The two returned home, waiting for the anxious grandfather to see them return, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when he saw the red and swollen marks on Xu Ze's face, he was still startled, Xu Zhaofu's two slaps did not have any strength, and he couldn't wait to fight to death, before it was just a print, but now it is a large swollen piece.

"Who was this beaten by, why is it so cruel?" Grandpa asked.

"Dad!" Jiang Tian said.

Grandpa also had no words, and Xu Ze was here, and he didn't want to ask what was going on.

"You go and wipe the potion quickly, otherwise it will swell even worse after sleeping, I will go and make the meal first, after working outside for so long, your stomach must be hungry."

Grandpa hurriedly went to the kitchen, and Agui followed to help.

Jiang Tian went to find the potion and placed it on the table.

Xu Ze smeared the potion on his face with a muffled voice, and there was a tingling pain when touched, as well as a hot feeling, but he just couldn't bear to make a sound.

"You can stay in the village this holiday, as for what to do, just see what I arrange when the time comes."

"Hmm." Xu Ze paused, raised his head and looked at Jiang Tian and said, "Brother Tian, I don't want to go back, it's not my home at all, for me, it's like a terrible demon cave, I don't feel warm inside, every day is urging me to study, study, don't care what happens to me at all."

"Sometimes I come home and see that they are busy and tired, and I think about going over to help them so that I can lighten their burden, but they let me flash to the side, I don't know if I used to make a mess."

"The next time I come back from school, I also see that they are busy, thinking about what they said before, so I didn't go over, but went to the house to study, but I didn't expect them to say that I didn't know how to be considerate of them, I couldn't even come and ask, I really didn't know what to do."

"Brother Tian, I have decided, in the future, you will be my own brother, I will work for you here, as long as there is food and housing, I will not go back to that home."

Looking at Xu Ze's expression, Jiang Tian understood his feelings better, but family is family, Uncle Xu they have mistakes, but they can't even give them the opportunity to admit their mistakes.

"I can agree with it before, but you have to go back after the holiday, this time will give both of you a chance to calm down, you are also a senior in high school, you know the seriousness of the matter, in this case, wait for later."

"Well, I see." Xu Ze began to rub the potion on his face again.

As soon as Jiang Tian saw him like this, he knew that he hadn't listened to much of it, and as for what would happen in the future, this could only be a step at a time.

After waiting for a long time, Grandpa was outside beckoning them to eat.

Seeing that the table was full of steaming meals, Grandpa and they all respected themselves, and did not ask what happened, Xu Ze's eyes couldn't help but moist again.

"I'm hungry, let's eat quickly." As if he hadn't noticed Xu Ze crying, Grandpa pushed over a bowl of rice.

This meal, Xu Ze ate very comfortably, he has long been hungry for a long time, now it is called a fast meal, if it is not for the swollen face, maybe the speed will be faster.

After eating, Xu Ze returned home, and he was alone at home, turning over and over and unable to sleep.

He simply stopped sleeping, leaned on the bed, and didn't know what he was thinking.


Time is fleeting, the new farm has been built, this time the chosen area is more space, and it straddles two areas, one is close to the mountain forest, but the woods are not very dense, and on the other side are two separate water systems, linking the reservoir to the downstream, which is for ducks.

Learning from stealing last night, this time a lot of monitoring equipment has been installed around, and even at night you can see it quite clearly.

Jiang Tian drove in the ducks who were temporarily living in the pigsty, and called Lao Zhou of the farm to tell him to send the remaining chickens and ducklings.

After all, it was he who farmed there in the past few days, and Jiang Tian paid for a few more days of feed.

It can be seen that the old Zhou couple attaches great importance to these little chickens, and after raising them for a few days, instead of being thin, they are much more energetic.

After sending all the chickens purchased by Jiang Tian, Lao Zhou saw this spacious farm, it was envious in his eyes, he also wanted to have such a place, when the time came to raise free-range chickens, it was simply amazing, but unfortunately, he did not have such conditions.

In front of the farm, Lao Zhou said: "Your place is really good, no wonder you want so many chicks, now the price of free-range chickens is much higher than the price of broiler chickens raised in the greenhouse, but it is only one or two dollars more expensive, and now the entire adult chicken market is not very good." "

He is envious, but just think about it, if you really want to do it, you really don't dare, like him in the greenhouse out of the broiler chickens, basically are instant chickens, breeding time, cost are very low, so that more money is made."

But free-range chickens are different, not to mention how much it costs to occupy the land occupied by this farm, that is, the surrounding iron fences, the time spent, and then the need to buy some high-quality feed, all kinds of costs add up, all of which make him prohibitive.

Free-range chickens are indeed a lot more expensive, but in this way, they are not as profitable as selling broiler chickens.

"It's okay, I have my own sales channel here." Jiang Tian breeds these chickens and ducks, itself is not for the outside world, but exclusively for the troops and restaurants, just the troops, if the other party really wants all, these chickens and ducks are not enough for the troops to eat for a few days, plus now Dong Shihao has opened many restaurants across the country, and the demand will naturally be greater at that time.

That's why he directly built such a large farm, and now these chicks and ducklings are just beginning, and they will come in a few days.

"It's good to have your own channels, it's not like retail investors like us." Lao Zhou sighed, "By the way, I don't know if Lao Wang has asked God or worshiped Buddha recently, and his luck will be so good." "

What's wrong?" Jiang Tian asked curiously, he was still very impressed by Lao Wang's temporary change.

"We farmers have chickens and adult chickens, including eggs have recently been backlogged in our hands, and they can't be sold at all, I'm okay here, I met a nobleman like you, Lao Wang's kind of person with bad character, I still thought about what he should do, but I didn't expect that people also found a channel, all the chicks were sold, many farmers went to ask how to sell, people just don't say."

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