Lord All People: I Turned Out To Be Tang Monk Flesh!

Chapter 85 Trading Bloodlines! Prepare To Form An Elite Army Of Blood Clans!

"But Clara, your talent is not strong, even if you go out, you won't have the strength to protect yourself!"

"My talent is indeed not strong!" Clara said with a look of hope, "But didn't the elder say that? There are not only terrible humans, beast races, and monsters from the abyss outside, but also all kinds of magic that can enhance talent in Legendary. Plants, I'm sure I'll find them!"

"Wait, Clara don't go!"

Clara waved to her companions: "Goodbye, my friends, I'll see you all when I kill the dragon and become a hero of the flower elves!"

After Clara finished speaking, she disappeared into the flower field in an instant.

In just three minutes, ten flower elves appeared on the altar one after another.

They are small in stature, standing together at the arms altar is not crowded at all.

Shifra and ten other wood elves looked at them curiously.

They also looked at the world curiously!

"Are you our - Lord Lord?"

Facing the unfamiliar environment, Clara summoned up her courage - looked at Chen Yang and asked.

Clara is the size of a palm, has a delicate and lovely appearance, has long pink hair, and wears a pink red dress.

That pink red dress looks like a flower, it looks very beautiful!

Looks a bit like a Barbie doll!

Much better than a Barbie doll though!

Chen Yang nodded: "Yes! I am your lord!"

Clara pulled her skirt lightly, and saluted Chen Yang:

"I have met the lord, Clara will fight for you!"

The other flower elves followed Clara's example and saluted Chen Yang.


Chen Yang nodded.

To be honest, he was a little reluctant to let these cuties go out to fight!

If one is missing, he will be in pain!

He sensed it a little bit and got Clara's detailed information.

【Name】: Clara (Psychedelic Flower)

[attribute]: plant

[Identity]: Flower Fairy Mage Corps (first-class unit) (Chen Yang)

【Occupation】: Botanical Mage

[Talent]: 1. Plant birth (f), 2. Plant control (f)

【Grade】: black iron middle grade

[Skills]: 1. Plant birth, 2. Plant control, psychedelic poison powder

【Equipment】: None

[Comment]: This is a flower elf born in the psychedelic flower, and can use the psychedelic poison powder of the psychedelic flower.

The psychedelic flower is also a relatively rare black iron magic plant.

Inhaling the pollen of the psychedelic flower will produce strong hallucinations, and it will also have a paralyzing effect!

Then, he looked at several other flower elves.

As cute and beautiful as Clara, they were all born from special magical plants with flowers.

But judging from their data, they are more suitable for planting.

Plant spawning skills combined with plant control skills can indeed be used for combat.

But the combat power is relatively limited!

Clara suddenly asked: "The lord is a human?"


Chen Yang nodded.

"Humans don't look scary!"

This sentence made Chen Yang a little dumbfounded!

Where is he scary?

Among the new lords this time, his reputation is very good!

"Clara, follow Sifra first!" Chen Yang pointed at Sifra and introduced, "Sifra is a hero with great talent!"

Flower elves are very close to the elves.

The elves also like flower elves very much.

Giving Clara and the others to Shifra is the best choice.

"A hero in Legendary?" Clara's eyes lit up, looking at Sifra, "She seems to be an elf!"

"She's an elf!" said the flower elf behind Clara, "the wind elf!"

Wind elves?" Clara excitedly said, "This is the first time I've seen elves, a hero unit of the elves? It must be very strong!"

"Of course the heroes of the elves are strong!"

"The elves are very strong, and humans are not their opponents at all!"

"Flower elves, follow me from now on!" Shivra showed a very friendly smile, "But you must obey my orders!"

"Of course Clara obeys your orders!" Clara nodded and asked curiously, "Master Sifra, have you ever killed a dragon?"

"I have killed it!" Shifra nodded, "I have killed black dragons, green dragons, and abyssal dragons!"

"Miss Shifra is amazing!"

"As expected, he is a hero of the elves!"

In the flattery of these little cuties, Shifra gradually lost herself!

Just when Chen Yang wanted to remind Sifra, he received a message from Galadriel.

Galadriel: "Lord Chen, are you there?"

Chen Yang: "Yes!"

Galadriel: "I don't see you on my monthly list recently!"

Chen Yang: "Busy about the lord's affairs!"

Galadriel: "You won't be seen in the top 100 on the monthly list, so don't force yourself, find some big forces with a good reputation, and they shouldn't get too involved in the territory construction!"

Chen Yang: "I have my own ideas!"

Galadriel: "Okay! I can give you the slave you want tomorrow!"

Galadriel: "But I'm curious, why do you want so many bloods, and you want unmarried young females..."

This question made Chen Yang a little embarrassed!

There are dark elves and blood slaves in Galadriel, and the prices are extremely expensive.

But after thinking about it, Chen Yang decided to get the blood clan Nukang!

Dark elves are notoriously debauched in the world of Lords of the Heavens.

When the interest comes, it is really cold and cold, and any race is acceptable.

In addition, they are born with enmity with the elves.

There are many elves in Chen Yang's territory, and he may have to cooperate with the elves in the future.

