Qin Feng’s side is very cool.

The population of surrounding players is constantly entering his territory.

He didn’t expect that he would actually unlock these two functions.

The so-called attraction and beautification functions are actually hidden functions in war.

It is extremely difficult to unlock.

The reason is also simple, in [war], only the completion of special missions or the construction of miracle buildings will provide attractiveness and beauty.

Ordinary players don’t talk about unlocking features, they can’t increase their value until they die.

And Qin Feng’s side… There are already three miracle buildings.

Compared to the real strong people in the universe, the number may not be very large.

But for the students in the novice map, it is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow.

At this time, he looked at the two new modules he had unlocked.

【Territorial Attraction】

Note: This value represents the attractiveness of your territory to the surrounding population, the higher the number, the higher the radiation range and the higher the probability that the population will move to your territory.

Attraction: 40W

Population attraction range: 40W square kilometers


Each miracle building can provide 10W attraction.

Together with the 10W attraction given by the system, there is already 40W.

The radiation range also came to the terrifying 40W.

Immediately after, there is the territorial aesthetics and [beautification] system.

【Territorial Beauty】

Description: This value represents the beauty of your territory, the higher the value, the better the morale and loyalty of the territory units, and will also affect the degree of belonging of foreign heroes and units to the territory.

Aesthetics: 160W

Current effect: 1. +50% morale recovery speed for all units in the territory. 2. The loyalty value of all units in the territory slowly increases. 3. The success rate of units and heroes from inside and outside the territory has increased slightly.



Executable Engineering:

1. Basic greening project (LV1), consumption resources: 3000W basic resources, working hours: 300 billion

2. Basic beautification project (LV1), consumption resources: 3000W basic resources, working hours: 300 billion

3. Landscape engineering (LV1), consumption resources: 3000W basic resources, working hours: 300 billion

4. Magic decoration project (LV1), consumption resources: 60 billion basic resources, 6 billion magic crystals, working hours: 60 trillion

5. Moat project (LV1), consumption resources: 500 billion basic resources, 50 billion magic crystals, working hours: 500 trillion


The bonus from aesthetics is still very good.

It’s also easy to understand, the territory looks beautiful, and your own heroes and units are also comfortable in their hearts, aren’t they?

Naturally, their recognition of the territory increased.

At the same time, the success rate of foreign hero recruitment will also increase, such as the wild heroes that appear in the Qin Feng Moonlight Tavern, which will be easier to recruit.

The [Beautify] function also unlocks some projects that can increase aesthetics.

These projects are not something that every player can do, and they don’t have as many resources and time.

Working hours are easy to understand, 1 unit working one hour, is 1 working hour.

These projects are all big projects, each of which started at the level of tens of billions.

And Qin Feng… Naturally, there are not so many people wasted on these projects.

After all, what can be engaged in production must be the basic population.

With the population, he can use it all to change jobs.

Qin Feng also muttered, “It seems that I have to find some migrant workers…”

【War】In this game, the importance of population is undoubted.

And Qin Feng’s own population… He naturally planned to use it all to be converted into combat arms.

Then, the number of people used for chores is very small.

The solution, Qin Feng temporarily thought of two.

The first is to create a guild.

As the guild leader, Qin Feng can completely issue some part-time guild tasks and let the members work for themselves.

The second is to subdue a vassal race and work specifically for themselves.

But…… Guild tokens are required to create a guild, and the latter is even more undesirable.

In other words, the beautification project, Qin Feng can only temporarily stop.


Qin Feng’s side is worrying about the population, but in the universe, there is an undercurrent.

In the chat group of Shenxuan-level powerhouses.

“Suna actually took a fancy to this human? It’s so fast! ”

“Suna has a close relationship with humans, and it is natural to be optimistic about the Terrans, after all, her relationship with the elves is very tense!”

“Gee, Suna’s divine power has weakened countless times, she can’t keep this human!”

“This man is a little interesting, he helped us purify the divine power before, I am ready to observe for a while, if it is really good, people will grab it, hee-hee!”


The moonlight goddess, although compared to her heyday, is already extremely weak.

However, he is still a well-known god-level powerhouse in the universe.

Her every move still attracted the attention of other strong people.

The church is sent to live in the player’s territory, and this is the first time that the moonlight goddess has been held.

At the same time, Qin Feng’s purpose was also achieved—his body had already been marked with the mark of the Moonlight Goddess.

As for the Goddess of Flame?

Who cares about a weak chicken?

The other side.

A small chat group.

“Everyone, you can’t be wrong, what he is wearing on his hand is indeed my elemental holy weapon, the elemental heart!”

“Hmph, the smelly bitch of the Flame Goddess actually threw herself into Suna’s arms, what a disgrace to our elemental god’s face!”

“Suna actually dares to meddle in the grudge between our elemental gods, really thinking that our elemental gods are vegetarian?”

“Jun, a few old guys, I have contacted the Darker of Blue Star, our troops, can be sent to the novice map!”

“In this way, the Elemental Heart is none other than us!”


In this chat group, the four elemental gods of water, thunder, earth and wind were temporarily created.

In the past, they were all mortal opponents, and they wished that the other party would die immediately.


For the sake of the Elemental Heart, they are now temporarily aligned.

Several elemental gods, as long-known powerhouses, hold countless elemental armies, and their strength is even above the moonlight goddess.

Sending some troops at will is to crush Qin Feng.

But here’s the problem…

Their forces are too strong to send the Novice Continent at all.

The shackles left by the will of the heavens are difficult to break through by brute force, and even if they forcibly break through, it is definitely not worth the loss.

The best way – naturally needs to be cracked by the Terrans themselves.

Coincidentally, Blue Star has such a group of people, who have already fallen into darkness.

Their names have long been notorious in Bluestar – the Darkers!


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