Looking at the ink-colored soul-suppressing jade, many thoughts flashed through Wu Ping's mind. For him, this kind of secret treasure is also very useful.

If the incarnation of the mind walks outside, carrying a soul-suppressing jade with its own soul power, it can help the incarnation of the mind to protect itself to a great extent when encountering things that consume soul power.

Just like last time in the Temple of the God of War, if there was enough soul power to replenish, the mind would not lose consciousness so quickly.

In addition, Wu Ping himself can also deal with many dangers of soul attacks with the help of the soul-suppressing jade. Although his soul is very strong and immortal, it can also be hurt and injured.

Now, adding a piece of soul-suppressing jade is an extra layer of protection.

In addition, Wu Ping also got the "Blood Infant Art" for soul-killing cultivation in the soul-suppressing jade. Compared with the "Blood Infant Art" he got from Xuemie before, there are indeed many changes.

The most important change is the control of the blood evil spirit by the soul.

No wonder Hunsha was awake from the beginning to the end, and the blood evil energy in his body was well controlled by him. But Xuemie was different. Not only did the blood evil energy leak out, but his soul was almost eroded.

Although Hunsha's "Blood Infant Art" has no problem in practicing, the blood infant formed in the end will be targeted by the heavenly tribulation and will also attract Mo Wuxie. Wu Ping will not stop practicing!

But many of the blood control techniques are really exquisite, which can be a good reference for his martial arts practice.

After sorting out the gains, Wu Ping finally thought of one thing, to help Ye Feixian find the reincarnation of Zhang Sanfeng.

For this matter, Ye Feixian promised to reward him heavily later, but Wu Ping didn't want to deal with people who had a huge gap in cultivation with him, or people he didn't understand, and people who could suppress him at any time.

For such people, Wu Ping warned himself, one word: hide, it is best not to meet, so that he will not have this risk.

If they want to find Zhang Sanfeng, let them find him themselves. Besides, with the two strongest forces in Qingling Continent, Qingling Sect and Wanbao Pavilion, it is only a matter of time before they find him.

I will not get involved.

After thinking it over, Wu Ping separated a divine consciousness incarnation and placed it in the outside world as a cover, while his real body started his "Big Hammer Recast Plan".

Now he has the materials, but Wu Ping lacks forging skills. Although the "Nine-Nine Forging Iron Skills" has laid a good foundation for him, it is still not enough.

He does not want to simply go back to the furnace to forge the big hammer again.

With a flash of precious light, many jade slips about refining techniques appeared in front of Wu Ping. These were all found in those storage rings.

Of course, Wu Ping not only found jade slips about refining, but also about alchemy and formations, but he was not interested in these because he felt that he could not use them at present.

If he has free time in the future, he will try to learn and enrich his own methods. This is not wrong.

Wu Ping feels completely different about refining tools. He has a certain foundation, and Wu Ping feels that he has a talent for ironworking and is very interested. I don’t know why, but ironworking makes him feel immersed and relaxed.

Moreover, Wu Ping feels a sense of accomplishment when he completes a "tool" he made. Perhaps, this can be regarded as an inexplicable vanity.

Who doesn’t have some talents and hobbies? Although Wu Ping’s hobbies and talents are a bit crooked!

Wu Ping’s spiritual sense swept through the jade slips recording the method of refining tools, starting from the most basic knowledge of refining tools in the world of immortal cultivation, and he read it very quickly. He felt that he could fully understand it.

Soon, one after another, many jade slips of refining tools were browsed and comprehended by Wu Ping. He was a little immersed and couldn’t extricate himself. It seemed that he couldn’t feel the passage of time. Soon, he saw a lot of higher-level knowledge of refining tools.

At this point, Wu Ping paused for a while, but it was not difficult for him. He took out many refining materials from the storage ring, and Wu Ping refined them according to the methods recorded on these refining jade slips.

Combining theory with practice.

At the beginning, he followed the refining methods above completely, but the weapons he refined were not satisfactory.

Slowly, as time passed, Wu Ping tried to add many of his own refining methods, from failure to failure, then from failure to improvement, from improvement to success, step by step...

Reciprocating cycle.

Time flew by, and five years had passed. Wu Ping felt a little crazy and immersed in the world of refining, but this feeling made him very happy.

In the Qingtian Realm's Qingshi Square, countless refining materials were wasted by him and piled up together, but there were also countless weapons that Wu Ping successfully refined, such as knives, swords, halberds, hammers, etc.

Various common weapons,Wu Ping tried them all.

But even if Wu Ping successfully refined these weapons, Wu Ping didn't like them and couldn't use them, so he recycled them repeatedly, but many of them were turned into waste.

Five years of refining time made Wu Ping a little immersed. Although he wasted countless materials, he was happy.

Now, he can finally refine some weapons suitable for Jindan cultivators. Even in Qingling Continent, Wu Ping doesn't know if there are more versatile refiners than himself.

Moreover, Wu Ping has a special feeling. His soul seems to have become much clearer, as if it has been sublimated once. His heart has also become very peaceful after five years of refining.

He likes this state very much. It seems that no matter what happens, it will not affect him. He has a very clear feeling.

His own cultivation has also become very stable, and he is making continuous progress in a subtle way, although he is still a long way from the middle stage of Jindan and the middle stage of supernormal.

On this day, Wu Ping adjusted his state and was ready to formally build his own big hammer.

Wu Ping found some precious refining materials, and then planned to use the "Trillion" set of armor and the flying sword as the main materials, remelt them, and then build a brand new big hammer suitable for him.

He didn't feel sorry for this, although this set of armor and flying sword were indeed very good spiritual tools.

Before, Wu Ping tested the quality of the armor, which should be able to withstand the attacks of ordinary late Jindan cultivators if there is enough spiritual power to drive it.

The flying sword is also extremely extraordinary and of excellent quality. Even if it is used by late Jindan cultivators, it is the top one.

Based on Wu Ping's current understanding of refining knowledge, even if these two spiritual tools are given to Yuanying cultivators, they will definitely be of great use. It is even hard to say whether many Yuanying cultivators have spiritual tools of this quality.

Everything is ready. The first step Wu Ping has to do is to melt the armor and flying sword into materials.

Looking at the two spiritual weapons melting in the fire, Wu Ping did not dare to be careless. From the outside, the materials used in these two spiritual weapons were the best he had encountered so far, and they were perfect for making his own big iron hammer.

Refining weapons is a delicate job, and Wu Ping observed every place with his spiritual sense to avoid mistakes.

Soon, the armor and flying sword melted to the inner layer, and a shining silver light appeared.

"Primordial Mithril!"

Wu Ping couldn't help but exclaimed, it was really a pleasant surprise.

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