Listening to the students’ booing, Qin Feng was not angry, but laughed.

That’s right.

With the advent of [war], the world has long become cruel and cold.

The relationship between people is maintained by the word interest alone.

As long as the benefits you can get are enough, I’m afraid that I won’t stab myself to death in minutes.

This is also why, he was reborn, but did not have much affection for the Terrans.

Human nature is inherently evil.

He is extremely convinced that only by constantly getting stronger can he survive in such a world.

Right now.

“Can you make a face?”

“Also task items, this is the human tyrant’s own mobile stronghold, okay?”

“Look at your status bar, if there were no tyrants, would you have so many bonuses?”


Several icy rebukes came.

Qin Feng was slightly surprised and looked at the owner of the voice.


What he saw was Zhao Xiaoxue’s little face that was a little red because of anger.

Around her, there are several female players from the guild.

Qin Feng looked at them a little familiar, it seemed that he was from the same school as him?

Never mind.

He naturally didn’t bother to quarrel with this group of students.

Isn’t it funny to quarrel with ants?

He also smiled and said:

“In that case, it’s up to you to fight the blame.”

“Experience points for you, rest assured, I won’t rob you at all!”



As Qin Feng’s voice fell, all the defense towers were instantly dumb.

The lilac energy was instantly extinguished, and the entire space returned to grayness again.

Domineering I was in ecstasy and said:

“Hahaha, everyone look quickly, the critical attack is clearly a weak heart!”

“Only a woman like Zhao Xiaoxue would have no brains to support a tyrant!”

“In my opinion, you like tyrants, don’t you?”


Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxue was so angry that she clenched her fists.

But under the delicate pink mask, no one noticed that her white cheeks were already a little red.

She snorted softly, and no longer quibbled, but looked up at Qin Feng above the city wall.

What’s going on?

With what she knows…

This man, it is impossible to just give in like this!


Seeing Qin Feng’s ceasefire, although the players were surprised that Qin Feng would give in like this, their hearts were quite refreshed.

Finally a bit of a gaming experience, right?

“Enrolled, enrolled, who has a healing class, I have a super powerful front row!”

“Sell the recovery potion online, one ten gold coins!”

“WDNMD, ten gold coins? Market price 10 silver coins each! ”

“My results are in the top 1,000 in the country of Dragon Country, B-grade talent, leading the team to defend the city, girls with healing arms are preferred, it is best to be in the same city as me!”

“Blood River Guild Guarding City 2 Team, Guild Boss Unified Command, Come Violent DPS, +++++++”


They hurriedly huddled separately, with those who had guilds following the guild, and those who did not have guilds forming teams by themselves.

Then a line of defense was formed.

The meat shield and melee classes are first, and the output and healing classes are behind.

A handful of flying arms were responsible for harassing the enemy’s rear rows.

The students have also read books for a long time, and they still know the basic tactics.

In a short period of time, a very large formation was put up.


The tower ceasefire, but not only players know about it.

Several bigwigs of the evil forces were even more dazzling.

They asked impatiently: “Attack?!” ”

The man at the head shook his head and said, “Wait a minute!” What are these humans up to? ”

He looked at the players who slowly posed in formation.

For a while, I was a little confused.

These humans… Is it funny?

Want to rely on such garbage troops to defend against their attacks?

Just these low-level troops?

How much is this looking down on them?

Therefore, he just glanced at the players lightly, and his gaze once again looked at Qin Feng’s mobile fortress.

That’s what he cares about.

They carefully drained a unit.


The force easily penetrated near the city walls.

However, he was soon killed by a burst of arrows from the troops on the city wall.

As for the players’ troops…

Naturally, he directly ignored it, stepped on it and passed.

Seeing this scene, the man’s eyes flashed, and he waved his hand sharply:

“It seems that the other party’s magic crystal is indeed exhausted! The defenders have already gone up the city wall! ”

“The whole army charge!!”



Pedal ——!

Pedal ——!

Pedal ——!

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor throughout the earth.

The neat sound of horses’ hooves is low and powerful.

The players’ eyes widened instantly.

At the forefront of the evil army formation, rows of burly knights dressed in pitch-black armor appeared.

The war horses under them were also completely black, and the long swords in their hands flashed with cold light, only their two eyes released bloodthirsty light.

The students were instantly frightened, and their little faces turned pale.

“Shhh!! It’s actually the Dark Death Knight?! This is a crown class!! ”

“Fake, everyone is calm, it’s definitely a trick! This is the most secret point of this camp mission! ”



All the Dark Knights began their charge.

One after another pitch-black figures streaked by.

The Dark Knights easily rushed into the players’ formations.

And then.

The students’ troops were on the verge of collapse.

The Dark Knights are constantly raging through the player’s troops.

Although the players’ troops do not have any combat effectiveness, but…

They also have volume collisions, at least to clear the way out for the siege forces, right?





The Dark Knights raised their swords and fell, and pitch-black half-moon energy shuttled through the students’ troops.

This is their signature skill [Pitch Black Slash].

Every time you release it, you can instantly kill a piece of student troops.

And they are just the vanguard.

Soon, countless death mages with strange staffs in their hands and skulls tied to them also joined the battle.

With a casual move, it is a skeleton warrior all over the sky.

Their addition instantly blocked the players’ retreat route.

I’m sorry, but the students’ current troops can’t even defeat the skeletons summoned by the necromancers.

The students suddenly screamed.

“I know!! This is a real super class, and it is also a full level!! ”

“Help!! My meat shield classes are all in seconds!! ”

“Fourth-order troops don’t break defenses!! How to fight this?! ”

“Oh! Domineering I, are you gone, Lao Tzu believes in your evil!! ”

“Tyrant boss help!!”


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