"Wu Xuan, you don't need to add so much chili next time."

"Brother Xuan, you can use less salt."

"Yeah, good!" Wu Xuan was a little confused. He felt pretty good. How could the taste be good?

The sun rose and set. In a blink of an eye, Wu Ping, Zhang San and Wu Xuan had spent three years in this mountain where monsters were infested.

This inconspicuous mountain in the Qingling Mountains was also casually named "Sanxuan Peak" by Wu Ping.

He didn't know that in the distant future, this name would spread throughout the Qianyuan cultivation world, be regarded as a holy place, and be revered by countless cultivators.

In three years, Wu Xuan made rapid progress. With the matching practice and Wu Ping's occasional advice, his cultivation had reached the third level of Qi training. This was the result of Wu Ping letting him stabilize his body, otherwise the cultivation speed would be even faster.

In Wu Ping's opinion, it is not a bad thing to be stable in the early stage. The foundation should always be taken seriously. It is best to experience the changes in every detail of the body, but many people ignore it, which will lead to various problems and increase the difficulty of practicing Taoism in the future.

Wu Ping has walked such a road, so naturally he does not want Wu Xuan to be too ambitious.

Zhang San's progress is average. In the first half of the three years, he entered the first level of Qi training, and in the second half, he consolidated the first level of Qi training. Now he is almost at the peak of the first level of Qi training.

Obviously, even if Zhang San has a special physique, it is still difficult to practice Taoism when his spiritual roots and body are not fully grown.

The two practiced Taoism at the same time, but now the gap is obviously widened, which makes the two have different ideas in their hearts, although Wu Ping has said the reason.

Wu Xuan is fine, but Zhang San is a little anxious in his heart. Wu Ping also saw it, and he needs to adjust himself.

For three years, the two of them repeated the boring life of monasticism and were isolated from the secular world. This had a good effect on the polishing of their minds and calmed their minds. However, working behind closed doors was not a long-term solution.

Five years later, Wu Ping took the two down the mountain. The two went home respectively. After that, he threw Wu Xuan and Zhang San into the secular world. After two years, they were placed in the chaotic Yunyu monastic world for three years, and came into contact with many low-level Qi-training monks.

During this period, Wu Ping did not participate in the whole process, but just hid a divine thought on the two.

During the journey, the two saw many unfair things, took action, and suffered losses.

The human heart is more unpredictable than the demons, and the grievances and hatreds are like silk threads, which makes the two people unable to see clearly, but they all recognize the dangers and cruelty of the monastic world, and they are more determined to practice Taoism.

Only when they are strong can they not fear all challenges and obstacles, and can they display the morality in their hearts and change many things they don't like.

After five years of experience, although Wu Xuan and Zhang San are together, they have many different views on the same unfair thing, forming their own outlook on life.

Wu Xuan is more cautious, and will decide whether to take action after weighing the pros and cons. Wu Ping also understands this very well. From the Wu family where Wu Xuan lives and his choice to follow him to practice Taoism, it can be seen that he is essentially a steady and cautious person, which is somewhat similar to him.

Zhang San is a little different. He will stick to the benevolence in his heart and will directly take action against people he doesn't like. As for whether there will be conspiracy later, that is a matter for the future.

If he can't beat him, he will also ask Wu Xuan for help. Overall, he is still very spiritual.

Time flies, and another year has passed. After five years of training in the outside world, Wu Ping brought them back to Sanxuan Peak again. This year, Wu Ping asked the two to fight monsters in the mountains.

As long as they were not really on the verge of death, Wu Ping would not choose to attack.

The many battles between life and death made the two of them have made great progress in actual combat.

At this time, the two had been following Wu Ping to cultivate the Tao for nine years.

Except for the first three years when they really calmed down to cultivate the Tao and felt the hardships, the rest were spent in travel and fighting, which further tempered their character, which was what Wu Ping wanted to see.

Laying a good foundation for the two, they will be smoother in the future, which is also in line with his "Plan to Seize the Law".

At present, Wu Xuan has cultivated to the seventh level of Qi training, and Zhang San has just reached the third level of Qi training. This is the result of their accelerated cultivation speed in recent times.

As for why it accelerated, Wu Ping checked that it was because the other party's Yin-Yang Taoist body was about to take shape. It was estimated that there was still about a year before it was completely formed. At that time, Zhang San should be officially "sixteen years old".

At Sanxuan Peak, two young men each carried a tiger and a forest anaconda. They were Wu Xuan and Zhang San. Such scenes basically happened every ten days or so.times.

The two monsters they hunted this time were the strongest so far. After a fierce battle, they finally completed the task successfully.

Wu Ping did not give them storage bags, but asked them to carry them back every time, which was also a kind of exercise.

As for why they were not hunted by stronger monsters, of course, it was the divine thoughts left by Wu Ping that helped in secret.

Making fire, stewing meat, grilling meat, frying meat, steaming meat, the two of them did such things skillfully. It must be said that after doing this for many years, their cooking skills have improved a lot. Now they are chefs, it is not an exaggeration.

Wu Ping would taste it occasionally, but more often the two of them would solve it by themselves. Now the appetite of the two of them is very large.

After a big meal of meat, Wu Ping looked at the two of them. He was quite satisfied with the nine years of practice, the combination of movement and stillness, and the steady polishing of his character and foundation.

But next, there was one thing Wu Ping had to do. Over the years, he had been paying attention to the time when Zhang San's physique would take shape.

In the next year, Zhang San's "Yin Yang Dao Body" will be completely formed, and at that time, a shocking phenomenon will erupt. This kind of heaven-defying physique, the phenomenon will at least alarm the entire Qingling Continent.

This is also an important place where special physiques are stronger than ordinary cultivators. The phenomenon can not only increase their own combat power, but also weaken the opponent.

When the phenomenon breaks out, Ye Feixian will definitely arrive, and it is inevitable that Zhang San will be brought into the Wuya League.

There is not much time left for me!

Although Wu Ping is leading the two to practice, he pays a lot of attention to the Qingling Continent. For fifteen years, Ye Feixian has been looking for the "reincarnation of the immortal", and has never stopped, and has increased his efforts.

Now this matter, including many foundation-building immortal gates in the Qingling Continent know about it.

Thinking that Ye Feixian will take Zhang San away in the future, Wu Ping thought of Wu Xuan again. As long as Zhang San mentions it, with Wu Xuan's talent, he may be taken together. If so, it's also good, both of them can join the Wuya League.

In this way, it is the most beneficial for the future of both of them. Zhang San can protect Wu Xuan by the way. Both of them will get the resources of Wuya League for training. In addition to their talents, it is unlikely that they will not become strong in the future.

Although Wu Ping has his own purpose in training the two, he has a clear conscience.

In the future, "giving" himself a few immortal cultivation techniques of the ninth-grade sect is not too much, right?

And at that time, maybe this will be a trivial matter for the two.

Although Wu Ping thought so in his heart, he still decided to inform the two of them in advance about Wuya League's search for the "reincarnation of the immortal", so that they can make their own decisions and be prepared.

Wu Ping didn't know whether Wu Xuan would join Wuya League, but Zhang San's decision on whether to join or not was not up to him or Wu Ping. It was decided by Ye Feixian and Wuya League.

However, even if Ye Feixian found Zhang San in the future, Wu Ping himself would not choose to show up. He didn't want to face such a powerful person directly now.

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