"Is it time to step down..."

Qin Yu looked at the security robe he was wearing, and a complex color flashed in his ink-black pupils.

Now that the task of playing a security guard has been completed, it is indeed time to take off the security robe on his body.

I still remember that a week ago, he put on this battle robe, and he vowed to guard the peace and tranquility of the Bijiyuan community.

Today, he does.

With his hands behind his back, Qin Yu stood proudly at the gate of the community.

The fierce wind blew by, blowing his battle robe hunting!

He, his face is calm, his momentum is like an abyss, like a needle of the sea god, blocking all incoming enemies, and the security epaulettes on his shoulders shine even more under the sunlight!

My name is Qin Yu and I am eighteen years old this year.

Today, I am a five-star general of Biji Park!

"Groove! It's so burning! It's so burning! When you go back, you have to watch two episodes of Boruto to cool down. Qin

Yu secretly made up a wonderful drama in his heart, and then yawned and went home to rest.


The next day, Qin Yu went to school as usual.

"Students, today we have a joint examination for cultural classes, everything is 100% restored to the college entrance examination, which is the first mock exam before the college entrance examination."

"However, don't be nervous, just treat it with a normal heart, the teacher believes in your strength."

On the podium, class teacher Li Muxia encouraged everyone in the classroom.

But when everyone in the classroom heard this, their expressions began to become a little nervous.

After all, this is the first serious exam they have taken since they entered the third year of high school, and they don't know what kind of results they can get at their current level.

There is still about half an hour before the official start of the exam.

Everyone in the classroom hurriedly took out textbooks or notes and began to review, and the atmosphere in the class suddenly became a little dignified.

Some of the top students who usually study well are showing sadness and communicating with each other at this moment.

"Old Chen, how have you reviewed?"

"My review is poor, I have only played since I went home these days, and I haven't learned at all."

"Alas~ so am I, I just started to rot."

"Really, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I feel that my head is empty now, I feel that I have forgotten any knowledge, and this time the results should go down a lot."


Students, you speak, I speak, anyway, the main meaning is one, I

haven't reviewed at all."

Of course, for this kind of nonsense of the top students, the rest of the people will not believe a word.

Before the exam, they all said that they didn't review, and they planned to swing, but after the exam, the results were higher than the other!

It's all a bunch of scheming boys/girls!

"Old Qin, have you reviewed?"

Liu Damao looked at Qin Yu on the side and asked.

"Review?" Qin Yu spread his hands and smiled disdainfully: "How can I review, I can't review in my life." "

Whew~ that's good," Liu Damao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and patted his chest: "This time, our brothers continue to play steadily, you should be the first from the bottom, I should be the second from the bottom, hehe." "

Qin Yu:"..."

"Da Mao, this time, the buddy may be going to soar into the sky."

"Huh?" Liu Damao was stunned, and suddenly became a little nervous: "Don't scare me, old Qin, you won't really study secretly behind my back, right?"

Qin Yu smiled and said nothing, obviously acquiescing.

Liu Damao's mentality suddenly collapsed.

"I lean! You are a bad boy, you said that you would go to the white head together, but you secretly baked the oil!?

Qin Yu patted him on the shoulder helplessly: "Brother, I'm sorry, buddy is afraid that he will fly up one step ahead of you."


"Snowflakes are fluttering, the north wind is Xiao Xiao..."

Half an hour later, the exam officially begins.

The exam lasts a total of four hours, and they need to complete the six subjects of mathematics, Chinese, history, biology, physics and chemistry within these four hours.

All this is carried out exactly according to the model of the college entrance examination.

The test is how the candidates can achieve higher results quickly and accurately in a very limited time!

Therefore, for students who experience this examination mode for the first time, the psychological pressure is still a bit great.

No, this is just a few minutes after the exam, and already some classmates began to sweat on their foreheads.

Not only is the time stipulated for this exam two hours less than before, but the difficulty of the paper is much higher, even some top students are a little big at the moment.

However, for Qin Yu, who had already acquired the knowledge of the other five high schools except for Chinese, these scrolls in front of him were simply something that dared to sprinkle water alone.

Almost every time he read a question, the correct answer directly came to his mind, just like Nima copying a book.

This also caused Qin Yu to write quickly, and it took less than an hour to answer the other five scrolls except for the language scrolls.

As for the language rolls, he glanced at the first question.

[What is the next sentence of the Han Emperor thinking about the country?]

After reading it, Qin Yu smiled grimly.

Laugh to death,

not at all.

Immediately, Qin Yu simply gave up the language scroll completely, lay on the table, and began to sleep soundly.

Li Muxia, who was invigilated, saw that Qin Yu was able to sleep an hour after the exam started, not only was he not angry, but he showed a relieved smile.

You know, in the past, this kid began to sleep directly after less than ten minutes after the start of the exam, and the papers handed in were basically no different from the white rolls.

But this time, being able to write an hour later and then go to sleep is already a big improvement!

On the other side, outside the corridor, the principal and the other high-ranking officials of the school were patrolling back and forth in the corridor of the third year of high school, observing the examination of each class.

Patrolling all the way to the third and fifth classes of high school, the principal Li Ping looked into the classroom, and Qin Yu, who was sleeping on the table, suddenly met his eyes.

But Li Ping was not angry, but said with a kind smile:

"Alas, now these children are really tired from studying pressure, you look at that child, last night must have stayed up late to review late, resulting in falling asleep directly during the exam." It seems that in the future, our school will also have to reduce the burden on students.

"Indeed, these children are really under great pressure to study now, and it's time to reduce the burden." The vice principal behind him answered with a smile on his face.

However, after the principal left, the smile on the vice principal's face suddenly disappeared, beckoned, signaled the teaching director behind him to come over, and said lightly:

"Director Ma, what is the situation in this class, how can there be students sleeping during the exam, remind him, let him not sleep."

"Okay, okay."

Director Ma quickly nodded and agreed.

Then, after the vice principal left, Director Ma's face also sank, and he said coldly towards Li Muxia in the classroom:

"Teacher Li, come out!"

Li Muxia was stunned when he heard this, and walked out of the classroom.

"Director, what's the matter?"

"What else?" Director Ma sneered, and directly pointed at Qin Yu, who was sitting in the back row and was sleeping huffing:

"How can you be a class teacher, let him sleep like this during the exam, you simply let him move the bed to the classroom, and quickly wake him up, it's really unbelievable!"

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