was pale and she shouted anxiously.

"Hahaha... wonderful! I didn't expect that Tianhuo and Tianshui could really be fused together. The fusion product is simply a work of art!" Long Xuan laughed crazily, like a lunatic who had lost his mind. How could he even listen to it? What people say.

He ignored the severe pain in his hands and used all his strength to suppress the Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water which were already on the verge of losing control.

Finally, the sky fire and the sky water completely merged together, slowly forming a purple energy ball, releasing a heart-stopping power.

Infused with the continuous power of Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water, this purple energy ball is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The energy of the purple energy ball became more and more unstable, as if it was about to lose control at any time. Long Xuan felt as if he was holding a bomb that was about to explode at any time, which made him turn pale. This madman finally knew that he was afraid.

"Did you succeed? The power produced by the fusion of sky fire and sky water can actually distort space, so let's call this trick the Jade of Distortion!"

Long Xuan showed a crazy smile, and suddenly he spat out blood, with a look of pain on his face. Obviously, the price he had to pay for creating such a terrifying thing was also not small.

At this time, the twisted jade in his hand had expanded to the size of a millstone, and he could no longer suppress the power that was about to get out of control.

A twisted jade of such a size has already reached the limit of its size and is about to reach the edge of losing control. If it gets bigger, it will soon explode in his hands.

Everyone has turned their eyes here, looking at the energy body the size of a millstone, with fear in their eyes, and the fighting has even stopped in many places.

Xuanyuan Zhi's face was even more frighteningly pale, his lips were trembling, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

He understood that this boy had truly succeeded in fusing the Heavenly Fire and Heavenly Water, which was an unprecedented feat. Who knows how destructive this thing would be, and there was no way he could stop it at this time.

"Little friend! I'll let you go. Quickly get rid of that scary thing in your hands!" Xuanyuan Zhi's face turned pale and he shouted anxiously.

However, this thing could not be dispersed by Long Xuan if he wanted to. At this moment, the Twisted Jade was completely out of control in his hands, and he could not do anything to stop it even if he wanted to.

Feeling that the Twisted Jade was about to explode, Long Xuan was instantly frightened. With no time to think, he turned around and threw the Twisted Jade the size of a millstone behind him.

The twisted jade made a beautiful arc and headed straight for Xuanyuan Zhi behind him.

At this moment, the space suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of the wind disappeared.

A heart-stopping force spreads across the space.

Xuanyuan Zhi's face turned pale, and even the hairs on his hair stood on end at this moment.

He was chasing too fast, and the distance between the two was already very close. This distance was no longer enough for him to avoid large-scale explosion damage.

"You lunatic! Once this thing explodes, you won't be able to survive!"

Xuanyuan Zhi stared at Long Xuan with his eyes fixed on him and roared angrily. He couldn't think about it anymore and subconsciously crossed his arms to protect his head.


Long Xuan shouted and finally detonated the Twisted Jade. At the same time, he bit the Baili Talisman in his mouth.

He was not sure how powerful the explosion of the Twisted Jade would be, and he was not very confident that he would be able to withstand the impact of the Jade of Destruction.

For the sake of his own life, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to give up the treasures in the Cangyue Emperor's Mausoleum and the Heavenly Spirit Tree in the Cangyue Emperor's Mausoleum.

He left the green hills without worrying about having no firewood, so he decided to drop a bomb here and leave.

However, surprises were everywhere. When he bit into the Baili Talisman, he found that he was still standing still. He couldn't help but look confused, as if he thought of something, his expression soon changed drastically.

Only then did he realize that anything that could interfere with space could render the Baili Talisman ineffective.

The reason why he named this move the Jade of Distortion is because it can distort space.

At this time, the surrounding space has been distorted. In this case, it cannot be teleported using the Baili Talisman.

"Oops! We're in big trouble!"


The next moment, the twisted jade detonated in the space, making an earth-shattering noise.

Under this loud noise, Long Xuan felt deafened in both ears, and a bright light flashed in front of him, completely losing his vision. He roared angrily: "Water bear Gu! Hold on!"

The next moment, Water Bear Gu's ability was operating to the extreme in his body, and the Tianmeng Soul Armor on his body shone brightly, constantly resisting the damage of the Twisted Jade.


Long Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his soul armor instantly shattered under the impact of the explosion.

The terrifying power ruthlessly destroyed his body.

Under the impact of the explosion, his whole body flew straight away.

Fortunately, his body had been refined by heavenly fire, and his physical strength was already inhuman. Plus, with the blessing of the immortal power of the water bear Gu, even though he was seriously injured in an instant, he was not instantly blown to pieces by the twisted jade.

