Lord All People: More Sons, More Blessings, Create The Supreme Kingdom Of God

Chapter 72 Dean Dai Of Tianyi Academy Greets Him Personally, Lu Fei Is Here!

After entering the gate of the academy, one is truly inside the academy.

And the difference between inside and outside the academy is like a world of difference.

Inside the academy, it seems to be a space of its own.

At this moment, the lords who entered the academy under the leadership of the doorman came to a huge circular stone platform square.

The entire circular stone platform square is about the size of ten football fields, and it is all paved with top-quality white jade.

And under the circular stone platform square is a green lake, like a piece of emerald jade.

The circular stone platform square floats tens of meters above the lake out of thin air, completely free from the constraints of gravity.

To the east of the lake is a towering mountain.

The mountain surface is flat and straight, like a knife cutting.

On it, several waterfalls hang upside down, and rocks and trees grow horizontally.

All kinds of birds and beasts can be seen faintly among the trees.

It's like a fairyland.

Let some lords who have never been here open their eyes.

On both sides of the mountain peak, there are buildings on the left and right respectively.

These building groups are the places where the students of the academy study and live.

But the two buildings are different.

When the lord level reaches the Extraordinary state, he will get a second chance to awaken.

Through the second awakening, the lord can obtain the occupation.

Occupations are divided into combat and non-combat classes.

The main teaching content of Tianyi Academy is to teach students their future career planning.

The buildings on the left side of the mountain are used by combat students, and the right side is used by combat students.

On the square of the circular stone platform, countless lords were shocked by the magnificent scene of the academy.

However, there are still some people who have not forgotten their purpose of coming to the academy this time.

That is to take the qualification test and get a place in the academy's junior class.

Soon, these people noticed a mysterious stone statue in the center of the circular stone platform square.

"Look, that should be the test stone. When the qualification test starts, our children need to go there to test their talents."

"Yeah, it should be. However, I don't know what the mechanism of this test stone is. How can I judge a child's talent?"

"Brother, didn't you do your homework when you came here? Did you see the seven horizontal lines on the test stone? Red, orange, purple, yellow, blue, green, from high to low, representing the strength of 25 talents."

"That's right, the strongest talent will test the red horizontal stripes, on the contrary, the weakest talent will be the green horizontal stripes. The condition for passing the qualification test is to at least reach the purple horizontal stripes.

"Holy shit, it looks very difficult, can anyone tell me what the purple horizontal stripes represent?"

"The minimum level corresponding to the purple horizontal stripes is the first level of Rare level 15, and the age is no more than 12 years old, do you understand?"

"Damn it, it's so difficult, I'm sure I won't be able to pass it if I'm a brat, what the hell, it's a waste of time!"

Everyone looked at the test stone in the center of the square and talked aloud.

Many of the lords had made sufficient preparations before coming.

Naturally, he knew the mechanism of the test stone.

However, just knowing the mechanism is of no use.

The key is to have their children meet the passing standards.

The standard for passing the qualification test is to measure the Purple stripes and above.

After passing the qualification test, does it mean that you will get a place in the junior class.

Finally, there is another flexible process, which is the interview.

This year, there is only one quota left for the youth class of Tianyi Academy.

And this spot happened to be vacated by the beautiful teacher named Luo Danxia.

That means. After a while, whichever child Mr. Luo Danxia takes a fancy to, it means that the child has been admitted.

As for how to look at it, it is very metaphysical.

Maybe, it's very possible to see which family's children are cuter.

Interviews are flexible and there are no criteria.

What is different from the treatment of these common lords is that the three parents from the top forces.

Then came to a separately opened high platform close to the mountain peak.

At this moment, many figures stood on the stage.

Prince Remo of the elves and his daughter, and the little leader of the stone people, the stone man and his son.

Disgusted by the human lord, Abu Da, the young chieftain of the barbaric human race, and his son and a Kobold military division.

As for Tianyi Academy, several vice presidents and admission directors were sent to welcome these distinguished guests.

See this scene.

The parents of the Common lords under the high platform suddenly panicked.

Fuck, they are not doing some py transactions, are they?

No, this must be a py transaction!

Soon, everyone was talking about it.

"Holy shit, I heard that there is only one place left in Tianyi Academy this time, and it turned out that the three of them came together, and even one place was not enough. Do we still have our share?"

"What the hell, isn't this playing us like monkeys? They must be doing some insider manipulation. Don't think about it, our children must be out of play, and everyone is here for nothing.

