Lord All People: I Turned Out To Be Tang Monk Flesh!

Chapter 19 The Beardsley Who Was Scolded Bloody!

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: For you, a guy who can't even afford an apple, how dare you call me trash?"]

【Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human race): "Yo! The Lord is here? Why does it sound like there is something inside? Is there a grievance?"]

【Blair (Knight World) (Human Race): "Eat melons in the front row!"】

【Beardsley (Holy Light World) (human race): "Who do you think can't even afford an apple?"]

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Of course it's you! Who else could it be?"]

【Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human race): "I just didn't get it!"】

Don't say it, it's really possible!

Recently, the apples that Chen Yang hangs up are often instant!

There are a large number of alternate lords from the world of the heavens, and there are also many alternate lords with elven arms, and their strength is not weak!

But at this time, of course Chen Yang will throw dirty water on Beardsley!

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human race): "Hehe! If you can afford an apple, you won't beg me to give it to you for free!"】

[Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human race): "@ Chen Yang: You are slandering!"]

[Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: If you dare to swear to your God of Light that you don't let me provide you with free fruit within thirty days, I will admit that I slandered you!"]

Beardsley was silent!

He dared not speak.

Vows in this world cannot be made casually!

Believers who lie in the name of gods will be punished by gods!

The God of Light in the Holy Light World may not be able to control the Lord of the Abyss World.

But Beardsley will return to the Holy Light World sooner or later!

As the son of a cardinal of the Inquisition, how could he not be a believer?

[Sandy (Green Tree World) (Wood Elf): "Free fruit for 30 days? This is too much!"]

【Blair (Knight World) (Human race): "This Beardsley is indeed a little too much! If you really have elves in your hands, how can you not even be able to afford apples? That's elves!"】

【Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human race): "Sure enough! No matter which god of light you believe in, they are all hypocrites... No wonder Beardsley scolded Chen Yang!"]


Seeing that Beardsley dared not swear, almost all the new lords sided with Chen Yang.

The vast majority of people in this world still believe in the principle of equivalent exchange!

Of course Chen Yang will not stop there!

His blood surged, and he suddenly found the exhilarating feeling of being a keyboard warrior in his previous life!

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Why don't you speak? Why don't you dare to swear? Are you dumb? Didn't you just say that I'm a waste?"】

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: A lord like you who has elven arms but can't even afford apples is a real waste!"]

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Those elves are so blind after following you, they can't even eat fruit, why don't you just let them be with me, at least you can eat any fruit you want!"]

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: You still said that your father is a cardinal of the Inquisition, it depends on your habit of taking people's things for nothing, and your father taught you?" 】

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Why didn't your mother teach you something good?"]

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human race): "@Beardsley: You don't have a mother, do you?"]


【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: The Holy See in the Holy Light World is probably very rich, right?"]


Chen Yang not only taunted Beardsley crazily, but even his father, the Inquisition was not spared, and even the Holy See who brought the world of holy light into it.

Of course, Chen Yang still has a sense of proportion!

He scolded the Holy See the most, but he didn't scold the God of Light in the Holy Light World...

Chen Yang taunted the output crazily, just like a machine gun.

Crackling, almost without a pause!

The content of Chen Yang's swearing is naturally full of tricks, and the content will never be repeated!

The most important thing is that Chen Yang doesn't swear, even the world of Lords of the Heavens can't block it!

He is used to avoiding masked words, and in this chat channel, he is even more at ease!

Even many lords watching the fun found Chen Yang's scolding funny!

Many rookie lords don't want to go out to hunt monsters of the abyss anymore, they just want to see how Chen Yang curses people in different ways...

[Sandy (Green Tree World) (Wood Elf): "Poor fellow countrymen, you can't even eat fruit!"]

[Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human race): "Chen Yang scolded well, no matter which world the believers of the God of Light are not good things!"]


[Garrett (Holy Light World) (Human Race): "@ Chen Yang: You are slandering our Holy See of Light!"]

[Garrett (Holy Light World) (Human race): "@Beardsley: I will go to the Holy See for this matter!"】

In the back, Chen Yang scolded all the other newcomer lords of the Holy Light World!

In the abyss world, Beardsley sat on the stone bench in the territory, staring at the world chat channel with wide eyes.

He was so angry that his face was flushed, he was panting like a cow, and his whole body was shaking!

Every time he was about to speak, Chen Yang's mocking words would pop out.

Every word Chen Yang said could make him lose his mind!

In less than thirty seconds, the screen was filled with Chen Yang's scolding words.

Chen Yang's speech alone seems to suppress the speeches of the entire Newcomer Lord World Communication Channel!

When had Beardsley been so angry!

He was scolded to the point of losing his mind!

My brain was completely confused by Chen Yang's scolding!

Finally, a minute later, Beardsley carefully considered his words and revised them repeatedly before he uttered a sentence:

[Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human race): "@ Chen Yang: No matter how you say it, it can't change the fact that you are a waste. I have 965 merit points. How much do you have?"】

[Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human Race): "Don't say it, 965 meritorious points are still quite impressive!"]

【Sandy (Green Tree World) (Wood Elf): "It seems that Beardsley still has some strength!"】

[Blair (Knight World) (Human Race): "965 merit points, amazing! More than 300 merit points higher than me!"]


Seeing these replies, the scolded Beardsley finally felt better!

At least, he was able to win back a victory!

When Chen Yang saw Beardsley speak, he was also slightly taken aback.

But when he saw the content sent by Beardsley, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed!

That's it?

Before Chen Yang could reply, someone suddenly spoke.

[Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "@Joel@Sandy@Blair@...: Don't you all look at the newcomer list? Didn't you notice Chen Yang's ranking?"】

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