"Is that... an evil cultivator?"

In the Soul-Calming Jade, Wu Ping was a little frightened. He was too familiar with that extreme evil intent. Although it was fleeting, he still sensed it.

The two battlefields were not far apart. Although there was fog blocking them, there were still some movements that could be heard and detected.

Now, there was obviously no movement over there. Wu Ping didn't know what happened, but the appearance of an evil cultivator must be bad and extremely dangerous.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about so much. Running was the best option!

"Lu Yan, hurry up and leave the Soul-Devouring Island."

Lu Yan, who was still in the melee, was slightly startled. The five of them were already injured, but they could still hold on for a while.

And the movement over there had stopped. It should be that the two elders of the God-Transforming Realm succeeded. Although he had some doubts about Wu Ping's words, he still chose to believe it.

The spell in his hand changed. Lu Yan didn't care about the lives of others. He went underground and fled to the outside of the island.


The Cloud Turtle reacted the fastest. He was already dissatisfied with Lu Yan and had the intention to kill him. Now that Lu Yan had fled directly, he had not expected it, and he also had a bad premonition.

He could not figure out the reason, but it was always right to run away first.

Thinking of this, the Cloud Turtle increased his spiritual power directly, and the magic flag glowed brightly. After sweeping towards the fog monster, he retreated and fled without even looking.

The two people fled, which made the others curse in their hearts. Even if they were slow to react, they knew there was a problem. The three of them also wanted to increase their spiritual power to cast spells and then prepare to flee.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

Almost at the same time, three escape lights went away.

The fog monster was also a little confused, but then he was furious. The three were fast, but they were still slower, not as fast as the fog monster with a spirit.

The huge body flew into the air and rushed towards the three people who were fleeing. Before the three people had escaped far, a huge white-gray beast claw had already slapped them.

The two people from Xiaoyao Temple looked at each other. Needless to say, their swords swept directly towards Xuan Luo.

It is better to let my friend die than to let me die. In this life-or-death moment, life is the most important.

Although Xuan Luo was prepared, he was only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul after all. The two delayed his escape time and were directly caught by the huge beast claws.

Then, he was stuffed into the mouth of the fog monster.

"Crack, crack..."

It bit its teeth twice and then swallowed it directly into its stomach. Fortunately, the fog monster's soul-devouring power was extremely strong, and Xuan Luo lost consciousness in an instant, which was considered a painless death.

Such a bloodthirsty scene made the two people from Xiaoyao Temple feel dead, and directly consumed their blood and essence, speeding up their escape.

However, in less than two breaths, the two stopped because three figures appeared in front of them.

One of the figures made them very happy and relieved.

"Elder Zhou!"

The two men bowed, but they were also confused. Why didn't they see Xu Lianhun?

Yungui looked at the two men as if they were idiots. He didn't say anything, but he had many guesses in his mind:

Xu Lianhun hasn't appeared yet. The elder of Xiaoyao Temple named "Zhou" stopped him and Lu Yan. In addition to Lu Yan's escape just now, he felt that Xu Lianhun was dead and might be related to Zhou Yi.

Although it was a little unbelievable, this might be the truth.

Moreover, Zhou Yi stopped them because he didn't want to let them go, nor did he want to let these two "idiots" go. Maybe he could join forces with these two to survive.

Lu Yan was also silent. He fled as soon as Wu Ping reminded him, but he was stopped by Zhou Yi in this place. The other party didn't attack him, and he didn't ask why he was stopped. It was meaningless.

The current situation is that both of them know the truth, but they are in a stalemate. Wu Ping also asked him to wait and see what Zhou Yi is up to.

In the Soul-Calming Jade, Wu Ping has basically confirmed that the person in front of him is the evil cultivator, but he is not sure whether he has any relationship with Mo Wuxie. His evil intentions are too similar to Mo Wuxie.

This needs to be verified in the future, but Wu Ping does not want to wade into such muddy waters. It would be best if he does not deal with him in the future.

As for Xu Lianhun, there is no need to think too much. He is likely to die at the hands of this person.

It's just that the other party's aura is hidden very well. His real body has actually explored it with his spiritual sense, but he did not find anything.

At that time, Wu Ping did not explore the situation in the other party's body because he was afraid of being discovered. After all, a strong person who has transformed into a spirit has a powerful soul and is extremely sensitive to the perception of soul power.

And it was his spiritual sense that probed into the other party's body to explore the specific situation. To be honest, he has no idea now.He was not sure, nor was he sure if his consciousness was so powerful.

Perhaps, he could try it later...

"Roar, roar!"

Suddenly, two beast roars dispersed the fog and interrupted Wu Ping's thoughts. When the two arrived at Xiaoyao Temple and just after they saluted, two fog monsters had already chased after them.

For a moment, the scene changed, and Zhou Yi also showed a wicked smile at this time.

"The good show is about to begin..."

The two fog monsters stood side by side, their eyes bigger than their heads, emitting thick fog. At this time, they had discovered that the food they were guarding, the Yangshen Flower, was gone, which made them very manic.

But for some reason, the two monsters did not dare to take risks, especially the fog monster in the middle stage of the transformation of the spirit, who was a little afraid of Zhou Yi.

The four Yuanying were shocked in their hearts, but each of them had different ideas, and they were very different.

Yungui was thinking about how to work together to escape and save his life.

Lu Yan just wanted to find an opportunity to let Wu Ping find an opportunity to take him away.

The two people from Xiaoyao Temple were just a little afraid. With Zhou Yi around, they felt that they still had a chance to escape.

But the next sentence that suddenly sounded confused the two people and made them face the reality.

"You, go and resist the fog monster."

Zhou Yi's cold voice sounded, and the two people's faces froze. They looked at each other, and then looked at Yungui and Lu Yan.

Yungui on the side completely abandoned his fantasy in his heart, and at the same time, he sank to the bottom of the valley. He looked at the two people who were still a little confused and said coldly:

"Don't look at it. He is talking about the four of us. Elder Xu should have been killed. This person should not intend to let us go, including you two."

Even if the two people reacted slowly, they instantly sorted out their thoughts. Although it was a little unbelievable, it seemed to be the fact.

"Hehe... that's true, but ants are ants, do you have a choice?"

"If you don't go, I will kill you myself."

Zhou Yi's blunt and cold-blooded words left the four speechless. Now, with Zhou Yi blocking the way in front and two fog monsters behind, what should they do? ...

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