Shangxianju, a restaurant in the Cloud Region, is not a restaurant that serves ordinary people, but a restaurant that specializes in serving immortal masters.

They provide spiritual wine, spiritual meat, and spiritual vegetables, and the materials used are naturally some monster meat and spiritual rice and spiritual vegetables that contain spiritual energy.

For many immortal cultivators who have a desire for food, it is still very popular.

Every day, many immortal cultivators talk about immortals and demons in the restaurant and share interesting stories and anecdotes in the immortal world.

It must be said that many people like this and like it this way.

At this time, in the restaurant, an old Taoist priest in the early stage of foundation building with gray beard and hair took the spiritual wine handed over by a Qi training cultivator, pecked it gently, closed his eyes, and smacked his lips.

Although there were a group of cultivators around, no one came forward to disturb him.

Suddenly, the old Taoist priest opened his eyes, and a look of aftertaste flashed across his face, as if he was still not satisfied.

"Good wine, good wine. You are quite sincere this time. I will start to talk."

"To continue from last time, yesterday, the Taoist who made a connection appeared again. He successfully made a connection again and begged for the foundation-building skills and a large number of Qigong skills of Ziyun Sect. Do you know?"

"Ziyun Sect?" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard it.

Although there are many immortal sects in Yunyu, there is no specific ranking of who is strong and who is weak, but in the eyes of many people, Ziyun Sect is the strongest among the many sects in Yunyu.

Ziyun Sect has two middle-stage foundation-building elders and the largest number of early-stage foundation-building elders. Even its disciples are the most among all sects. It is hard to say that it is not the strongest immortal sect in Yunyu.

Now, as the "strongest" Ziyun Sect, it has suffered a disaster. It is unknown what the origin of this Taoist who made a connection is. His strength is simply unfathomable.

In a month, all the foundation-building sects in the entire Cloud Region were suddenly visited by a "Jieyuan Sword Cultivator". Not only did Jieyuan ask for the sect's skills, but he also forced the sect masters of each sect to swear to the Heavenly Dao not to leak the matter.

It must be said that such behavior is simply audacious!

In ancient times, there was a decree from the upper realm: the skills must not be passed on to others, otherwise they would be killed together.

This is not a secret among all the foundation-building and above sects, and even some small Qi training sects know about it.

Obviously, this Jieyuan Sword Cultivator must know about this, so he secretly did such a crazy thing.

But there is no wall that is impenetrable in the world. Finally, three days ago, for some unknown reason, the fact that Jieyuan Taoist secretly seized the skills was spread.

And together with the information of the decree, it spread throughout the Cloud Region at a very fast speed, and even spread to the entire Qingling Continent.

For a time, the entire Cloud Region knew what the Daozhi was, and in the future, all the cultivators in the entire Qingling Continent would also know it.

The only immortal sects in the Cloud Region that had not been "bound" were the weakest Qi training sects, but they were not panicking in their hearts.

Didn't you see the Taoist who had bound them? The ones who took action were all foundation-building sects. This was obviously looking down on them. What was there to panic about!

As for whether the Taoist who bound them would go to the four major forces where the Jindan Zhenren existed, everyone thought it was impossible. In fact, the four major forces had ruled the Qingling Continent for too long, and they were powerful and unshakable, and had been thoroughly rooted in the hearts of the people.

The four major forces not only had the strongest Jindan Zhenren sitting in charge, but also more than one.

And they occupied the best spiritual veins in the Qingling Continent and plundered many upper-level resources in the Qingling Continent. There was also a very important reason, which was the method of forming a pill.

Without the method of the Jindan period, it is not impossible to force a pill, but it is too difficult, and even if you can barely form a pill, how to cultivate to the Nascent Soul is another huge problem.

One step at a time, a threshold, blocked countless people who practice Taoism.

The technique is a taboo. With the Daozhi as an open support, the four major forces control the circulation of the technique, which is "legitimate".

This is the foundation and basis of their rule over Qingling Continent. The Daozhi is not passed on to others, and they are the eternal rulers of Qingling Continent.

Now, although this Taoist who has a connection with the relationship is acting in secret, now that it has been exposed, as the first defender of the Daozhi of Qingling Continent, the four major forces will naturally not ignore this matter, and will even unite and strike hard.

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey, to prevent such "bad" things from happening again.

In the restaurant, the old Taoist priest who has built his foundation looks at the amazed expressions of the people around him, and he enjoys it very much. There is no way, he likes it this way, anyway, this is how his life will be.

Come to the restaurant every day to chat, make friends with immortals, and enjoy fine wine. How happy life is!

He picked up the bottle again, drank it all in one gulp, burped, and didn't care, and said again: "The first-hand information I got was that Ziyun Sect was robbed of its skills by the Taoist who had a connection with it. Soonwill spread throughout the Cloud Region."

"Also, you may not know that this incident has angered the four major forces, and they are ready to join forces to arrest this lawless Taoist."

"I believe there will be news soon, just wait and see."

The four major forces joined forces, this is a major event that has never happened before. For a while, in the restaurant, whether it is the crowd gathered or some monks who were listening in the tavern, they were all very shocked.

"Old senior, is this true?" Finally, after a short silence, someone couldn't help but speak out.

"Hehe... When did I, the old Taoist, say false news in the restaurant? ! "

The old Taoist's affirmative words instantly made the restaurant noisy, and everyone was discussing when this Taoist priest would be caught.

Such a scene made the old Taoist extremely enjoyable, and he felt a different kind of secret joy in his heart. This is the feeling he wanted, double the joy!

In the tavern, Wu Ping looked at the crowd of people who were talking, his face indifferent.

He was even more disgusted with the so-called Taoist will. The meaning behind the Taoist will is self-evident. This is the sharpest blade of the ruler.

At this time, Wu Ping has recovered. After customizing the cultivation techniques to collect the immortals in the Cloud Domain, he acted vigorously and "secretly visited" all the foundation-building immortal gates within a month.

As for the exposure of this matter, it was also within his expectation, it was a matter of time.

Ziyunmen was his last stop, and he would stop after this job. As for this "fate Taoist", what does it have to do with him? Whoever wants to find it can find it.

It must be said that there are really many immortal gates in the Cloud Domain, and the foundation-building techniques that Wu Ping has looted are close to two Ten kinds of Qigong methods, there are too many to count, he didn't even have time to count them.

But all the methods are not as good as the ones he accidentally got from the storage rings of the two mid-stage foundation-building cultivators in the Yunyu branch of Wanbao Pavilion. In addition to the two foundation-building methods.

There is actually a golden elixir method, the name of the method: "Three-line Golden Elixir Secret".

Just by listening to the name, you can know that this method can make people form the most "rubbish" three-line golden elixir, but even so, it also tells many secrets of forming elixir and golden elixir.

This is something that all cultivators other than the four major forces dream of.

During this period, whenever Wu Ping had time, he would explore the "Three-Line Golden Pill Art", but his knowledge was limited after all, and he was a little confused.

But he was not discouraged. After he finished studying these Qi training and foundation-building techniques, he would explore the "Three-Line Golden Pill Art" again. It would not be too late!

Thinking of this, Wu Ping asked the waiter to pay the bill, flew up, and flew towards the east. As for the situation in the Cloud Domain, it had nothing to do with him.

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