Lord All People: I Turned Out To Be Tang Monk Flesh!

Chapter 70 Help Dad! Tell You To Hide Your Baby!

Since the gate of the abyss appeared in the air, the abyss monster that appeared should be an abyss monster that can fly!

You can't let the monsters from the abyss fall from the sky to give the lords a bargain, right?

Abyssal monsters that can fly are definitely the most troublesome existence among low-level abyssal monsters.

Air superiority, no~ it's just talk!

Fortunately, Chen Yang also has air superiority!

As soon as the gate of the abyss above his head appeared, the Yiyi people, Yi Yi, flew over.

Yi Jiu curiously pointed at the gray fog and asked, "My lord, will flying monsters come out of it?"

"Yes!" Chen Yang nodded, "Where are the others?"

"There are three other abyss gates in the territory!"

"Four?" Chen Yang said helplessly, "These four should be the top treatment, I feel that the Abyss World values ​​it!"

The so-called lord is like a virus rooted in the abyss world.

When the protection of the Lords of the Heavens disappears, the Abyss World will be aware of the existence of new Lords like Chen Yang.

The gate of the abyss is more like a defense mechanism, similar to the human immune system!

Block this wave of abyssal monsters, and the lives of the lords will be much better in the future!

Generally speaking, an alternate lord with the heart of a mythical lord will encounter three gates of the abyss.

Only the top... unlucky ones will encounter the four gates of the abyss!

Two minutes later, the gray mist above Chen Yang's head surged, followed by a strange scream.

"Quack quack..."

Abyssal monsters the size of ostriches rushed out from the gate of the abyss.

Before Chen Yang could see what kind of monster flew out, Yi Er punched the abyss monster in the head.

The head of the abyss monster did not explode, but its neck was broken directly.

The corpse fell from the sky, Chen Yang took a closer look.

[Split Skylark (Black Iron Top Grade): A low-level flying abyss monster with a fast flying speed and sharp claws!】

High-grade black iron, no problem!

Chen Yang raised his head and saw groups of skylarks rushing out.

But as soon as these Skylarks came out, they were blocked by Yi Er and Yi Yi.

The three formed an encirclement net, and no Skylark could break through their encirclement!

The corpses of the Skylark fell from the sky one after another.

As long as there are more than ten black iron high-grade skylarks, most of the candidate lords can't stop them, but it's a pity that they encountered Chen Yang!

The first alternate lord on the rookie list!

It also has the most powerful vampire unit among the rookie lords!

It can only be said that they went to the wrong place.

At the same time, fighting in the other three locations was also going on.

Chen Yang came to the bonfire near the Lord's Heart, found a stone bench and sat down.

He glanced at the forty Warriors with serious faces, weapons in hand, and the forty Warriors guarding the heart of the lord, and opened the world communication channel.

Right now he doesn't need to worry.

If there is a problem, Yiyi and the others will call for reinforcements.

The area of ​​the territory is only one square kilometer, and everyone will know it after shouting!

【Prague (Steel Collar) (Dwarves): "It's over! It's over! I can't keep it anymore, what should I do?】

【Foster (New Moon World) (Human Race): "Lord Chen Yang, give me the burst fruit quickly, I feel like I can't hold on any longer!】

【Johnson (Dark Moon World) (Human Race): "Oh my God! It turned out to be a flying monster, it's a fucking dog, it's in big trouble!!】

【Dowty (Black Dragon World) (Dark Elf): "I can't keep it anymore, I'd better give up!】

In the world communication channel, it is really crying father and mother now.

After all, the elimination rate of alternate lords is over 80%!

Even if there are tens of thousands of poppers by Chen Yang, it will not affect this ratio.

This is a countless world, with tens of millions of candidate lords!

Chen Yang began to process "friend applications" while paying attention to the world communication channel.

Seeing Chen Yang so calm, the forty Warriors who were a little nervous all calmed down.

Seeing that their lord was still so calm, they couldn't help feeling admiration.

No. 1 on the rookie list!

There are a lot of four gates of the abyss, but Yi Yi and the others divide their troops and block in front of the four gates of the abyss.

If an abyss monster runs out of the gate of the abyss, they will kill an abyss monster!

Even if four or five of them run out at the same time, they can kill them in an extremely fast time.

