
Chapter 296: Smell the war

After exiting the gate of the outer courtyard of King Kong Temple, Chu Ling was still angry.

"Little sister, you..."

"Ninth brother, he's too much. The grandmother just wants to see him. For others, it's a blessing that can't be asked for, but he still pushes and resists like this."

"Master also has his own concerns."

"Isn't he just afraid of his father blaming him? As an eminent monk with great supernatural powers, why should he be so afraid of his father, he has no character at all!"

Chu Xiang smiled.

Chu Ling looked at him suspiciously, not knowing why he smiled.

Chu Xiang hurriedly waved his hand and stopped laughing.

"Ninth brother, what are you laughing at!" Chu Ling asked in confusion, "Is it so funny when I say it?"

"I just thought of the word "character" and thought of some interesting things."

"What's interesting?"

"There are many eminent monks in our Shenjing, and many eminent monks are very strong, but as soon as the royal father summoned them, they were revealed in the main hall."

Chu Ling said inexplicably: "At least these eminent monks should have deep concentration, right?"

"Hey, no matter how strong the concentration is, in the face of a powerful force, it is still vulnerable, just like a small boat in a storm. What is the use of concentration?"

"Are they embarrassed?"

"Or face as pale as earth, or pale as paper, or even trembling all over, and was finally expelled from the hall by the father."

"Father, is this...?"

"Father, of course, used a secret technique to overwhelm people with power." Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "So the so-called character is not worth mentioning in the face of absolute power, and it is useless to not be afraid of death."

Some eminent monks are indeed profound in the Dharma, and they see through life and death and transcend life and death, but this is of no use.

In today's era, known as the end of the Dharma, true Buddhist practice has come to an end.

Without Dharma practice, the state of mind is just the state of mind. Without practice, it is like a castle on the sand, unwilling to be hit.

It is said that most of the true practice of Buddhism has been passed down, and from Master Fakong, it is known that even the Kongo Temple is also extinct.

Daleiyin Temple may still have a true legend, but in all the temples in the world, there are very few true legends.

Therefore, the father emperor was quite disdainful of Buddhism, just maintaining the surface politeness, and also looking at the face of the Daxueshan sect.

If it weren't for the Daxueshan Sect, the Buddhist temples in the world would probably decline at least 90% of the time.

"Don't be afraid of death, what else is there to be afraid of?" Chu Ling was puzzled.

Chu Xiang smiled: "Little sister, you are not afraid of death, are you? But there are still things to be afraid of, right?"


"My father's secret method is to target fear, and it goes straight to the deepest fear in the other's heart. Even an eminent monk is not impeccable. According to my father's words, there is no impeccable mind."

"Father is too bad."

"So the smartest one is Master Fkong." Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Little sister, do you think Master Fkong is timid and too cautious?"

"Humph." Chu Ling snorted softly.

Fakong is his savior, so he can't say this, but he always feels that what he does is different from what he thinks, which makes him very disappointed.

When I didn't meet, I felt that he was mysterious and unpredictable. When I met for the first time, I felt that he was extraordinary and heartbreaking.

But when I saw him a lot later, I found that he was ordinary, completely different from his appearance.

Calmness can be seen as being warm, cautious can be seen as cowardly, and indifference can be seen as lack of enterprising spirit.

"You..." Chu Xiang shook his head: "Jing is a little clever, looking smart, but in fact lacks experience, impetuous and shallow."

Chu Lingming's eyes widened.

Chu Xiang said: "Little sister, if you had the magical powers of Master Fakong and such cultivation, I'm afraid you would have been arrogant and looked down on all beings, right?"

"...It's arrogant and arrogant, as long as there is something to rely on, it's fine." Chu Ling snorted.

She was very dissatisfied with Chu Xiang's evaluation.

Impetuous and shallow?

Where are you being impetuous?

Where is shallow!

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "That's because you don't know how powerful your father is and how powerful your father is, so you always feel that it doesn't matter if you offend your father, because your father spoils you, you will ignore your father's actions. temper."

Chu Ling was not convinced: "Could it be that the royal father would really kill him? He was given a name and a plaque was written to him. How could it be possible to kill him? Why be afraid of that!"

"You don't need to kill him, as long as you press down on their King Kong Temple, it's enough for him." Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "You... I don't know that the world is difficult, golden branches and jade leaves, thinking that the suffering in the world is only sickness, and I don't know there are all kinds of other things. suffering."

Chu Lingming's eyes flashed, thoughtful.

Because she is too weak, she has been staying in Lingyun Palace and rarely goes outside, so the wisdom she has seen is from reading.

Try to figure out people's hearts to figure out the world, but lose the truth.

"So, he is not timid, but because of the heavy responsibility?"

"Little sister, you have a good understanding!"

"As a **** monk, it's really unpleasant to be so tied up." Chu Ling shook his head: "The **** monk I imagined is not like this."

"There is always a gap between reality and imagination." Chu Xiang sees how savvy she is, and likes to teach her more: "The imaginary world is always simple, the real world is far more complicated than that, intertwined and entangled with cause and effect. , like a huge net covering everyone, pulling one hair and moving the whole body, even if Master Fakong sees through the red dust, how can he be detached from the red dust when he is in the red dust?"


