In the third year, as Wu Ping's strength improved, Tie Sanqiang completely handed over the ironware shop to Wu Ping.

Even the most important debt collection was the same, with a 50-50 income split, which was considered to be a retirement life in advance.

Facing more and more customers and orders, Wu Ping once again raised the standard of "fine products".

In the case of ensuring that the income would not decrease much, a new price was also released.

Then he finally had some free time, but Wu Ping was not idle.

If he didn't spend the large amount of money he earned some time ago to improve his quality of life, how could he justify his "hard work"!

Afterwards, his residence, warehouse, and Tie Sanqiang's courtyard were all demolished and rebuilt, and they were also expanded a lot.

The ironwork room was also newly renovated and upgraded, and it looked more upscale.

Life once again returned to a relatively peaceful state, with a stable customer base. Every day, he could have a few drinks with Tie Sanqiang in the newly built courtyard. It was really a pleasure!

Until one day...


A kitchen knife fell and directly inserted into the chopping board. On the handle of the knife, the four words "Three Strong Ironware" were very conspicuous.

Wu Ping stopped forging iron and looked at the man who came. He looked like a young man and should not be more than 20 years old.

Behind him was an old man holding a sword in his hand. He should be a warrior.

This situation is similar to the general martial arts TV series.

Now, it really happened in front of him, making Wu Ping a little dazed, but before he could do anything, the young man spoke directly.

"Boss, this kitchen knife, is it made by you?"

"Huh?!" Wu Ping was a little confused. What does this mean?

"Shopkeeper, I want to make a sword. The craftsmanship and quality should be better than this kitchen knife. I will provide the materials, and you are only responsible for making it."

"These twenty taels of gold are considered as a deposit. If it succeeds, there will be another hundred taels of gold."

After Qin Shisan finished speaking, he put two golden ingots on the table and looked at Wu Ping with burning eyes.

In fact, it was an accident that Qin Shisan came to Wu Ping to refine the sword.

The day before yesterday, when he entered his kitchen, he found that the chef was using this kitchen knife engraved with the "Three Strong Ironware" logo to debone the monster meat.

The scene was extremely smooth, which instantly aroused his curiosity.

You know, that was monster meat, and ordinary kitchen knives would never be so smooth to chop, and even cut a few gaps.

Then, Qin Shisan took the kitchen knife from the chef with his left hand and took out his own high-quality steel sword with his right hand.

The two chopped against each other.


The steel sword broke into two pieces, but the kitchen knife did not have any gaps.

This completely shocked Qin Shisan. Although his steel sword was not a magic weapon, it was far stronger than ordinary swords.

It was so easily cut off by a kitchen knife, which made him speechless.

Soon, after his questioning and investigation, he found the origin of the kitchen knife.

That's why he brought his family's warrior servants to the Sanqiang Ironware Shop.

Wu Ping ignored Qin Shisan's burning eyes, and did not stay on the 20 taels of gold, but looked at the kitchen knife inserted into the chopping board.

He secretly speculated in his heart that he didn't know why the other party spent a hundred taels of gold and made such a big deal to make a sword, but there was no doubt that it was related to this kitchen knife.

Could it be?

Could the kitchen knife he made be comparable to a sword?

Such a "ridiculous" idea flashed through his mind.

In fact, Wu Ping still lacked cognition, so he didn't dare to think so.

This kitchen knife was made after he became a warrior, and it was forged with the "Nine-Nine Iron Forging Skills" inherited from the Iron Forging Gate.

Even if the kitchen knife forged in this way is made of ordinary iron, its quality is definitely top-grade in the Great Qin Dynasty, which is still a mortal dynasty. Its sharpness and hardness are no less than those ordinary swords.

In his heart, Wu Ping always reminded himself that this is a world of immortal cultivation, so he didn't care about the kitchen knife he made with ordinary iron.

After suppressing many thoughts in his mind, Wu Ping, who has always been cautious, agreed to Qin Shisan's forging requirements after weighing them.

With just this order, he can earn 100 taels of gold, so why not do it?

He couldn't think of any harm to himself.

Then, Qin Shisan said some more requirements for forging the sword, turned around and said goodbye, and agreed to bring the materials for forging the sword tomorrow.

Soon, early the next morning, Qin Shisan delivered the forging materials for the sword.

He also said that if the materials were not enough, he could talk to him again.

The two discussed some details of the sword, and Wu Ping set a delivery time, asking Qin Shisan to pick up the sword in 7 days.

After he left, Wu Ping looked at the many materials on the carriage, all of which were good goods that he couldn't buy at ordinary times, and couldn't help but secretly smack his lips.

These materials are more than enough to make a sword.More than enough, even forging two swords, for him, it is also possible.

Seven days passed in a flash.

Wu Ping looked at the two iron tools in front of him, a hammer and a sword.

The former was made by him for himself, using the same material as the sword.

Sometimes, "appropriate" hiding one's shortcomings and mediocrity are good for oneself.

He is not so stupid as to return the extra materials to Qin Shisan.

This may also bring disaster.

With the breakthrough of his cultivation, Wu Ping felt that the previous hammer was a little light and a little "brittle".

So he took this opportunity to make a handy hammer for himself.

As for the remaining sword, it was made with this new hammer according to Qin Shisan's requirements.

In order not to cheat Qin Shisan, this sword took him a lot of effort.

It can be said that this three-foot sword is the best iron tool he has made since he started forging iron.

It can definitely meet all the requirements put forward by Qin Shisan.

"Manager Wu, I'll take the sword."

Suddenly, two figures came to the front of the blacksmith shop. They were Qin Shisan and his servant.

Obviously, Qin Shisan, who had a special liking for swords, couldn't wait.

Following the direction of Wu Ping's finger, a three-foot green peak was placed on the sword rack, which instantly attracted Qin Shisan's attention.

Sword name: Lingyun.

According to the requirements, these two words were engraved on the sword body and the hilt, and there was no "Three Strong Ironware" trademark.

Stepping forward quickly, Qin Shisan stretched out his right hand, tightly grasped the slightly heavy sword, looked at it carefully, and his eyes were slightly fixed.

Then he came to the open space in front of the blacksmith shop and danced several sword flowers.

I don't know what he thought of, Qin Shisan stopped his action, asked the servant to take out a stone full of sword marks from the carriage, threw it on the ground, and stabbed it with a sword!


Qin Shisan couldn't believe his eyes. The "Sword Testing Stone" was pierced by his sword.

In his cognition, only the ten famous swords of the Qin Dynasty or the spiritual swords of the immortal cultivators can do this easily.

Such quality completely exceeded his expectations. He originally just wanted to forge a good sword.

Unexpectedly, now, this Lingyun Sword, even compared with the ten famous swords of the Qin Dynasty, is estimated to be not much worse.

It's simply a pie in the sky!

Qin Shisan's constantly changing expression completely fell into Wu Ping's eyes, which made him feel bad. He wanted to hide his shortcomings and didn't want the customer to suffer.

But looking at the current situation, I am afraid that I will be the one who "suffers".

Alas! I still didn't hide enough, I didn't hide enough!

I was careless...

At this point, do you want to pay more?

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