He is lucky, but others are not so lucky.

The one closest to him was Xuanyuan Zhi, and the one who suffered the most damage was also Xuanyuan Zhi.

Under Long Xuan's control, the direction of the explosion of the Twisted Jade was toward the rear, and he only withstood a small part of the overflowing power.

However, even if he only withstood a small part of the power of the Distortion Jade, he was already half disabled. What would happen to Xuanyuan Zhi who had withstood the full power of the explosion.

Xuanyuan Zhi let out a sharp scream, and his whole body was quickly evaporated by the impact of the explosion, leaving not even ashes behind.

However, it was only Xuanyuan Zhi's clone that caught up. Xuanyuan Zhi's body was far away from the center of the explosion, so the power of the explosion had been greatly weakened when it reached him.

But even so, he spat out blood with the eight heads of the families who besieged him, and flew out under the impact of the explosion, and was severely injured in an instant.

This group of strongest people was so far away from the center of the explosion, and it was still like this, not to mention the minions with lower realms around them.

At this moment, everyone in the Xuanyuan formation, no matter how far or near, was hit by the crazy impact of the twisted jade. The terrifying power swept the world, and the earth shook. I don’t know how many people in the formation were blown to pieces in an instant.

Those who were farther away spat out blood and flew out, hitting the barrier heavily.

The barrier flickered wildly under the impact of the explosion, and it was constantly twisted. In an instant, it was full of cracks, as if it would break at any time.

But in the end, the Xuanyuan formation was better and forcibly blocked the rush of the twisted jade.

The energy in the formation gradually stabilized. After the smoke dissipated, a huge round pit was blown out of the earth, and the surrounding land was uncovered several layers.

Whether it was the 10,000-strong army of the Xuanyuan Imperial Family or the Gu cultivators of the major families, they all suffered heavy losses in this explosion, with less than 20% of them surviving, and the whole place was wailing.

Long Xuan got up from the ground in a panic, not caring about his injuries, and quickly looked around. Seeing that the surrounding barrier was full of cracks, it was not blown up after all, and his heart sank.

"Damn it, the barrier that can trap all the Gu Kings inside is really not so easy to break."

Long Xuan cursed inwardly, feeling disappointed. Now that the barrier has not been broken and the Baili Fu has been used up, the situation is very bad for him, and his most relied-upon trump card is gone.

It is obviously impossible to break the barrier and escape. Let alone whether he still has the ability to break the barrier, with his current serious injury, even if he can break the barrier, he can't get rid of the pursuit of the Xuanyuan Imperial Family Gu King.

He accidentally killed so many powerful people of the Xuanyuan Imperial Family. The Xuanyuan Imperial Family probably hates him to death, and this matter will never end well.

There was only one way in front of him now. Long Xuan looked at the few remaining robbery holes. His only way out now was to go down to the tomb.

In the explosion just now, although most of the robbery holes had been blown down, there were still a few that could be used.

According to his perception just now, the barrier protecting the core area below had disappeared, and it was obviously broken by Emperor Xin.

She broke the core area formation in time. The dangers in the core area of ​​the tomb had not been swept away. As long as she rushed in, the Xuanyuan royal family would have to think twice if they wanted to continue to hunt her down, given the dangers of the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum.

If they wanted to send a large army in, Long Xuan dared to say that no matter how many people went in, they would not be able to come out alive.

After making a decision in his heart, Long Xuan no longer hesitated and jumped into one of the robbery holes at the fastest speed and disappeared.

Qin Mingyue followed with a pale face and jumped into the same robbery hole with him and disappeared.

In this explosion, she was one of the few Linghai period Gu cultivators who was not killed.

She had just stood behind Long Xuan, and at a distance, so the explosion she endured was much weaker.

In fact, because of Long Xuan's shield, her injuries were much lighter than Long Xuan's.

At this time, everyone was stunned by the sudden explosion. The two sides stopped fighting. After the Gu cultivators of the major families who survived by chance came to their senses, they got up in a mess, and there was a look of shock in their eyes.

At this time, they didn't have time to be shocked. After realizing their current situation, their hearts sank, and they quickly thought about countermeasures. In the end, they all made the same decision as Long Xuan, and chose a stolen hole to jump in and disappeared.

Obviously, they had also noticed that the barrier in the core area of ​​the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum had been opened.

In this way, running underground was no longer a dead end. The Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum was extremely dangerous. In this dangerous place, even if the Xuanyuan Imperial Family had more people, they would not be able to let go and hunt them down. (End of this chapter)

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