Longevity starts with Liver Gu recipe

Chapter 87 In-depth development of Gu insect abilities

However, Long Xuan only sat there for a short while before he took the Dung Beetle back to the medicine garden in Dashi Village with a livid face. Even if he traveled by stepping on the star, it would still be a waste of half of his time.

There is no way, Mr. Long's place is simply a big pit, bare and without a single formation.

Therefore, the nearby Long Gu cultivators can sense what he is doing with their soul power, and can also see what he is doing with the Evil Dragon Emperor Eyes.

What is the difference between this and taking a bath in public? He felt as if he was being stripped naked and being watched by everyone.

Especially after learning that Mr. Long had become a third-grade alchemist, powerful souls would sweep over him from time to time, stay on him for a moment, and watch what he was doing openly, unscrupulously, intently, and without concealment.

There are even creditors who come directly to disturb them physically. There is no formation to stop them. They have unimpeded access to Long Lao's territory and run rampant, as if they are in an uninhabited land.

Long Xuan was completely numb.

Is this a big deal?

If this recipe for liver poison were given here, it would be completely exposed. Goldfinger is his biggest secret. How dare he stay in this place anymore?

So he turned dark and ran away that night.

Returning to his big medicine garden, it was finally completely safe, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's still quiet here, and it's safer to stay at home than anywhere else.

Long Xuan sat back in the small pavilion that was familiar to him. It was like a kind of buff came to him, and he was filled with thoughts and inspiration...

So ten days later, a low-grade Gu recipe with only a hundred ingredients was born, and Long Xuan was ecstatic.

Then he collected the materials in less than half a day, and immediately threw all the materials into the cauldron. After repeatedly loading and pouring them in and out, and observing the number of times the progress appeared, Long Xuan quickly figured out that the success rate of the Gu recipe was 12. %.

The success rate is already quite good. There are very few Gu prescriptions with a success rate of less than one tenth.

The success rate is also one of the criteria for cost-effectiveness.

After Long Xuan marked the 12% success rate on the Gu recipe, he waited patiently.

It's just a low-grade Gu worm. It doesn't take long to become a Gu. There's no need to wait for more than half a year like a top-grade Gu worm.

In fact, it also has many voodoo recipes that use less materials. Five dung beetles can make a voodoo, and the cost is astonishingly low.

But the meaning of cost-effectiveness is not that the cheaper the better, it also needs to be cheap and strong at the same time. The combat effectiveness of what you make is weak, so what's the use no matter how cheap it is?

The Gu worms made by five dung beetles are too weak to be used at all. The cost is cheap and the combat effectiveness is not strong, so it is not cost-effective.

Long Xuan must not only be cheap, but also have amazing combat power. It would be great if the combat power could exceed more than half of the Gu worms in the world. Although it is difficult, dreams must be had. What if it comes true?

Long Xuan liked to challenge the limits. He decided to try his best and push himself. He wanted to see if he could use cheap materials to create a Gu worm that surpassed most in this world.

After repeated research, Long Xuan finally concluded that one hundred materials was the optimal solution. Although the cost was slightly more expensive, it could maintain strength and be affordable to everyone. This was the best cost-effectiveness. .

He also gave his newly created low-grade Gu recipe a name, calling it Tufuzi.

The construction cost of Tufuzi is extremely low. One hundred materials are less than ten spirit stones, and with a success rate of more than one tenth, the cost price is one hundred spirit stones, ensuring that everyone can afford it.

What kind of combat effectiveness would such a cheap Gu insect have? Long Xuan was looking forward to it.

Three days later, when the progress on the cauldron reached 100%, Long Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately rushed over, quickly opened the lid of the cauldron, and looked inside excitedly.

I saw a big earth-brown monster crawling out. It poked forward lightly with its forelimbs and broke the cauldron. Then it climbed out of the cauldron generously. It turned its head and glanced at Long Xuan, and then continued. Climb forward.

Long Xuan's face turned dark on the spot, it was all money, that big cauldron was very expensive!

But looking at the behemoth in front of him, he didn't dare to approach it. This thing was too big, and it was taller than a person. He was afraid that if he approached it rashly, he would be broken by it.

You must know that this is only the size of its juvenile stage, so what will it be like when it becomes an adult? God knows how huge he will be in the future, maybe he will be able to shake mountains.

Long Xuan couldn't help but mourn for the future Long family. If this thing was promoted to the whole family, and everyone had one hand, wouldn't the Long family's soil be eaten up? Could it be that the location of the Long Family has turned into a basin?