Ten minutes passed, and they didn't let an abyss monster walk two meters from the abyss gate.

Yi Yi and the others are very strong, and they are all silver-level masters.

Those who are slightly behind them in level will almost be instantly killed by them!

Under Chen Yang's diligence, all their talents have been upgraded to S-level!

A troop with a level 5 talent is called a level 7 troop!

And they still have five elite seventh-level units with five-level talents!

Even if the Abyss Gate releases gold-level monsters, it is estimated that it will be difficult to defeat them!

At this moment, among the alternate lords, only Chen Yang can be so free at this moment.

Even if it is anger, he can only fight against the abyssal monsters himself.

After all, the arms of Nuyan are only first-level arms.

The strength is at the peak of black iron!

And Fuyan will definitely encounter hordes of bronze-level monsters "enough for him to work!

[Adams (Leader of the Black Devil) (Human Race): "It's unscientific to encounter a bronze-level monster! I've been bad luck for eight lifetimes... Lord Chen quickly passed my friend, I use the flower elf The unit altar will be exchanged with you! Help!]

[Ha Linton (Three Lands Territory) (Goblin Race): "@Adams: Die this heart! Lord Chen Yang must be busy dealing with monsters in the abyss now, why did you go so early? Give up the lordship together, and return It can save a life!!”]

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "@ Adams: Have you sent me a friend request?】

In fact, Chen Yang has been thinking about it for a long time!

He knew that there must be many alternate lords hiding good things!

Only when they are at the end of their ropes, will they think of themselves...

0…ask for flowers………

The sudden appearance of Chen Yang, in the eyes of Adams, is really like an angel descending!

[Adams (Dark Lord) (Human Race): "@ Chen Yang: It's gone! Daddy save me! Daddy help!】

[Ha Linton (Three Lands) (Goblin Race): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen Yang, it's already time, do you still have time to watch the world communication channel?"]

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "@赫Linton: Abyssal monsters are too weak, if they didn't take the initiative to attack me, I wouldn't even want to deal with them!】

Immediately, Chen Yang switched to the friend application and found Adams' friend application.

Flower elves are a group of intelligent creatures that are much rarer than elves.

Born from the flowers of magical plants, they are timid and peace-loving.

They generally live in deep mountains and old forests, or stay with elves.

Their racial talent is not high, their strength is not strong, and they are very delicate.

If you are in a bad mood, I dare to die for you!

But they are delicate and cute, and they can dance on the palm of your hand!


They are also very good at growing flowering magic plants.

It is the favorite of many female lords!

In the world of Lords of the Heavens, one flower elf can be exchanged for ten elves with the same talent level...even more!

After all, they are too rare!

Their prices are all raised by the female lords.

Those female lords, many people don't look at the price when buying things, it all depends on their preferences!

If it is not a last resort, Adams is definitely not willing to release the altar of the flower elf unit!

But the lord qualification is more valuable than the flower elf altar after all!

Even if he voluntarily gave up the lord's assessment, he still can't take anything with him.

Normal people know what to choose!

As soon as Chen Yang added Adams as a friend, Adams couldn't wait to send Chen Yang a message.

Adams: "Quick! Dad, help me! Give me ten Bronze-rank poppers!"

Chen Yang: "One!"

Adams: "One will do, help!"

I'm burning my ass, Adams is in a hurry!

A Bronze-rank Blast Fruit is enough to deal with the crisis in front of him!

Chen Yang: "Okay, then let's make a deal!"

Half a second later, a stone altar appeared beside Chen Yang.

[Flower Elf Mage Group (Level 1 Troop) (10/0): Can summon ten Flower Elf Plant Mage whose talent does not exceed level 1. 】

Adams did not summon the Mage group of flower elves, so he should have gotten it today.

Of course, it is also possible that he is more confident in his current strength, and wants to bring this altar to the original world to make a deal...but something happened accidentally!

Ten flower elves, if you really want, Chen Yang can exchange them for a hundred elves!

However, he only spent one Bronze-ranked popper!

This is really earned!

so comfortable!

He glanced at the world communication channel again, and found that someone had taken out the king-level magic plant Moyuancao again, so he couldn't help laughing:

"I told you to keep your treasures privately, and now I have tricked you to death!".

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