"My name is Wu Fan, Wu Ping is my grandfather, I am here to take over the Sanqiang Blacksmith Shop he left in Chang'an."

"But why is this place fenced off?"

In an instant, Wu Ping thought of a pretext, asking about the situation before making plans.

"Your surname is Wu?"

Zhang San and Li Si were stunned. It has been twenty years. Are they going to end such a leisurely guarding job?

Their fathers were all confidants of the Rui Wang Mansion, and were ordered by the old Rui Wang Qin Shisan to guard the Sanqiang Blacksmith Shop.

They said that if they met someone with the surname Wu coming back one day, they must treat him as a distinguished guest and report to Rui Wang.

But they didn't expect that this guarding would last for fifty years.

The old Rui Wang Qin Shisan died long ago, and even the Rui Wang had been passed down for three generations. Now Qin Shisan's grandson "Qin Fusu" has inherited the throne of Rui Wang.

And the task of guarding has also fallen on Zhang San and Li Si today.

"Third brother, what do you think?"

"Fourth brother, why don't you go and report to the prince, I'll stay here."

Soon, the two finished their discussion, Li Si left quickly, leaving Zhang San to explain the reason to Wu Ping.

He was very polite.

From Zhang San, Wu Ping learned a lot of information about the blacksmith shop, and he still appreciated what Qin Shisan did.

The land in Chang'an City is still a bit expensive. Now that there is ready-made land, the blacksmith shop can be demolished and rebuilt.

It can be settled first. Anyway, Wu Ping has nowhere to go, so it's good to go back to his old job.

It's just right for me to adjust and soothe those bad thoughts.

Thinking of this, Wu Ping asked about some changes in Chang'an City and some basic information about King Rui.

In recent years, the King of Qin has changed three generations, but the current King of Qin "Qin Dang" has great ambitions and a strong talent for martial arts.

It is said that he has reached the level of a master, but no one knows how strong he is.

Under the governance of the King of Qin, many sects in the martial arts world were suppressed, and the actual control of some of the lands of the Qin Dynasty fell into the hands of the court.

Especially in recent years, the power of the King of Qin has been unparalleled in the entire Qin Dynasty and extremely strong.

Even the two martial arts masters of Qinglin Temple and Wuji Temple, who have never taken the court seriously, have retreated and will not easily touch the bad luck of the court.

As for the Ruiwang Mansion, its relationship with Qin Dang has also been declining, especially after Qin Shisan.

The Ruiwang Mansion, which was once prosperous, has been suppressed by the King of Qin.

Now, it is even more constrained by Qin Dang everywhere, and it is a bit difficult.

Wu Ping only understands the affairs of the court. He has no interest in intervening. He just wants to have a stable environment and let his life not be disturbed.

Only when the court is stable can Chang'an be stable, and he can quietly forge iron and run the blacksmith shop.

Soon, after about an incense stick of time, Li Si appeared again in front of the "Three Strong Blacksmith Shop", still panting.

"Mr. Wu, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Prince Rui was afraid of disturbing you, so he didn't come. I asked you to say hello."

"Here is a gold note for two hundred taels of gold. Prince Rui said it was to help you repair the blacksmith shop, as a token of his appreciation."

Looking at the official gold note of the Great Qin presented by Li Si with both hands, Wu Ping thought for a moment, and then said after taking it:

"Thank Prince Rui for me, and go back and tell Prince Rui that my grandfather also asked me to tell him: the original token is still valid."

After sending away Zhang San and Li Si who had to stay and listen to his orders, Wu Ping turned his head and looked at the "Three Strong Blacksmith Shop" which had been basically abandoned, standing for a long time.


In the Prince Rui's Mansion, Qin Fusu paced back and forth in the lobby, looking at the gate from time to time.

"Your Highness, Zhang San and Li Si are back."

Suddenly, a voice rang out, it was the housekeeper who had been waiting outside the gate.

After the voice fell, three figures also walked in from the gate one after another.

"Zhang San/Li Si, meet your Highness."

"No need to be polite, get up quickly, get up quickly, have you received the gold notes?" Qin Fusu hurriedly helped the two of them up and asked hurriedly.

"Reporting to your Highness, the two hundred taels of gold have been received, but Master Wu does not need us to serve him, and does not allow the two of us to go again."

"Master Wu also asked me to reply, saying that he thanked your Highness for his kindness."

"His grandfather Wu Ping also asked him to tell your Highness that the original token is still valid."

After Li Si stood up, he said respectfully.

Although he did not understand what the token was, he felt that this sentence was the most important.

When Qin Fusu heard this, his face showed a long-lost joy, and he no longer looked sad as usual.


"Zhang San, Li Si, you don't have to go to the blacksmith shop anymore. Remember, don't tell anyone about this."

"Butler, arrange a good job for Zhang San and Li Si in the palace, and give them 20 taels of gold each as a reward for their hard work."After arranging the servants, Qin Fusu felt much more relaxed. Under the suppression of the current King of Qin, he had a hunch that Qin Dang would soon take action against his Rui Wangfu. A few days later, the originally dilapidated Sanqiang Blacksmith Shop was restored to its previous state under Wu Ping's personal efforts. However, the courtyard belonging to Tie Sanqiang was gone, and it was replaced by two empty rooms for storing firewood and charcoal and as a warehouse. In this way, the iron forging room, which was originally a bit crowded, became much emptier. After purchasing iron forging equipment and raw materials, the "Sanqiang Blacksmith Shop" opened quietly. "Dangdangdang..." The rhythmic sound of iron forging rang in the iron forging room. Wu Ping was not used to it for many years. But for some reason, he heard such a sound. The sound made him very intoxicated, and all the bad emotions seemed to be hammered away, and his spirit became particularly relaxed and focused.

With the adjustment of the state, various daily iron tools were quickly struck in Wu Ping's hands.

Even though the few long swords that were used to restore the feel at the beginning were directly broken by him, it was not a big deal.

With the foundation of a master blacksmith, Wu Ping quickly became familiar with the process and strength.

The efficiency of blacksmithing rose sharply, and it was fierce!

In two days, the warehouse was filled with various iron tools, and there were also "Three Strong Ironware" prints.

On the recliner, Wu Ping was basking in the sun. Under the brand new "Three Strong Blacksmith Shop" plaque, many finished ironware were placed on the table, and he didn't care.

Do business when there is business, highlighting a sense of fate.

"Shopkeeper, how much is this sword?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man who looked strong and powerful appeared in front of the blacksmith shop.

"Xiantian? "

Wu Ping stood up from the recliner and walked forward. The person in front of him turned out to be a warrior. Although he hid his aura, he could not hide it from him.

The first customer of the reopened blacksmith shop turned out to be a congenital warrior. This was something he had not expected.

Although it was a bit strange, Wu Ping still quoted the price.

"This sword is one hundred taels of silver, no bargaining."

"Okay, this is ten taels of gold, shopkeeper, keep it."

Wu Ping was a little surprised to receive the gold from the middle-aged man. The other party did not even try the sword and paid the bill so readily.

And there was a little premium. After all, generally speaking, one hundred taels of silver, but not ten taels of gold, but it is easy to exchange the other way around.

"I wonder what the shopkeeper's name is?"

"My name is Wu Fan."

Wu Ping looked at the figure of the middle-aged man leaving after asking the question, and shook his head thoughtfully, put the gold into the storage bag, and lay down again to enjoy the sunbath.

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