The rolling thunderclouds gathered inwards. It seemed that the area covered by the thunderclouds had become smaller, but it looked darker and heavier. Wu Ping felt a greater power from the heavens. The pressure brought to him by the thunderclouds doubled.

Obviously, the fifth round of thunderstorms that was about to fall was much more powerful than the fourth round, which was already very abnormal.


Fortunately, the thunderstorms this time did not fall continuously, but fell one by one. However, Wu Ping immediately found that even the power of this thunderstorm was not much worse than the total energy of the nine thunderstorms that fell in the fourth round.

The destructive power of such an attack was no longer the standard of the Nascent Soul level, and it had definitely reached the Spiritualization Stage.

One, two...

Until the fifth one, Wu Ping had been using the Qingtian Realm Plate to resist these thunderstorms. He was also carefully observing the situation of the Qingtian Realm Plate, or more precisely, the situation of the Qingtian Realm inside it.

At this time, in the Qingtian Realm, under the blue sky, dense thunders shone in the void, and many pits of different sizes appeared in the land below, but fortunately these could be restored later, so Wu Ping didn't care much.


Suddenly, a very small space crack appeared in the Qingtian Realm, and Wu Ping discovered such an abnormality at the first time.

"The small cave space of the Qingtian Realm has reached the limit of the thunder tribulation. If it absorbs the thunder tribulation in the sky again, it will be really bad."

Understanding, Wu Ping sighed in his heart, took back the Qingtian Realm Plate on his head, and sank it into his Dantian. The next four heavenly tribulations in the fifth round will depend on him.

At the same time, he was somewhat fortunate that he used the Qingtian Realm Plate to fight against the heavenly tribulation in advance. If he used it after a stronger thunder tribulation landed, the consequences would be disastrous.

It can be imagined that at that time, the Qingtian Realm might be directly destroyed by the stronger thunder that penetrated, and then the Qingtian Realm Plate, a semi-immortal artifact, would be fundamentally damaged, which would be a real loss.

Facing the thunder that had reached the attack power of the God Transformation Stage, Wu Ping did not dare to be careless. In order not to be injured, he had to use the power of the Immortal Law. His soul moved slightly, and his spirit surged. The immortal law thread was mobilized by Wu Ping, and an invisible pattern appeared in his hands, pushing towards the falling thunder.

The two collided, but there was no sound. The bright thunder disappeared directly in front of Wu Ping's palm, which was extremely strange.

But he knew that it was the power of the immortal law. Even if it was thunder with heavenly power, it could only be dissolved like this, as if it was directly decayed and scattered, and it seemed to have experienced time and naturally dissipated.

"Boom boom boom!"

As the nine heavenly tribulations of the fifth round fell, the tribulation clouds in the sky rolled violently again, gathering towards the center of Wu Ping's head at a very fast speed. The tribulation clouds that originally spread over tens of thousands of miles actually shrank by half in just a few breaths.

But it was obvious that the tribulation clouds were darker, and the energy was more concentrated, and something was brewing.

Almost half an incense stick of time had passed, and the sixth round of heavenly tribulation had not fallen yet. For Wu Ping at this time, this was obviously not a good thing.

The longer the brewing time, the stronger the thunder tribulation that would fall later would be.

Wu Ping felt something in his heart, and was a little nervous. He didn't know what kind of heavenly tribulation would come next. What he could do at this time was to keep himself in good condition and avoid getting hurt if possible.

Suddenly, many five-colored lights appeared in the originally black tribulation clouds.

With a thunderous sound of "boom", a five-colored lightning fell, pointing directly at Wu Ping.

This surprised him a little. He had never seen or heard of five-colored thunder before. Who would have five-colored lightning when going through the tribulation?

Although he didn't know the power of the five-colored lightning, Wu Ping didn't dare to be careless. The sixth round of thunder tribulation would be stronger than the fifth one.

Once again mobilizing the power of the immortal law he had comprehended, Wu Ping once again raised his palm to meet the thunder.


Completely different from the time when he fought against the fifth round of heavenly tribulation, this time the five-colored thunder did not dissipate, but was deadlocked with Wu Ping's immortal law, still consuming each other's energy.

"Five Elements Law!"

"This is not thunder, but the power of the five elements attribute law!"

Wu Ping exclaimed in his heart. If he didn't infer it wrong, it was definitely like this. He didn't expect that the five elements law could also appear in the form of thunder, which refreshed his cognition.

All forms are external, and the most important thing is what the essence is. He vaguely realized it, but now he didn't have time to think about it, because another five-colored thunder fell from the black tribulation cloud again.

At this speed, the next seven five-colored thunders will all fall in less than ten breaths, which will basically not give Wu Ping much time to adjust."Boom boom boom!"

Sure enough, one wave after another, the remaining five-colored lightning continued to fall while Wu Ping was thinking.

Those were the rolling five-element laws, which were much stronger than the pure five-element power. It can be said that there was no weakness, and they were endless, sharp, hot and heavy. The most important thing was that the five elements complemented each other and were difficult to erase.

For a while, Wu Ping had no choice but to compete and consume.

At this time, he had to increase the mobilization of the immortal law. The power of these five-element attribute laws was powerful, but they were rootless. Wu Ping believed that as long as he held on, he would probably be able to survive in the end.

The soul power gushed out like a torrent, and many spiritual powers in his body were also summoned by him without regard for loss, just to mobilize his immortal law power with all his strength.

In fact, in the final analysis, it was still because Wu Ping's understanding of the immortal law at this time was not strong enough. He only understood some of the fur parts, and of course he could not quickly erase these five-element laws.

But no matter what, it was fortunate that he had comprehended the immortal law. This was Wu Ping's greatest luck and also his great reliance. Otherwise, when he encountered such a heavenly tribulation, he would not have many means of resistance and it would be difficult for him to persist.

The weak comprehension of the law was relative. After all, at this time, he had not yet reached the stage of transformation. He could comprehend the superficial laws, which had surpassed 99% of the cultivators.

"Dengdeng" took two steps back, Wu Ping staggered a little, took a long breath, and looked at the thunder of the five elements law that was completely exhausted, and temporarily put his mind at ease.

But the overall situation was still not optimistic. This was only the sixth round of heavenly tribulation, but Wu Ping found that the spiritual power in his dantian, meridians and body had been basically exhausted, and even his muscles were trembling.

Three thousand medium-grade spirit stones were thrown out, which was almost equivalent to three million low-grade spirit stones, but the effect on Wu Ping, who was already in the Nascent Soul and Yang God realm, was not comparable to the latter, whether it was the absorption speed or the quality of spiritual energy, it was incomparable.

At this moment, what is being raced against time is time. Wu Ping doesn't know when the next round of heavenly tribulation will come, and he urgently needs to quickly restore the spiritual power in his body.

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