However, just as he was thinking such evil thoughts, he saw this big guy running into his medicine garden, eating a large piece of pure land in one bite, and digging a big hole in the earth.

Long Xuan was shocked on the spot.

"What a fool! That's top-grade spiritual soil! You can't eat this, so shut up!"

Long Xuan was going crazy. He hurried over and took the risk to blood contract it. He couldn't let it continue to cause trouble, otherwise his medicine garden would be eaten up by this guy.

He put the behemoth into the storage bag with great difficulty, and finally found an open space without valuables, released it, and began to test its combat capabilities.

Long Xuan quickly figured out its abilities. Since he changed Tufuzi's eating habits and made it eat soil, it likes to bulldoze balls.

It seems that it is scared of hunger. It has evolved a natural storage space in its mouth. It can store the earth balls in its own storage space. It can hold about dozens of them. It can carry food and grass when going out, so it can eat and drink without worries. .

But is it useful to evolve this ability in a world full of dirt? Long Xuan thought in confusion.

It seems to be of some use, as it can store cannonballs and use them to hit people. After all, you don't have time to roll dirt into balls during a battle.

This is its ability, similar to the auxiliary ability of a storage bag, an ordinary ability that cannot be more ordinary.

But this is normal. After all, it is a low-grade Gu insect. It is simply impossible to have heaven-defying abilities. It is already good to have storage ability. How strong can a low-grade Gu insect be?

But Long Xuan was still very disappointed. This was not in line with his expectations, so he had to use his amazing imagination to try to develop this inconspicuous ability in depth.

However, what's so good about developing a storage capacity? Can you still put your opponent into your own storage bag?

Huh? This ability seems to be good. It is a good way to trap the opponent's Gu insects. If it can trap even the best Gu insects, it will be a heaven-defying ability.

Long Xuan's eyes lit up and he felt that this method might be feasible and he could study it.

He also thought that the biggest advantage of the dung beetle is its strength, so it would be best to give full play to its strength advantage, then let it crush the soil ball into a hard ball and throw it out to hit the enemy.

This thing can carry dozens of big earth balls with it, enough for the enemy to drink a pot, right? The power of this thing is exaggerated. Being hit by the earth balls thrown by it will not be uncomfortable at all. Being smashed to death is not an exaggeration at all.

You must know that the ball pushed out by the dung beetle is much larger than itself. Now it has been refined into a larger Gu insect. The ball is so big that it is unknown how many meters in diameter it is.

If there are thousands of soil balls thrown at the enemy at the same time, think about it. The sky is full of surprisingly large soil balls, just like meteorites falling from the sky. How terrifying is the lethality?

Once the number of Tufuzi reaches a large scale and they undergo rigorous training, they will become artillery regiments one after another, capable of carpet bombing the enemy without leaving any gaps for escape.

Therefore, the war potential of Tufuzi is very huge. Once it is popularized by the entire clan, its effect will be huge, and it is very suitable for team battles.

Long Xuan continued to think divergently. In addition to being good at throwing attacks, he should also be good at melee combat, right? What's more, the dung beetles all have a pair of large knives, although these knives are not sharp and they forget to sharpen them.

But if anyone is touched by Tufuzi's sword, who can withstand the huge force? Can't a fracture occur in minutes? Long Xuan's eyes lit up again.

Thinking about it this way, Tufuzi's combat effectiveness is really good. Of course, it is definitely far from being comparable to the top-grade Gu worms, but the low-end gangster game is already good. What else do you want to develop a low-grade Gu worm into? It has reached its limit.

But it's still not enough. Can the current level of Tufuzi surpass most of the Gu insects in this world? Doesn’t it seem like enough?

Long Xuan frowned and pondered for a long time. He felt that the current level of Tufuzi's combat power was still not enough, and it should be developed to the maximum.

Tufuzi is only strong in strength, but his shortcomings in other aspects are too serious, which is simply a fatal weakness.

For example, the body is too big and clumsy, and the agility and speed are not enough. In battle, it is a living target. No matter how powerful it is, it is useless to hit anyone.

The problem of speed and agility seems to be unsolvable. After all, the size is there, and the impact on the speed attribute is an inevitable result. How can the laws of nature be easily changed.

Since the speed is not enough, I can only pile up my defense. Others can hit me a hundred times and I will not die, but I only need to hit others once. This should be the most suitable fighting route for Tufuzi. Long Xuan's eyes flashed with light.

In fact, Tufuzi's defense is not weak, after all, it is covered with a thick carapace, but this level of defense is obviously not enough to prevent the attacks of most Gu insects.