"Nimma, it's disgusting for Tianyi Academy to do this. I oppose it. Everyone protest with me!"

"Protest, protest, we want to compete fairly, even the parents of these big forces can't bully us like this, making our children have no chance at all.

"Yeah, if I had known this was the case, I would definitely not have come. This is simply deceiving people too much. I protest!"

"We must give us an explanation today, or we will not leave!"

"Yes, let's discuss together, or we won't leave.

Among these lords, it is not known who is taking the lead in booing.

It made everyone think that there was an insider operation in this qualification test.

The last place in the youth class must belong to the lords of these powerful forces.

It has nothing to do with them, the lords from the Common family.

In this way, isn't it a waste of everyone's time and deceiving everyone's feelings.

After a burst of incitement, many lords began to appeal.

Protest against the irregular operation of Tianyi College.

In an instant, the shouts were deafening.

Naturally, this series of actions soon alarmed the academy leaders on the high platform.

These vice presidents looked at each other in blank dismay, then shook their heads and smiled wryly.

The actions of these Common lords' parents, they can naturally understand.

After all, there is only one place.

But today, there are three heavyweight lords of great forces.

Everyone would naturally think that this quota must have been predetermined by these powerful lords.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

The lords and parents of the three alien races have already met with the academy.

It is true that they do not need to take the qualification test, and their children can directly enter the junior class.

But they won't occupy that sole spot.

That is to say, those parents of Common Lords still have a chance to get their children admitted.

However, the difficulty of this admission can be imagined.

After all, the number of lord parents who came to sign up this time reached hundreds of thousands.

In order to dispel everyone's doubts, a vice president stepped forward.

"Everyone, please stay calm."

"I am Vice President Zhou of Tianyi Academy, please listen to me."

The strength of Vice President Zhou is extraordinary.

The voice of speaking was like a stormy sea, and it immediately resounded throughout the entire academy.

Some weaker lords were even shaken by this burst of sound.

Vice President Zhou just finished speaking.

All the lords fell silent.

So Vice President Zhou told everyone the real situation.

In the end, he also used his position as a guarantee. What he said just now definitely counts.

Hearing this, these lords were completely relieved.

After all, this is the vice-principal of the academy, and he has clarified it, so there is still a fake.

How to put it, using the courtyard is also a matter of face.

After appeasing everyone.

Vice President Zhou began to arrange staff to prepare for the next qualification test ceremony.

Under his arrangement, hundreds of staff members dressed in academy uniforms walked into the circular stone platform square in an orderly manner.

Start laying out special connection props.

After all, there is only one test stone, but there are hundreds of thousands of children who sign up for the test.

In order to improve efficiency, it is natural to use special props.

This special prop can allow thousands of children to complete the test at the same time and display the test results.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of people can also complete the test in a very short period of time.

As long as the props are placed, the qualification test can officially begin.

So, those staff members began to get busy.

And on the high platform.

The little barbarian chief, Abu Da, walked towards Vice President Zhou with a strange smile on his face.

"Hey, Vice President Zhou, I don't know what happened before, how did you arrange it for me?"

Abda asked with a smile.

However, his smile is extremely obscene, and it is not a serious smile at first glance.

As for the arrangement he said.

In fact, it was Luo Danxia who he was pursuing, to be his child's teacher.

In this way, the near water and the tower first get the moon.

Relying on the relationship of the child.

He must have a lot of opportunities to communicate with this beautiful teacher.

In this way, wouldn't it be possible to get her.


Abda thought proudly.

At the same time, thinking of Luodan's perfect figure.

Abuda couldn't help but feel a burst of heat in his lower abdomen.

Lianyan Shendu became cloudy a lot.

However, the facts are not as he wished.

Vice President Zhou looked embarrassed, smiled wryly and shook his head.

After sighing, he said, "I'm very sorry, Abu Da, I may have disappointed you.

Teacher Luo did not agree to teach your child. Even though I persuaded her many times, she still refused to agree.

I have nothing to do, after all, our Tianyi Academy respects the choice of every teacher and is very free in teaching tasks.

This is the rule set by the yard, and there is nothing I can do about it. "

As Vice President Zhou said, he spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

He has a lot of friendship with the barbarian race, so he is naturally willing to help the young chief.

But he can't guarantee the result of the help.

heard the words.

Abda went berserk immediately.

"What the hell, I didn't agree, I'm so mad!"


Abuda roared directly, startling the people next to him.

This is the characteristic of the barbaric human race. They have no brains and are very impulsive.

