Wu Ping checked again and confirmed that his appearance and aura had completely changed.

This was also what he had to do every time he changed his vest. It was always right to be cautious.

"Fellow Daoists, please come out and gather... come out and gather..."

Suddenly, in the Qingling Secret Realm, where the four major forces gathered, four loud shouts came.

This made the sixteen people who were not from the four major forces a little confused. They had just entered the Qingling Secret Realm. What did the four major forces mean?

Some people were unmoved and chose to hide and wait and see.

Some people were under pressure from the four major forces and did not dare to offend them. They walked out of their hiding places and flew to the gathering place of the four major forces.

After a few breaths of time, there were only six cultivators who came out, which made the leaders of the four major forces look cold.

This time, the Qingling Secret Realm was opened. They all had the tasks of their ancestors. They wanted to gather everyone and then clear the field.

Who knew that there were only six cultivators who came out?

There are still eleven people left. Could it be that someone would not choose to enter the Qingling Secret Realm when there is such an opportunity?

It is unlikely to come out. Someone must not want to come out.

"Fellow Taoists, please do not be ungrateful for the invitation from the four major sects. This is a small place. It is still easy to find you."

"I will give you ten breaths of time. If you don't come, don't blame us for being rude."

The cold shouts of the people from the four major forces sounded again in this spiritual plant weeds. The threat made everyone feel depressed.

Can they not go out this time?

Before, they had never heard that entering the Qingling Secret Realm would encounter such a thing.

Before, the four major forces ignored other people who entered the Qingling Secret Realm. This is clearly recorded in many ancient books about the Qingling Secret Realm.

Otherwise, they would not enter the Qingling Secret Realm like this. Once they enter the secret realm, they have to stay for a full month before the token channel will be restarted and they will be thrown out of the secret realm.

Now, what should we do? Knowing this, we can't come in no matter what. It's like riding a tiger and getting stuck.

They can't afford to offend the four major forces!

Soon, after three breaths, under the pressure of the four major forces, some cultivators came out one after another.

They really have no choice. There is only this spiritual plant land where they can hide, but the place is small, and it is basically impossible to avoid the four major forces.

The only place in the Qingling Secret Realm that can avoid the four major forces should be the palace complex, but it is also necessary to cross the place where the four major forces are located.

Obviously, this is also very difficult.

It's better to come out first and see what the four major forces mean.

In less than ten breaths, everyone gathered together, a total of one hundred, no more and no less, and Wu Ping, who looked like a thick-browed man, was also among them.

He was also a little confused. Could there be any changes in the opening of the Qingling Secret Realm this time?

According to records, the last time the Qingling Secret Realm was opened, it was exactly the shortest one thousand years before this time. Could there be any secrets?

The four major forces are the ones who know the most about the Qingling Secret Realm. Let's listen to their purpose before making plans.

When Wu Ping used his spiritual sense to explore before, he already had a rough idea in his mind. Even if all the people present came together, they couldn't withstand a few of his hammers, if his estimation was correct.

At the front of the four major forces, there were four people, but they all had distinct characteristics.

The Blood Evil Sect was a middle-aged man in blood-stained clothes, with a fierce face and murderous eyes, who looked very difficult to mess with.

The Qingling Sect was a sword cultivator in green clothes. Although he looked young, his sword skills were very sharp.

In front of the Wanbao Pavilion was an old man in gray robes, who looked a little fairy-like.

The leader of the Mingfo Temple was even more obvious, an old monk wearing a red cassock, which was also shining and full of jewels.

"Everyone, everyone is here, there is no need to wait, business is important, just kill these people." The middle-aged man in blood-stained clothes spoke first, his voice was cold but very steady, as if he was narrating a trivial matter.

"Donor, you are wrong, these people's eyes are confused by greed, but I think some of them have a connection with my Buddha, so they should not be generalized, and they should enter my Buddhist sect." The old monk of Mingfo Temple hurriedly stopped him, clasped his hands together, and showed compassion.

"Hehe... Old monk, if you usually have such an idea, it doesn't matter, but now, you can't do it randomly." The old Taoist of Wanbao Pavilion sneered, his tone was a little cold.

"What the Taoist brother of Wanbao Pavilion said makes sense!" The young sword cultivator seemed even colder, and stared at the old monk after he finished speaking.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, the old monk didn't care, and said leisurely:"What you fellow Taoists said makes sense. Since these people have a shallow affinity with Buddha, we can't force them after all."

After the old monk finished speaking, he looked at the seventeen people outside the four major forces, and the other three did the same.

"My Buddha is merciful, please ascend to paradise, escape from the sea of ​​suffering in this world, which is also a kind of liberation."

"Liberation? Old bald donkey, why don't you liberate yourself and return to your Buddha's arms!" The old monk's words were basically equivalent to a judgment of fate, so that the sixteen people (excluding Wu Ping) no longer had any illusions, and some people cursed on the spot.

At first, the words of the blood-stained middle-aged man made people feel cold, and then a few people spoke, which made them a little desperate.

What a chance to go to Nima. If I had known that coming to Qingling Secret Realm would be like this, I would not have come.

But now that things have come to this, regret is useless. Instead of waiting to die, it is better to fight. Maybe there is still a way to survive, someone thought so.

"Everyone, the four major forces are hypocritical, so don't have any more illusions."

"They cleared the area ahead of time this time, so they must have a great opportunity that they don't want us to get. Now the only hope for survival should be the palace in the distance. Whether you can escape depends on your ability."

After these words came out, some foundation-building monks who were still in a state of confusion and despair also came to their senses.

Before, facing the four major forces, they were under too much pressure. Now that their "colleagues" have awakened them, although they have no good intentions, there is indeed no way out at this time.

Damn it, let's fight!

A hope of life circulated in everyone's eyes. Who wants to die if they can survive and have a chance?

Seeing the people who still didn't "accept their fate", many people from the four major forces showed cruel smiles, some were sarcastic, some were bloodthirsty, some were excited...

Wu Ping didn't say anything during the whole process, just quietly stayed behind the crowd. Sure enough, none of the foundation-building beings who could come to the Qingling Secret Realm were fools, and they also found the strangeness of the palace group in the distance.

But can they really reach that palace smoothly under the siege of the four major forces?

Wu Ping felt that it was unlikely and the chance was slim.

Maybe the woman in the middle stage of the transformation of the mortal world with a ghost face mask still has a glimmer of hope, but it's hard to say.

Soon, as the crowd scattered and fled, the people from the four major forces also moved, and a "feast" of hunting and escaping began.

The only two people who hadn't made any moves at the scene were left. One was Wu Ping, who was waiting for someone to kill him.

The other person was naturally the woman with the ghost face mask. I don't know what she was waiting for?

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