Qing Lingzi's eight thousand years of memory, and the semi-immortal artifact Qingtianjie disk recognized the master, making Wu Ping the biggest winner of the opening of the Qingling Secret Realm.

His background became rich all of a sudden, which made him change a lot in both his vision and mentality.

With a thought, Wu Ping's consciousness covered the entire Qingtian Realm, and the dilapidated appearance made him frown slightly.

Reconstruction and reconstruction are imperative.

But first, no one has to interfere.

In a side hall, Huang Tianyi spent a lot of effort and got some precious spiritual plants. These spiritual plants are very useful for the Jindan stage.

This is the third palace where she successfully broke the ban. Although it is not as fast as Wu Ping, it is also quite exaggerated.

On the one hand, it comes from her strength, and on the other hand, it is her talent and understanding. She can always find the weakest point of the ban and break it in the fastest time.

Suddenly, the token that carried her into the "Qingtian Realm" flew out with a "whoosh". After a flash of green light, Huang Tianyi felt an irresistible force to drive her away.

In a blink of an eye, Huang Tianyi's figure disappeared, but the token was still there.

It was Wu Ping who used the power of the Qingtian Realm Plate to send Huang Tianyi back to the place where he entered the Qingtian Realm.

The power of all Qingling tokens comes from the Qingtian Realm Plate. They will record the coordinates of every entrant. Where they came from, they will be where they leave.

With a move of his spiritual consciousness, Wu Ping took out his own token from the storage ring, suspended in front of him, and held it with one hand. The next moment, ninety-nine green lights also flew towards Wu Ping, arriving in an instant.

A total of one hundred Qingling tokens gathered in front of Wu Ping.

Before, Wu Ping did not collect these tokens because he was a little worried. If he collected all the tokens and made a mistake in the end, he would be teleported to the four major forces when he returned. That would be a big deal.

Anyway, Qingtian Realm can only be entered with tokens. If everyone died, only he and Huang Tianyi would be left. It would be better to leave these tokens in the secret realm, which would be beneficial to him.

But now, Wu Ping has become the owner of the Qingtian Realm, and this Qingtian Realm has become his private property. Who would throw away the key to the front door casually or leave it to others?

It is necessary to destroy these Qingling tokens.

With a light wave of his arm, all the tokens flashed with green light, and finally turned into streams of light and fell into the Qingtian Realm. After that, the one hundred tokens turned directly into ashes and drifted in the air.

After doing this, Wu Ping did not stop. With a wave of his hand, all the spiritual plants, spiritual tools, spiritual medicines, and jade slips of exercises in the palace were captured by Wu Ping.

Most of them came from the outer palaces. The palaces after the Qingtian Palace were all pretense. Only one palace had these cultivation resources. This was the core resource left by Qing Lingzi for himself, and it was also the most precious resource. It was a resource that would be used after the Nascent Soul.

Of course, it has now become Wu Ping's most precious cultivation resource, but it seems a bit wasteful to use it with his current cultivation.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, a large area of ​​palaces collapsed and turned into ashes, leaving only a huge and flat bluestone square and the Qingtian Palace in the center.

That's right, Wu Ping looked down on these dilapidated palaces. Of course, he had to renovate his "home" himself. Although it seemed a bit empty at present, it was better than the messy and dilapidated palaces.

After renovating the palaces, it was the spiritual plant weeds in the distance. For Wu Ping, he also had to repair it.

Between the thoughts, the earth dragon surged, and the spiritual plant grasslands in patches were covered and buried deep in the soil, turning into nutrients. The terrain in the Qingtian Realm also began to change.

Outside the bluestone square, a river stretched out, flowing into the distance, passing between the hills and the spiritual fields.

Although there was no water in the river at this time, the hills and the spiritual fields were bare.

But this was not difficult for Wu Ping, the owner of the semi-immortal weapon.

Countless spiritual plants were taken out. Those that could be planted were planted by Wu Ping on a brand new spiritual field to increase the age. In the future, he could sell them at a better price or use them himself.

Those that could not be planted were all exploded by him and used as nutrients for the Qingtian Realm.

Of course, the spiritual plants that Wu Ping used to feed back were all spiritual plants that had no effect on him or had little effect on him, but even if these spiritual plants were used up, there were still a large number of spiritual plants in his storage ring waiting for him to use later.

In fact, if you want to quickly restore the spiritual energy in the Qingtian Realm, it is best to use spiritual stones. The spiritual energy content in spiritual stones is much higher than that of spiritual plants, but Wu Ping has no such plan, at least not at present.

Spiritual plants absorb certain medicinal properties, and medicine is three-point poison. Over time, it is always a bit disadvantageous to Wu Ping, but there is no such concern for spiritual stones.

Although Wu Ping currently has a lot of spiritual stones, as his cultivation increases, there will always be a time when it is not enough.The consumption of spiritual stones for Xianwu practitioners is huge. Wu Ping needs to make plans early. Moreover, even if he uses all his low-grade spiritual stones, the recovery of the semi-immortal Qingtianjie disk is very limited, which requires a long time.

Wu Ping knows that it cannot be changed overnight.

He chanted a spell to summon spiritual rain, which fell accurately on the riverbed.

Now, with a little green in the spiritual field and flowing spiritual water, Wu Ping's first step of transformation has been completed. Looking at the bare hills, he can only add bricks and tiles later.

Put all the precious cultivation resources in the Qingtian Hall, and leave some daily use in the storage ring. Wu Ping no longer needs to toss and turn in many storage rings many times.

With the Qingtianjie, the storage ring seems a bit useless to Wu Ping.

Storage rings are still very precious and face-saving for people who are not from the four major forces.

But for the four major forces that can easily make storage rings, it is not worth much. Even if Wu Ping wants to sell it, there is no good way to find Wanbao Pavilion?

After thinking about it, forget it. It is better to keep it. Maybe it may be useful in the future.

After transforming Qingtian Realm and sorting out his own cultivation resources, there are still many exercises waiting for Wu Ping to explore. This requires returning to Lanyun Taoist Temple.

At present, there is only one thing left: to put Qingtian Realm back into the Qingtian Realm disk.

Qingtian Realm is located in Qingyu and on the main vein of Qingling Mountain Range. A powerful ban separates it from the outside world and no living creature can enter.

At this time, outside Qingtian Realm, a crowd of people gathered, all of whom were people from the four major forces, and the strongest people from the four major forces were Jindan Zhenren.

This scene made countless cultivators who were concerned about Qingling Secret Realm speculate privately. There were also rumors that a few days ago, all the cultivators from the four major forces who entered Qingling Secret Realm died.

Many people could not believe such explosive news, but now seeing that the four great Jindan masters were gathered here, it was feared that something really big had happened.

Could it be that something had changed in the Qingling Secret Realm?

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