Lu Fei in the trial space naturally didn't know about Shui Lanxing.

He is still in charge of directing the manual matching operations.

However, as time gets closer and closer to 10 o'clock.

The matching queue time is getting longer and longer.

It seems that even before the end of 10 o'clock, it may not be possible to match another opponent.

"It seems that it's about the same. Let's rest in this little time and wait for the final result to be announced."

Thinking about it, Lu Fei stretched his waist, and the long-term concentration caused a little pain in the lumbar spine.

He didn't forget these girls, and they had contributed a lot.

"There is no need to match anymore, everyone, let's take a rest, you must be tired after working for so long."

Lu Fei looked at these girls with a smile, and motioned them to rest in the Lord's Mansion.

"I'm not tired at all, just click the match button, and I can fight for a few more hours."

"There is no time for you to fight again. The result will be announced at 10 o'clock. The lord should be able to get a good ranking."

"That's for sure. The lord is so powerful, and the combat effectiveness of his troops is also strong. The victory points are almost breaking through a thousand."

"Not only that, I estimate at least two thousand."

"Don't guess, just ask the lord directly."

Under Lu Fei's order, everyone stopped manual matching.

Immediately, the group of girls became active again.

There was an argument over how many LPs Lu Fei got.

In the end, they all looked at Lu Fei curiously with Qiqi eyes.

"Well, wait a minute, let me see."

Lu Fei smiled lightly, and at the same time checked the winning points.

Matches: 302

Number of victories: 302

Winning rate: 100%

Victory Points: 18710


Lu Fei himself was taken aback by this number.

More than 7000 win points than before.

Just a 300-game winning streak awarded an additional 6,400 points.

Sure enough, winning streak is the big head.

However, the key is to rely on strength, without strength, there is no winning streak.

When Lu Fei told everyone this number.

There were bursts of inhalation sounds, which kept ringing.

Of course they can know how terrifying this number is.

Before they became Lu Fei's vassals, they had very few victory points.

The most is dozens of points, the least is even negative.

In a match against Lu Fei's win points.

The girls present were almost terrified.

My lord, he is too powerful!

Immediately, many girls looked at Lu Fei with admiration almost overflowing.

With these girls, Lu Fei walked back to the Lord's Mansion.

Look at the time, there are still about ten minutes, it will be 10 o'clock.

Lu Fei sat relaxedly at the desk, enjoying the massage from the girl with animal ears.

The entire lord's mansion was overcrowded, except for Lu Fei, the rest were all girls.

Lu Fei looked at the Lord's Mansion, thinking about upgrading the territory quickly.

As the territory is upgraded, the lord's mansion will also be automatically upgraded, becoming bigger and more luxurious.

Otherwise, people will hardly be able to pretend.

Just as Lu Fei was thinking about the development plan of the territory.

The aunts in the backyard started clamoring again.

"It's going to be born, it's about to be born! Lord Lord, come and see, all of them are about to be born."

Auntie's voice was so loud that it penetrated directly from the backyard to the hall, and it still made people's eardrums tingle.

Born again? !

Lu Fei was overjoyed.

Three elves, more than a dozen beast ear mothers, all of them are about to give birth.

That was a big surprise.

Lu Fei got up and walked to the backyard.

The entire backyard can be said to be busy.

There is no way, the number of aunts who can deliver babies is completely insufficient.

Fortunately, when the territory was upgraded before, a large number of subjects were rewarded, and among them, the female subjects were retained by Lu Fei.

And after subduing these girls' vassals, they accepted their people, and the same female people were left behind by Lu Fei.

Then all were handed over to these aunts to teach them the skills of midwifery.

However, they don't have enough time to study, and their skills are definitely not as good as experienced aunts.

It seems that we will have to look for buildings such as libraries and hospitals in the future.

Well-trained birth attendants can be trained faster.





Lu Fei was pacing back and forth in the backyard, and then there was the sound of a baby crying.

It seems that all were born safely.

"Congratulations, the offspring was born safely, and rewards will be issued to you soon."

"After the qualification test of the offspring is completed, a birth package (Rare) will be issued to you."


"Congratulations, the offspring was born safely, and rewards will be issued to you soon."

"After the qualification test of the offspring is completed, a birth package (Rare) will be issued to you."


Such a reminder sounded 26 times, which means that Lu Fei has 26 offspring born this time.

Eight of them were twins, and the rewards were repeated 8 times, which was a surprise.

Basically, the offspring are of the Rare grade, and the corresponding birth gift packages are naturally Rare.

However, so many rare gift packs can be synthesized.

Lu Fei looked at a pile of unopened gift bags in his backpack, and directly chose synthesis.

"Congratulations on synthesizing all the fertility gift packages of the same level."

"You got: Fertility Gift Package (Epic Tier 1) x3."


Lu Fei looked at the backpack, three of Epic's maternity packages.

Indicates that synthesis can continue.

Then continue chant!

"Congratulations on synthesizing all the fertility gift packages of the same level."

"You got: Fertility Gift Package (Epic Tier 3)."

Fuck, cool!

Synthesis is not simple addition.

Three first-orders are combined into one third-order.

The higher the grade, the greater the gap between each grade.

The gap between Epic Tier 1 and Epic Tier 3 is probably hundreds of times.

The synthesis this time is simply a waste of money!

This Epic package, Lu Fei is naturally ready to open it now.

No need to wait for synthesis.

Otherwise, you have to wait for at least two Epic packs, which would be a waste of time.

"You have opened the 'Fertility Gift Package' (Epic Tier 3)!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the resource supply, Primary energy spar x100000."

"Congratulations, you have obtained an item——Secret Realm Card (Epic Tier 1) x1."

"Congratulations, you have obtained the building - Moonlight Fountain (Epic Tier 3) x1."


"I actually got stuck in the secret realm, how lucky am I..."

Regarding the treasure and value of the secret realm card, the textbook has spent a lot of time introducing it.

The reward for the first place in the victory point leaderboard this time is a secret realm card.

As a result, another secret realm card was opened from the big gift bag.

Lu Fei can only explain that his luck is overwhelming.

The remaining rewards, energy spar, were automatically transferred to Lu Fei's account.

The Moonlight Fountain building was put into his backpack by him.

Wait to take a closer look later.

Because the time has come to 10 o'clock.

The victory point leaderboard will be announced soon.

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