This still requires Long Xuan to use his imagination and think of ways to further improve its defense.

So three days later, a dung beetle covered in metal armor appeared.

Long Xuan patted the iron piece on Tufuzi's body and smiled with satisfaction.

It's hard for him to think of putting armor on Gu insects.

Who would have thought that it was possible to make armor for Gu insects? It's a god-like idea, a madman's idea.

You must know that bugs are generally small in size. Smallness is a common characteristic of all bugs and a characteristic of this type of creature. So how can a young thing be wrapped in heavy metal? Is that ridiculous?

Therefore, researching armor for insects is not a reliable thing, so this idea has never appeared in this world.

However, Long Xuan's Tufuzi was surprisingly suitable for making a special set of spiritual weapon armor. On the one hand, it was large enough, had thick limbs, and had sufficient surface area to carve weapon patterns.

On the other hand, Tufuzi's strength is astonishing, allowing it to drag armors weighing countless tons into battle without reducing its speed attribute.

Due to the fusion of huge genes, Tufuzi is one of the few Gu insects that can wear armor-like spiritual weapons. By borrowing external forces to increase combat effectiveness, Tufuzi's upper limit will undoubtedly be raised to a higher level again.

If it is a set of spiritual weapons, all the attributes of the spiritual weapon are superimposed on each other, and the Tufuzi is large enough to carve enough patterns on the weapon, so there will be very little power that can break its defense.

To be more exaggerated, the formation base can be fixed on a group of Tufuzi. At that time, a large mobile formation will be formed, and the Tufuzi will become a war fortress, which is of great war significance.

Who doesn’t have a headache with a walking mountain guard formation?

With extreme defense and extreme strength, Long Xuan couldn't even imagine how terrifying this monster would be.

Of course, wearing a top-quality spiritual weapon set is too expensive and does not meet the standards of economical and affordable. Long Xuan's mission requires cost-effectiveness, which is the ultimate cost-effectiveness.

Most people can't afford spiritual weapons, so he can never use spiritual weapons. He can only use iron weapons, which are the same level of iron as mortal farm tools.

There is no doubt that the iron tools used by mortals are very cheap. Of course, the hardness cannot be compared with that of a spiritual weapon.

But if the hardness is not enough, then the thickness should be added. Anyway, Tufuzi is strong enough, so let him fight wearing a thick iron sheet.

Even if it is not as good as the best spiritual weapon set, it can greatly enhance Tufuzi's combat effectiveness. It can be said that the price-performance ratio is very high.

As for the more powerful top-grade spiritual weapon sets and mobile mountain-protecting formations, they can only be developed by wealthy Gu cultivators. He is both a low-end market and a high-end market.

Long Xuan nodded with satisfaction. He felt that this time he had almost reached his limit.

The current level of Tufuzi can kill at least half of the Gu worms in the world. This is still an extremely conservative statement and a very humble statement by Long Xuan.

Although Tufuzi was far from being a match for the best Gu insects, Long Xuan thought that he could not pick out many Gu insects that were more cost-effective than Tufuzi. You must know that his Tufuzi could use foreign objects to play with.

In terms of cost performance alone, Long Xuan boasted that his Tufuzi could definitely be ranked at the forefront of the world.

He decided to use this work for submission.

Long Xuan showed a proud smile, twisted his sore neck, and continued to take a pen to replenish his Gu recipe.

The ideas he came up with must be written on the Gu prescription. This can increase the upper limit of the Gu prescription and indirectly increase the value of the Gu prescription. Otherwise, those old guys with low imagination may not use it.

For example, artillery regiment warfare is a very deep knowledge. It is not enough to just gather together and bombard randomly. How to cover the artillery shells seamlessly is difficult. He really doesn't believe that anyone who is not a time traveler can understand artillery technology.

Finally, there was the Gu insect's transformation route. He almost forgot to write it down and hurriedly added it.

Due to time constraints, he has only discovered two transformation routes for Tufuzi for the time being.

There were faint signs of transformation when Tufuzi ate spiritual soil before, but because Long Xuan stopped him in time, the amount was not enough, so the transformation failed.

But Long Xuan is enough to conclude that Master Tu will transform every time he eats a kind of spiritual soil, and it is unknown what changes will occur after the transformation.

The second transformation route is of course eating shit.

Long Xuan found that he had failed to change the dung beetle's habit of eating excrement. It could not be said to be a failure. It could only be said that the current native master did have the habit of eating excrement, but it did not mean that he would stop eating excrement completely.

Now it eats dirt when it encounters dirt, and eats shit when it encounters shit.