"Little sister, think about it, if the master offended the father and the father suppressed the King Kong Temple, wouldn't he want to assassinate the father? If he doesn't want the King Kong Temple to be buried with him, he can't be so reckless, so what else can he do? "

"Assassinate us?"

"Is that really going to break the net? It won't get to that point."

"any idea?"

"So, the master doesn't want to offend the father emperor now. The father emperor will not force the master easily. After all, he is afraid of making him anxious, so the master simply puts down everything and runs directly to Dayong or Dayun."

The two walked and talked.

People and cars pass by constantly on the street, bustling and bustling.

"Forcing him to rush, will he really leave?"

"Why not?" Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "After all, the master has supernatural powers, a supernatural power, I am afraid that even the father and emperor can't stop it."

"That's true." Chu Ling nodded: "So, I misunderstood him, is it right not to see the imperial grandmother?"

"Yes." Chu Xiang nodded.

Chu Ling sighed: "But the imperial grandmother is very disappointed, admires him very much, and really wants to meet."

"I'll see you later." Chu Xiang said.

Chu Ling shook her head: "I really don't understand why the father and emperor didn't let Master Fakong see the emperor's grandmother. It's necessary to be so taboo."

"Royal father's vigilance is very strict, and royal father acts more cautiously." Chu Xiang smiled and shook his head: "Don't you think they are very similar?"

Chu Ling was startled.

"As the emperor, the emperor's martial arts are still the best in the world, but do you see when the emperor has acted recklessly? Isn't it the same cautiousness? Always be vigilant?"

"...I don't understand them." Chu Ling waved his hand: "Forget it, I have no choice!"

At this time, in the outer courtyard of King Kong Temple, Fa Kong shook his head and smiled.

What the two of them said and did was already in their minds.

Lord Xin still understands himself very well and knows his situation, so he can understand his choice and can be regarded as a confidant.

Chu Ling is indeed alert and savvy.

However, as a princess with golden branches and jade leaves, she never has to think about what others think, because others have to think about what she thinks, so her wisdom is limited.

But with her understanding and being by Chu Xiang's side, her wisdom will increase by leaps and bounds.

At this time, he saw three figures appearing outside the temple gate, but it was a man accompanying Li Jingchun and Li Xinwei.

After thinking about it, Fa Kong knew that this middle-aged man with a righteous and dignified face should be Li Zhengyuan.

Although it is only a seventh rank, Ke Dao Gi is a noble position close to the emperor, with a low rank and a heavy weight.

Lin Feiyang was coming out with snacks, he beckoned and pointed outside.

Lin Feiyang put down his snacks and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, he appeared at the entrance of the temple, opened the door, and invited Li Zhengyuan's family of three to enter the temple.

Fa Kong appeared beside the release pool and smiled.

The three of them bowed deeply together.

Everyone sat at the stone table next to them, Xu Qingluo served tea and stood aside holding a sandalwood tray.

Li Zhengyuan first said some words of thanks, and Fa Kong smiled politely.

After drinking two sips of tea, Li Zhengyuan looked at Li Jingchun and Li Xinwei.

The two women got up wisely and went to the liberation pond to look at the lotus flowers.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Master Li, what's the matter?"

"Some things, it is better to tell the master in advance, it should be useful."

"Come with me." Fa Kong got up, took Li Zhengyuan through the Moon Gate, came to his own courtyard, and sat at the table.

Xu Qingluo moved their tea cups over and continued to stand aside holding the sandalwood tray.

Li Zhengyuan glanced at her and saw that Fa Kong didn't mean to expel people, so he didn't say any more. He stroked his beard and said slowly, "Master knows about the Southern Supervisory Division, right?"

Fa Kong said: "You said you want to revoke the establishment of the Southern Supervision Department, right?"

"Now I'm bringing this up again." Li Zhengyuan shook his head and said, "Master should know that the Southern Supervisory Division was established for Shenwu Mansion."

Fa Kong nodded.

The Southern Supervision Division is not the green-clothed outer division, the green-clothed inner division, which only targets people in the martial arts.

After the Southern Supervisory Division was established, its duty was to monitor the entire martial arts forest, and every disciple of each sect and sect had to be registered with the Southern Supervisory Division.

At the same time, it can also command all martial arts masters in the world.

In fact, it is tantamount to unifying the martial arts and becoming the leader of the martial arts alliance.

This is the first of its kind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So far, no one has been able to unify the martial arts.

Once the Southern Supervisory Division is established, the Shenwu Mansion will not be so important, and it can be replaced directly by the Green Clothes Nei Division.

According to Fa Kong's understanding, Shenwu Mansion is similar to the armed police in previous lives.

Shenwu Mansion was built when Dagan was first built, and the martial arts were in turmoil.

After the great peace, the status of Shenwu Mansion was somewhat awkward.

"Once the Southern Supervisory Division is established, the Shenwu Mansion will be merged into the Ministry of War, thus becoming the most elite force, and its battlefield will be transferred from the civilian to the killing field."


"Why do you want to transfer Shenwu Mansion to the Ministry of War?" Li Zhengyuan said slowly: "Master, you can guess."

Fa Kong frowned: "War?"

Li Zhengyuan smiled without saying a word: "For the rest, I have my responsibility, so I can't say more."

"...Thank you, Mr. Li." Fa Kong nodded slowly.

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