For the convenience of management, because of the stability.

He simply abandoned the dark elves first, and bought blood from Galadriel instead!

As for why females.... If he had a choice, he would definitely choose females first!

Galadriel had a lot of blood captives, so Chen Yang had already exhausted all his chips by buying suitable young females!

Chen Yang: "My initial unit is vampire servants, and I feel that vampires are more suitable for the abyss environment!"

Chen Yang: "As for why it is a young female, it is because my vampire servants are all female, so it is easier to manage them uniformly!"

Chen Yang: "Being unmarried is because they have concerns in their hearts. If they have nothing to worry about, it will be easier to train them to be elite Warriors!"

Galadriel: "So it is!"

Galadriel believed Chen Yang's words completely!

The impression Chen Yang left on her was really good.

She doesn't believe that Chen Yang is a person who is addicted to beauty!

Indeed, Chen Yang is not 1sp, at least he thinks so!

He just wants to cultivate a pure blood elite!

For Chen Yang, the purebred race is a very cost-effective race!

Bloodline is perfect for the dark environment of the Abyss world!

Moreover, the number of racial talents is relatively large, and it is relatively balanced.

They have relatively strong physique and strength, speed talent, and good recovery ability!

Also has blood attribute or dark attribute Mage talent!

Whether it is melee attack or spells, they are not bad!

The most important thing is that purebreds can fly when their level is relatively low.

This is also very important!

Air supremacy is not just talk!

Flying monsters from the abyss are a headache for many lords who don't have flying units!

In Chen Yang's eyes, the blood clan is a low-profile version of the dragon clan!

But there are so many blood races!

Bloodlines do have an Achilles' heel.

That is, the spells of the light system are extremely restrained against them!

But this is not a problem at all in the abyss world!

The abyss represents destruction!

Among the monsters in the abyss, there are no light or life attributes!

0…ask for flowers……

Yi Yi and the others can indeed transform blood races, but the efficiency is too low.

The transformed vampire will have a long period of adaptation.

It will also make Yi Yi and the others weak for a while!

At this stage, Yiyi and the other ten sisters are the backbone of the territory's combat power!

Chen Yang can't leave them in a weak state!

Galadriel: "The blood race is indeed more suitable for the abyss world!"

Galadriel: "Then according to the agreement, I can trade thirty-three vampires to you right now, and we also need a contract to exclude the Evil God spider queen!"

Chen Yang: "There is no problem!"

The price negotiated at the beginning was a bronze-level green spirit fruit in exchange for ten vampires with super talents, or dark elves!

But many blood races have several levels of talent.

There are also some blood races with high talents, which all have a premium.

Chen Yang remembered that among the thirty-three blood clans, there was one who had a low-level commander talent!

But as long as Chen Yang doesn't buy elves, Galadriel will be easier to talk to.

If the vampires with high talent level are eliminated, Chen Yang can get more vampires.

But Chen Yang thinks that thirty-three vampires are enough for the time being!

The amount is too much, he can't afford it!

Adding the thirty-three vampires, and sister Yi Yishi, he had forty-three vampires.

Wait for him to upgrade the talents of these forty-three blood races to at least level 5.

He might continue to consider cultivating other blood races!

But that must have been a long time in the future.

After all, Chen Yang also wants to train other subordinates!

Galadriel: "Lord Chen, I have signed the slave contract with them, is it convenient for you to accept it now?"

Chen Yang: "Accept it now!"

It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, Chen Yang also has time now.

Thirty-three vampires, it won't take up much space!

Galadriel: "Good!"

[Hint: Your friend Galadriel traded you thirty-three blood slaves according to the contract, whether to accept it. 】

"take over!"

Then, twenty-one young girls appeared in front of Chen Yang.

Why is Chen Yang so sure that they are unmarried girls?

very simple!

Guess how the elves tell the difference between unmarried and married

Definitely not by interrogation!

What to do if something goes wrong?

That was a transaction contract signed under the witness of the world lords of the heavens.

How to identify married and unmarried slaves, the heavens and the world have a set of default detection standards!

These blood girls looked relatively healthy, with no injuries on their bodies.

Clothes are in good condition.

It seems that it is better for slaves!

It is that their faces are a little blue, which is obviously caused by long-term malnutrition.

Chen Yang estimated that they couldn't eat the fruit of the elves.

It is impossible for the elves to hunt and kill other creatures for them!

Seeing them, Chen Yang felt the slave contract connection between himself and these blood races.

Galadriel signed a slave contract with them. When she traded these slaves to Chen Yang, the slave contract was automatically transferred to Chen Yang.

It can be said that Chen Yang can kill these blood races with just one thought!

Chen Yang did this every time he bought slaves.

Let the trafficker sign a slave contract with the slave first, and then transfer the slave contract to yourself through the transaction!

This is how it is done when buying human and elf slaves.

Forcing people to be slaves, it is impossible to say that the slaves have no grudges in their hearts!

This kind of hated thing, Chen Yang decided to do less!

Just borrow someone else's hand!

After all, he is a benevolent lord!

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Yang, the lord of this place!" Chen Yang said in a serious tone, "From today onwards, you are my slaves beg!".

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