Therefore, it ate chicken manure from Brother Chicken and showed signs of metamorphosis. However, the amount of Chicken Manure was too small, which also caused its transformation to fail.

So Long Xuan quickly concluded that Tufuzi would undergo transformation if they ate the feces from spiritual beasts, but the amount might be very large.

Perhaps the strength of Tufuzi's transformation is also related to the type of spiritual animal to which the excrement belongs, and the excrement of the mythical beast may be the best choice.

Things like feces are everywhere in the forest. This is very economical and affordable. It fully meets the cost-effectiveness standards and is of high quality and low price.

So after these two accidents, Long Xuan quickly figured out the two transformation routes of Tufuzi.

He was not sure which transformation route was stronger.

But the route of eating spiritual soil must be stronger, because the feces of mythical beasts cannot be found in this world, and the cost of spiritual soil is higher.

But the shortcomings are not without it, that is, it becomes more difficult to transform as you go to later stages.

As the number of transformations increases, Tufuzi's requirements for spiritual soil will definitely become higher and higher. In the end, he will definitely have to eat the best spiritual soil. Even the legendary heaven and earth are by no means so easy to find.

Which transformation route you choose depends entirely on personal choice.

After Long Xuan wrote down Tufuzi's two transformation routes, he folded the paper and quickly set off towards the Long family.

With the speed of stepping on the stars, he arrived in less than half a day. After arriving at Long's house, he immediately walked to the mission hall. And secretly stuffed the brood bag containing Tufuzi and Gu prescription into the submission box, then went back and waited peacefully.

Ten days later.

Long Xuan was sleeping comfortably on the bed when he was pulled up by the overly enthusiastic Long Qilin.

This was the number of times that Long Qilin had disturbed his sweet dreams.

He was already numb, and it was strange to say that you said Long Qilin was a Gu cultivator in the Marrow Cleansing stage, but he was a Gu cultivator in the Soul Gathering stage. They were not from the same world. How could they play together?

But it happened that Long Qilin got entangled with him, and Xiao Qiongfeng had no formation to stop him. He came in when he wanted, and left when he wanted. He regarded this place as his home, leaving Long Xuan helpless. He really wanted to take advantage of this person. Nothing can be done.

But the benefits are not without it. In the past, he often used liver poison recipes, which caused irregular work and rest hours. Now he often wakes him up to go to Long's cafeteria for breakfast.

It was a good time for him to have breakfast. To be honest, the breakfast made in Long's cafeteria was really good and it was worth getting up early for.

At this time, on the way to the cafeteria, Long Xuan was furious and said helplessly: "Why are you looking for me this time? I won't go to the Gu fighting field. My Gu insects are too rubbish and I really can't use them."

Long Qilin, who was walking side by side with him, turned his head and looked at him with a mysterious smile: "It's precisely because you haven't recovered from the Gu worm that I came to find you."

"Let me tell you some good news. I, the Long family, have developed an awesome unique Gu recipe. This unique Gu recipe is powerful enough to become the signature of our clan. The family intends to promote it to the entire clan."

"Now the whole clan has gone crazy, and everyone is talking about this matter. Many Long family Gu cultivators are rushing to redeem the new Gu recipe, and it has become a trend."

Long Qilin suddenly approached Long Xuan's ear and said excitedly: "Listen to my advice, before the contribution of this Gu prescription increases, redeem it as soon as possible."

"Believe me, Long's new unique Gu recipe is very powerful, far stronger than your imagination. It will definitely increase your strength by a lot. Then you can go to the Gu battle field!"

Hearing this, Long Xuan's eyes lit up immediately and he quickly woke up, his sleepy eyes disappearing without a trace in an instant.

He immediately thought of the Tufuzi Gu prescription that he had handed over to his family not long ago. He felt that the new unique Gu prescription that Long Qilin mentioned was his Tufuzi.

Speaking of which, after he handed over the Gu Fang and Tufuzi to the family ten days ago, there was no movement, as if everything had disappeared into the sea.

In a hurry, he had to use the far-sighted ability of the eye of heaven to take a look, and found that all the senior officials of the family were excitedly conducting various tests on Tufuzi.

Evaluating the value of a Gu insect naturally requires various tests, which he can understand.

But it was too hard for those old guys to do it. They had to test their strength, speed, defense, bite force, and even their appetite, and they had to fight against all kinds of poisonous insects.

In short, everything had to be tested. Even though it could be completed in one hour, they delayed it for several days without finishing the test. As a result, his contribution has not yet been reduced. He is really convinced.

What kind of work efficiency is this? He is almost exhausted from waiting for it.