Moreover, this Abda's occupation is still a combat occupation.

It made him look like a mad dog.

It seemed that someone could be caught and bitten at any time.

Of course, there was a reason why he was so angry.

He has been chasing this beautiful woman from Luo for several years.

As a result, not a single hair was licked.

With such a good opportunity right now, the other party didn't give him face at all.

It turned out to be direct

Refused to be his son's teacher.

How could this make him angry.

It's just about to explode.

Fortunately, the kobold military division beside him calmed him down.

This military adviser was arranged by the chief of the barbaric human race, that is, Abu Da's father, by his side.

Basically, those high-level barbarians have a military adviser by their side, because they calm their emotions and make suggestions.

Otherwise, with the temperament of these savages.

Maybe how big a hole can be poked in the metaverse.

Suddenly, just after Abda stabilized his emotions.

An unusually strong momentum emanated from a forbidden area on the mountain peak.

Immediately, Vice President Zhou opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction.

At the same time, he couldn't help muttering to himself: "That's...the dean!"

The doubt in his tone quickly turned into affirmation.

That must be the dean's breath, he is very familiar with it.

But, why did the dean even leave the customs today?

Could it be that there are some important figures coming?

But, it shouldn't be, aren't the lords and parents of these powerful forces all coming?

Vice President Zhou was shocked and confused.

The dean of Tianyi Academy, named Dai.

People called Dean Dai.

In the forbidden area of ​​the academy all year round, he retreats to study vocational teaching.

Dean Dai's strength level has reached the astonishing Emperor Venerable Realm.

However, this is not the most terrifying.

The most frightening thing is that the three supreme masters who turned out to be born in Tianyi Academy were all taught by Dean Dai.

Master of domination.

This title is like thunder.

Looking at the entire metaverse, everyone knows everyone.

However, it was Dean Dai with this identity and background.

It turned out to be today, which is an ordinary day for enrolling students in the juvenile class. 163

It was so unexpected to show up in person.

That terrifying momentum gradually moved towards the high platform.

From the looks of it, it really seemed like he was coming to greet someone.

Immediately, Vice President Zhou opened his mouth wide in shock, big enough to fit a few golf balls in.

The blink of an eye.

Dean Dai's figure appeared on the high platform.

He was wearing a blue robe.

On the chest and back, there are two large characters of "Tianyi" embroidered with gold silk.

The beard and hair are all white, and the appearance is quite kind and amiable.

The whole person exuded an aura of immortality.

When people look at it, they will know that they are a tall man.

The appearance of Dean Dai shocked everyone instantly.

The powerful lords of those alien races.

It was also shocking.

On the square, everyone was so frightened that they couldn't even speak clearly.

"My mother, then, that old man, is he Dean Dai? Let me go. What day is it today? I actually saw Dean Dai alive!"

"You're looking for death, what's that old man, that's called an old man, what the fuck, something big happened, it alarmed Dean Dai, and scared me to death."

"I heard that Dean Dai is busy researching vocational teaching all day long, and even the affairs of the academy are handed over to the vice deans to take care of them. Why did you leave the customs today? Could it be that there is still a mysterious boss coming


"No way, what other bosses are there? Isn't it all here? Could it be the boss of our human race?"

"No way, the big bosses of our human race, didn't they all go to open up new planes? Besides, the big bosses of the human race like to educate themselves, and don't rely on the academy so much."

"Brother is right, since it's not the arrival of the boss of the human race, could it be that there is a special situation that caused Dean Dai to appear, will this not affect the admission of my child?

"It makes sense, so what is the situation now, today is really an eye-opener for me, it's not in vain, even if my child is not admitted, it's not a loss.

"Yes, yes, seeing Dean Dai today is definitely not a loss. I'll go. When I go back, I have the capital to brag, haha."

"Haha, each other each other."

Dean Dai's sudden appearance.

Let the lords secretly guess.

If not something big will happen.

If not, there are some big names coming.

However, after everyone analyzed it, they did not come to a specific result.

After all, as one of the lords said.

The lord of the top power of the human race.

They all like to raise their own offspring.

Although the effect is not necessarily better than academy education.

But it is true.

As a result, everyone was even more confused.

The situation in front of them has already made them a little confused.

Many people even started to worry.

I am worried that this will affect the performance of my children.

In the midst of everyone's uneasy worry.

On the high platform.

A space crack suddenly appeared.

Then, several figures came out from the space crack.

Immediately, this mutation attracted everyone's attention.

The eyes of the audience, the instant alignment


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