Lord All People: More Sons, More Blessings, Create The Supreme Kingdom Of God

Chapter 83 The Tianjiao Show Off Their Supernatural Powers, And They Are All Ruthless!

Just when Lu Fei was enjoying the beautiful spring night.

Other lords staring at the special commodity column were not so comfortable.

Staying up late, coupled with the full concentration that did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Absolutely, it was an unbearable torture.

Arthur's side.

Just one second after 24 o'clock, he drank the potion in his hand.

After drinking it, his reaction force was greatly improved, even faintly surpassing the limit of the human body.

Of course, there are also side effects.

Such a huge increase in responsiveness.

The consequence is the rapid loss of mental power.

Compared with those lords who did not use potions.

Arthur was obviously more tired.

The body is tired, but the mind is also tired.

But anyway, Arthur is also the number one son of the Eagle Sauce Federation.

It is not a big deal for him to suffer this little.

The treasure chest is very important.

No matter how hard and tired you are, you have to endure it.

And Xiao Yun's life was also very miserable.

Compared with Arthur, he doesn't have any potions to increase his reaction power.

But Xiao Yun was lucky.

During the first few monster attacks.

He broke out a small prop that can stimulate the body through electric discharge.

at this time. Xiao Yun used this electrotherapy tool.

Every second, electricity will be released from the props to stimulate Xiao Yun's body.

Under the stimulation of electric current, not only can effectively suppress the fatigue and lethargy of the body.

Moreover, it can also slightly improve the reaction force, which is simply too suitable for use at this time.


Amid the bursts of electricity, Xiao Yun showed a satisfied look.

"With the help of electric props, I will definitely be able to win the treasure chest."

Xiao Yun's eyes became firm, and the corners of his mouth kept rising.

As for the Tianjiao of other countries, the situation is not bad.

There are things that can be used, and they are all taken out and used.

If not, you can only resist through your own willpower.

In addition, they also sent their vassals to guard the special commodity column all night.

Of course, so did Arthur and Xiao Yun.

Moreover, they have more vassals.

Just when a group of arrogances were staying up all night staring at the special product column in a way that was close to self-harm.

Time passed slowly.

On Lu Fei's side, he also finished several hours of farming work.

But it was still late at night.

There is still a while before Li Tianliang.

He was ready to rest.

stay up?

Stay up a fart night!

Good night's sleep, no?

After stretching comfortably, Lu Fei fell into a deep sleep.

Time flies.

Soon came morning.

As usual, I still slept until around 10 o'clock in the morning.

After operating the priority purchase card last night, he also used the predictive card by the way.

Today's monster attack time is 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

There is plenty of time.

After climbing up from the 15-meter bed.

Lu Fei was about to get dressed and take a shower.

Unexpectedly, there were already two beautiful figures waiting beside her.

Lu Fei looked and found that it was Gu Lei Fia and Thor.

Both were dressed in maid outfits.

Gu Lei Fia held Lu Fei's underwear in her hand.

And Thor is holding a towel and a basin of spring water from the Moonlight Fountain.

From the looks of it, the two were preparing to help Lu Fei get up.

"My lord, good morning~!"

"You don't need to do it yourself, let us help you dress and wash."

Gu Lei, Fia and Thor said with a smile in unison.

Hearing this, Lu Fei smiled bitterly in embarrassment.

To be honest, he's still a little unaccustomed to it.

But think of their maid status.

Lu Fei felt relieved.

It's not bad to have a maid to serve him, he should just get used to it in advance.

After a while, Gu Jier finished tidying up.

Lu Fei then set off to the main hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Because there is nothing important today, there is no need to make a special trip to the office, just deal with it in the Lord's Mansion.

Accompanied by a group of beast ear girls, Lu Fei had breakfast.

Did not expect this time.

The chat channel rang.

【a lovely family】

Liu Yihan: "Dear sisters, how is the situation, can everyone hold on?"

Vassal-Sun Yi: "Yeah, I'm fine, sister Yihan, I just stayed up all night, I'm not sleepy yet.

Vassal-Zhang Meng: "Yes, in order to help the lord stare at the treasure chest to refresh, even if I am sleepy, I can hold on.

Vassal-Chu Xiaoxiao: "That's right, the sisters are united, and their profits cut through gold. For the lord, come on!"

Vassal - Hu Fei: "This is the treasure chest, why hasn't it been refreshed? We've been squatting all night."

The vassal-Qin Lan: "It's okay, let's keep watching, sisters, don't let your guard down."


Watch the speech in the chat channel.

Lu Fei laughed speechlessly.

It seems that these vassal girls took the initiative to stay up all night for him.

While Lu Fei was moved, he also blamed himself.

I also blame myself for not making it clear to them in advance.

After using the priority purchase card, there is no need for them to stare so hard at all.

The treasure chest can be opened at any time, anyway, no one else can buy it except him.

Therefore, Lu Fei edited the information, preparing to let these vassal girls retreat and take a rest.

Lu Fei: "Everyone has worked hard!"

