Watching Wu Xuan's disappearing figure, Wu Ping turned around and swept his eyes across the three houses. He had no intention of repairing them.

After the repair, there would be no trace of the past. Although it is dilapidated now, you can still find the shadow of the past.

With nothing to do, Wu Ping took out a recliner and lay on it. This was what he often did here before. He also took a nap and basked in the sun. After waking up, he would fish for spiritual fish, and then meditate at night to absorb spiritual stones for cultivation. It was another "fulfilling" day.

But before Wu Ping could lie down for a few breaths, a voice came slowly.

"Daoyou, you are in a good mood!"

The sudden voice made Wu Ping directly ejected from the recliner and flew into the air. He had just checked the surroundings with his spiritual sense and found no living creatures.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Wu Ping looked in the direction of the sound.

"Ye Feixian!"

How could this be possible?

Wu Ping's heart suddenly skipped a beat again, and he almost jumped out. This was his real body, not his divine consciousness. Without saying a word, he turned into a beam of light and disappeared.

But the next moment, he returned to the original place.

Just now, it was Wu Ping's subconscious reaction. He found that he was a little too radical.

In his mind, Wu Ping found many descriptions of divine consciousness, which were all Qing Lingzi's memory information.

The more powerful the cultivator, the stronger and more condensed the divine consciousness, and the longer it exists. But no matter what divine consciousness, as long as it leaves the body, it will slowly lose power and become illusory over time, and finally dissipate in the world.

But Wu Ping's own divine consciousness is a little different. Although its power is relatively weak now, it has the property of immortality because of the transformation of the purple qi of the Great Dao. It can exist for a long time, and its power disappears very slowly.

He has not tried it for a specific time, so he has no specific conclusion.

Ye Feixian's illusory appearance was undoubtedly a divine thought, and it was about to dissipate and had little power. Wu Ping found that he could easily kill it, even though he only saw it for a moment.

This was also one of the reasons why he came back. The other reason was, of course, his own immortality, the secret method of burning life, and his own strength.

To put it another way, even if the other party had unknown means, he could still escape.

In addition, he had the impression that Ye Feixian was a good person, so Wu Ping came back again.

At the same time, he thought that the purpose of Ye Feixian's divine thought was probably related to Zhang Sanfeng, which was also one of the reasons why Wu Ping came back. He wanted to hear what the other party wanted to find him for.

Ye Feixian looked at Wu Ping who had returned and felt a little funny. He probably understood what the other party was thinking, but as a gentleman, did he need to calculate the other party's "weak" strength?

"Fellow Daoist, although your appearance has changed, your spirit and soul cannot be changed."

"Sure enough, you are the only one who can tell Junior Brother Zhang about the Wuya League, and you should also be the one who trains Junior Brother Zhang."

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions, and my spirit is about to disappear."

"If you don't come again, there will be losses!"

"Losses? What losses will I have?" Wu Ping replied indifferently. He really couldn't think of what he would lose if he didn't come?

Wu Ping was not surprised that Ye Feixian recognized him. It was okay for cultivators with lower or equal levels than him, he could easily deceive the other party, but he couldn't cover up the original spirit and soul of cultivators with higher spirit and soul power than him.

"This is what the main body asked me to give you. Take a look for yourself. Is it a loss?"

After Ye Feixian finished speaking, an ownerless storage ring emerged and floated towards Wu Ping. Then, a teasing smile appeared on the illusory face, and he looked at Wu Ping quietly.

Wu Ping's mind was extended, his face remained unchanged, but his heart was in turmoil.

"Damn, luckily I'm back, otherwise I would have lost a lot. Ye Feixian is really generous. Ten high-grade spirit stones and a domain map record the map information of the entire Qianyuan Realm."

Not to mention the preciousness of the high-grade spirit stones, this map of Qianyuan Realm is exactly what Wu Ping needs at the moment.

Although only the area under the jurisdiction of Wuya League is recorded in the most detailed way, other places are all large characters, which seem very simple and empty, but for Wu Ping at the moment, it is very helpful.

He has the Qingtian Realm Plate to move, but without the domain map, he can't move randomly, and he still has to move at a relatively long distance. If he moves to a dangerous place, it will be very bad.

Now, with the detailed regional map of Wuya League, his "Plan to Seize the Law" has solved the biggest obstacle and has the greatest implementation basis.

There are not many people with excellent qualifications in Qingling Continent, but he can go to other regions to find them, and then accuratelyDelivered to those big sects.

In that case, he could search for the advanced cultivation techniques of countless sects step by step. Although this might take a very long time and be full of difficulties, it would at least be possible to implement.

Relying on Wu Xuan and Zhang Sanfeng alone was not enough and too slow. Wu Ping felt that he had to cast a wide net.

Taking back some of his "fantastic" thoughts, Wu Ping forced himself back to reality.

Ye Feixian looked at Wu Ping, whose expression remained unchanged but was obviously absent-minded, smiled, and spoke again:

"I, Ye Feixian, am trustworthy. These are my gifts to thank you for finding and training Junior Brother Zhang. If you think it's not enough, you can also report my name to Wuya League through the domain map and get more rewards."

"By the way, don't you know your name?"

"Wu Ping!"

If Wu Ping said his name directly, the other party would remember his soul and aura, so it didn't matter if he said his name. Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng also knew his real name. It would be meaningless to lie to the other party, and it would make him look childish.

"Wu Ping, Wu Ping! I'm afraid that your path of cultivation is unusual, and you are destined to be no ordinary person in the future. I have a hunch that my original body will meet you again in the future."

"Well, finally, goodbye, Taoist Wu Ping!"

After Ye Feixian finished speaking, without waiting for Wu Ping to say anything else, his incarnation of divine consciousness turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Wuya League, headquarters, in a palace square at the core, surrounded by spiritual energy, two young figures were playing chess. Suddenly, the one in the white robe paused. He received the information given to him by the divine consciousness incarnation left ten years ago.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he looked at the other young man.

"Junior Brother Zhang, the person who taught you on Sanxuan Peak was called Wu Ping, right?"

"Is there another person with you, called Wu Xuan?"

"Uh? That's right." Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised. He hadn't told Ye Feixian about this, so how could the other party know about it and suddenly talk about it?

Sensing Zhang Sanfeng's doubts, Ye Feixian spoke up and told him the cause and effect one by one. Zhang Sanfeng also understood some of Wu Ping's previous information, and at the same time he missed some people on Qingling Continent.

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