Looking at the two people who had disappeared into the sky, Li Qingwu outside the courtyard gate was a little confused. He couldn't understand why Huang Tianyi made such a big fuss and looked for someone for more than a month, but now he stopped looking.

Qingyu, an uninhabited mountain, Wu Ping stopped flying.

Huang Tianyi was a little confused. She thought Wu Ping would take her somewhere, but she didn't expect it to be this deserted mountain.

"Tianyi, don't resist, I'll take you to a place."

As Wu Ping's voice fell, Huang Tianyi felt a strange force acting on her. She felt that she could easily break free, but she didn't do so.

In a trance, Huang Tianyi saw the huge palace in front of her: Qingtian Palace, and the strange and familiar environment around her, which made her guess and look at Wu Ping.

"Brother Wu, this... this is not the Qingling Secret Realm, right?"

"Yes, I got the control key of the Qingling Secret Realm. This Qingling Secret Realm is actually called Qingtian Realm. It is a small cave world in a strange magic weapon."

The conjecture was confirmed, and Huang Tianyi couldn't help but think of a strange treasure she got in the Temple of the God of War, which was also mysterious and powerful.

It was a jar, not only with overwhelming magic power, but also with a strong ability to devour. Huang Tianyi was lucky to get this treasure in the Temple of the God of War.

Even the trace of devouring law she understood was largely because she was the owner of the magic jar.

But it was very difficult to activate the magic jar. Huang Tianyi tried it once, and it almost exhausted her spiritual power instantly. It seemed that there was no movement, but even so, the magic jar could be used to passively absorb energy and absorb the enemy's attack.

It can't attack, but it can protect itself. This is the conclusion Huang Tianyi came to.

Thinking of this, Huang Tianyi had an idea in his mind. If he couldn't figure it out, he could show it to Brother Wu!

In fact, in Huang Tianyi's heart, Wu Ping has always been a very mysterious existence, and she also respects him. Not to mention his strong cultivation, his cultivation resources are bottomless, and there is also this treasure containing the cave world.

"Brother Wu, I also have a treasure, which I got in the Temple of the God of War. Can you help me take a look?"

Temple of the God of War? Treasure?

Wu Ping was a little dazed. Because he was worried about the unknown dangers of entering the Temple of the God of War, he entered with his mind at that time. He didn't see any magic weapon or immortal medicine. He didn't know what happened to other people, but the things in the Temple of the God of War were indeed incredible.

Thinking of the martial arts explanations he had obtained, each realm was explained in detail to the extreme, but Wu Ping thought that this was the real wealth, especially for martial artists.

Perhaps, he could share this "knowledge" with Huang Tianyi, which should also be helpful for her to open up a farther martial arts path in the future.

But before that, let's take a look at the secret treasure that Huang Tianyi mentioned.

"Take it out. I've been to the Temple of War God, and it's really extraordinary."

As Wu Ping finished speaking, a black light flashed in Huang Tianyi's hand, and a bloodstained, broken jar full of the breath of time emerged.

Looking at the small jar with a missing hole, Wu Ping's spiritual sense probed out, but before the spiritual sense approached, he felt that his spiritual sense was swallowed by the jar.

That's right, it was swallowed, and no information feedback was received.

Concentrating the spiritual sense again, Wu Ping consumed some soul power and concentrated a spiritual thought to probe in. He didn't believe that it wouldn't work this time.

As the spiritual thought entered, the jar responded this time, but the result remained the same. The spiritual thought was also completely swallowed up, and no feedback information was received.

The broken small jar flashed with black light, and suddenly, a heart-shaking demonic power appeared, and the surrounding spiritual energy was also quickly gathering towards the small jar and being swallowed by it.

Wu Ping's heart suddenly trembled. This demonic power made him feel extremely pressured.

The Qingtian Realm suddenly jumped, and the Qingtian Realm also vibrated. A fearful emotion was transmitted, just like a mouse encountering a cat. The semi-immortal weapon has a certain spirituality. He can clearly feel the fear of the Qingtian Realm.

What is this magic jar? It can actually make a semi-immortal weapon feel fear. It's incredible. Could it be a real immortal weapon?

Without time to think about it, Wu Ping hurriedly said: "Tianyi, hurry up, put this jar away."

A black light flashed, and the magic jar disappeared. Huang Tianyi was also a little surprised. For the first time, she sensed the message that the magic jar conveyed to her: "Hungry!"

Is this magic jar hungry?

"Brother Wu, this jar says it is hungry, it...?"

"Are you sure this is the information that the jar told you?"

Wu Ping was really shocked. Semi-immortal weapons can have a certain spirituality, but they definitely don't have the ability to express information clearly., for example: hungry!

This magic pot is probably really an immortal weapon. Even if it is not, it is probably a great existence.

"Yes, I met this pot in the corner of a palace in the Temple of the God of War, and then it inexplicably recognized me as its master."

Hearing Huang Tianyi say this, Wu Ping didn't know what to say except envy. Being recognized as the master by a pot that is likely to be an immortal weapon, although it looks like a broken immortal weapon, it is also very remarkable.

In the Qianyuan Realm, semi-immortal weapons are the ceiling, and immortal weapons are even invisible. Huang Tianyi now has this thing, and his safety is probably guaranteed.

But wealth should not be exposed. Semi-immortal weapons will attract the snatch of major forces, let alone this magic pot.

Thinking of this, Wu Ping had to give some instructions:

"Tianyi, in the future, this jar should be used as a trump card. Don't tell anyone. Don't let go of any enemies you have seen. If you can kill them, you must kill them."

"Otherwise, it is likely to attract others' covetousness. Remember!"

"Also, this jar is likely to be a fairy weapon."

Huang Tianyi was stunned and nodded heavily. She didn't expect that this broken jar could be a fairy weapon. Although it looks ugly and a little old, it smells really good!

Wu Ping himself got the martial arts outline, although it was not complete. Huang Tianyi got a treasure that was suspected to be a fairy weapon.

Thinking about it now, Wu Ping felt more and more that the War God Temple was extraordinary. This temple didn't look like something from the lower world.

However, if it was something from the upper world, how could it appear on this remote island in Qingling Continent?

Wu Ping couldn't figure it out. At this moment, he recalled the twelve huge murals in the hall of the War God Temple, nine on one side and three on the other.

He didn't dare to think about it at that time, but now he thinks carefully, it is estimated that the three paintings record the realm of martial arts in the upper realm.

Thinking of this, Wu Ping secretly sighed that it was a pity, hey! I don't know if this War God Temple will appear again in the future.

What Wu Ping didn't know was that the War God Temple did not only appear in Qingling Continent. When he really went out to sea in the future, he would know that the War God Temple that appeared in Qingling Continent was just a projection. There are a lot of War God Temple projections like this in Qianyuan Realm!

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