Today I finally heard the news. Since this matter has been spread so widely among the whole clan, it means that the response has been pretty good and the family has already decided to spread the news to the whole clan.

And as long as the Gu prescription meets the standards for family-wide promotion, the contribution value given will never be low.

Long Xuan became excited. He planned to listen to outsiders' evaluations of Tufuzi, so he pretended to be surprised and said in shock: "What? The Long family has actually come up with a new unique Gu recipe?"

"Who is this Gu recipe developed by a genius? The price-performance ratio can reach the level of being promoted by the whole family. It is really awesome! This person is really a genius. His understanding is rare in ancient and modern times. He can be called a monster. .”

"Tell me how strong this new Gu species is?" Long Xuan praised himself fiercely, and then asked shamelessly.

Long Qilin was very satisfied with Long Xuan's shocked expression, and said enthusiastically: "The new unique Gu recipe is more than powerful? It is simply extremely powerful!"

"The name of the new Gu species is Tufuzi. Let me tell you, Tufuzi is only half a head taller than a human when it is young. Who knows how big it will be when it matures!"

"You must know that smallness is a common characteristic of bugs. Most bugs are very small. When have I ever seen such a big bug? This is the only time in my life that I have seen such a big bug."

"Once such a huge thing is put into the battlefield, it will become a war beast and a killing machine. It can trample a large area to death with just a move of its feet. Once something is big enough, it will be difficult to weaken it."

"I don't know who came up with the idea to put this big guy in heavy iron armor."

"Don't you think that's a joke? Which Gu insect wears a suit of iron to fight? How can the Gu insect fight against it?"

"It just so happens that this guy's strength is surprisingly great. He can go to the battlefield wearing very thick metal. Even if the weight of the metal is thirty times its body weight, it will not have the slightest impact on it."

"Even a top-grade Gu insect can't even think of penetrating such a thick metal. Once its broadsword hits it, it can smash the top-grade Gu insect into a pulp. Do you think this is an exaggeration? Isn't this bullying a bug!"

"The most exaggerated thing is that it's cheap. It's really cheap. Food is also cheap. Even the transformation path is surprisingly cheap. It's no different from giving it away for free. I strongly recommend it to the poor party. I strongly recommend that you also practice one of these." Gu worms are so fragrant!"

"Now Tufuzi has become the must-choose Gu insect for Long's Gu cultivators. In the future, everyone will have one. Whoever doesn't practice will suffer the consequences."

Long Qilin looked very excited, talking, dancing and wildly bragging about Tufuzi's fighting power.

The more he blew, the more comfortable Long Xuan listened. When he heard that Tufuzi asked for one, he smiled even more. He knew that once the Gu insects reached this standard, the contribution value of the reward would not be less than ten million. .

"Are you sure that every native master can have one? Even a rich genius like you can refine such a low-grade Gu insect?" Long Xuan suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Of course!" Long Qilin said with a smile: "I now have eight Gu Insect quotas. No matter how rich I am, I still can't refine eight top-quality Gu Insects. I still need many low-quality Gu Insects to make up the quota."

"Although this Tufuzi is a low-grade Gu insect, his strength and defense are very promising. Such a large body is very intimidating just by showing it. It can boost morale and is very suitable for the front row. "

"So Tufuzi, I must practice it. Now I have done it. I called you out today just to show you my big treasure."

"It is now collecting earth balls to fill the storage space. I will call it here now to open your eyes."

Long Qilin wanted to show off, and whistled proudly. Suddenly, a dung beetle about a person's height came running over in the distance pushing a ball, and he was very fast.

There were many people watching and pointing at it on the road, but why were they all covering their noses?

Long Xuan's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly thought of something. Could that ball be...

He opened his eyes instantly and turned pale with horror.

Oops! Although he changed the Tufuzi into the habit of eating dirt, it does not mean that it will stop eating shit. Now it eats dirt when it encounters dirt, and eats shit when it encounters shit.

Only then did he remember that he had forgotten to write this sentence in Gu Fangli. What a disaster! Something big is going to happen!

Seeing that the dung ball that was taller than a man was approaching, and he could already smell the stench coming towards his face, Long Xuan turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away.

You must know that the two of them were not far from the entrance of the canteen at this time. Now, the stench drifted into the canteen along the doors and windows, and also into the mouths of the people eating.



As expected, there was a sound of vomiting in the cafeteria. The Long Gu cultivators who were eating in the cafeteria were all vomiting and retching. The entire cafeteria instantly became a mess, with constant shouting and cursing.

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