"However, you don't have to stare, this treasure chest was pre-booked by me, and no one else can take it away.

"You all go to rest, don't worry!"

Seeing Lu Fei speak, all the vassal girls became energetic again.

Vassal Sun Yi: "Ah, the lord is up, it's all right, we don't have to work hard, just keep watching for another 24 hours."

Vassal-Zhang Meng: "My lord, is it really all right? We really don't need to be sleepy.

The vassal-Chu Xiaoxiao: "The lord said that there is no problem, let's just listen to the lord, sisters, go to rest."

Vassal-Qin Lan: "Uh, but the lord has woken up..."

Vassal-Hu Fei: "Hey! In broad daylight, what are you thinking, are you ashamed!"

Liu Yihan: "Don't talk, everyone, we listen to the lord, let's go to rest, recharge your batteries, there are still monsters attacking us today.

After Lu Fei arranged for them to go to rest, the chat channel became quiet again.

So next, Lu Fei began to deal with some trivial matters in the territory.

And on the other side.

Things weren't so good for Arthur.

"Fack, why hasn't this treasure chest been refreshed yet?"

After Arthur cursed, he pinched his thigh hard again.


The sudden pain made him wake up a lot.

Arthur at this time, if outsiders saw it.

Definitely think he was high on drugs.

Pale complexion, prominent bags under the eyes.

Especially a pair of dark circles, almost catching up with giant pandas.

Arthur grew restless.

Long-term concentration, coupled with the side effects of the medicine.

As a result, Arthur's nerve strings were about to snap at this time.

The problem is, the treasure chest hasn't been refreshed yet.

Meaning Arthur still had to grit his teeth and hang on.

Seeing this, the old butler in a tuxedo couldn't stand it any longer.

The old butler was Arthur's subordinate, so naturally he was very worried about Arthur.

"Lord Arthur, you might as well take a rest first, with your vassals watching over you."

"Once the treasure chest is refreshed, they will notify you in time."

"Your physical condition is not good. If you continue like this, I'm afraid..."

The old housekeeper comforted him with good intentions.

But Arthur couldn't listen.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'd better just stare and rest assured."

The treasure chest is very important, and I must not relax. "

"By the way, is there anything you can do to keep me awake.

Arthur said slightly angrily.

Hearing this, the old butler quickly shut up, while thinking about the way Arthur asked.

Soon, he thought of it.

"Uh, Lord Arthur, this old servant thought of a method from the ancient Xia Kingdom, which may be useful to you, but

The old housekeeper replied hesitantly.

He was worried that there was something wrong with the method he thought of, and he was afraid that Arthur would blame him.

But Arthur couldn't care less.

"Fuck, speak quickly."

"Uh, this method is called 'hanging the beam with the head, stabbing the thigh with an awl'. It is a method handed down by the ancients in the ancient Xia Kingdom."

"Be clear, what is the specific method?"

Seeing Arthur's impatient expression, the old butler didn't dare to play tricks anymore.

Then he explained in detail.

After a few seconds, Arthur was lost in thought.

Then, he said: "There is no need to hang the beam on the head, it is too troublesome, I will use the awl to pierce the buttocks.

Hearing this, the old butler didn't dare to ink, took out a pair of scissors, and handed them to Arthur.

Seeing the cold light shining from the tip of the scissors in his hand, Arthur felt ruthless, and aimed at his ass, ready to strike.

Seeing Arthur's actions, the old housekeeper groaned in his heart.

Just when he was about to remind Arthur aloud.

Unexpectedly, it was a step too late.


Arthur had already made his move.

The scissors in his hand stabbed fiercely at the buttocks.

A blood hole was poked out directly.

Blood sprang up and flowed all over the thigh.


The severe pain made (Zhao Wanghao) Arthur cry out directly.

The cold sweat broke out even more crazily.

The old butler stayed where he was.

I would like to remind you.

The stock of the awl pricks the buttocks, not the buttocks, but the thighs.

And it's not as hard to stab with scissors, it just needs to be stabbed or pricked.

But look at Arthur's expression.

How dare the old housekeeper speak.

Arthur did it himself, it had nothing to do with him.

If he explained a word, it would be his fault instead.

If God Son Arthur blamed him, he would be dead!

Thinking of this, the old housekeeper looked at his nose, his nose at his mouth, and his mouth at his heart, and stayed aside without saying a word.

"Worthy of being the son of Arthur, with such vigor and courage, who can compare?"

Except for God Son Arthur, the other Tianjiao are also much better.

Every one of the arrogant Tianjiao who had an extraordinary demeanor has changed drastically at this time.

It seems that he has become the kind of Internet addicted teenager who has stayed in the Internet cafe for several months.

However, none of these Tianjiao complained.

In order to get the treasure chest.

Everything they do now is worth changing.

Of course, the premise is that they don't know it at all.

The special product column has already been locked by Lu Fei.

Even if they are working hard, it will be useless in the end.

If you let them know the result.

One of these Tianjiao counts as one.

Everyone should be pissed on the spot!


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