In the night, Qin Feng led the troops all the way.

The target location was in the northwest of the Novice Continent, which was far from his territory.

However, with the addition of 18 times the movement speed of the marching aura, the distance is visibly reduced to the naked eye.

An hour later.

As he progressed, the sound of the system sounded from time to time.

“Dingdong~ You’re lucky enough to find a hidden mine!”

“Dingdong~ You’re lucky enough to find a hidden mine!”


The so-called minerals are naturally related to side businesses.

Mining, but many players have made a fortune.

But Qin Feng didn’t care much, the minerals here were just very ordinary minerals, and he didn’t know how much he had exchanged in the previous activity store.

However, as he approached, the sound of the system became more and more dense.

A place with so many minerals will naturally not be an ordinary location.

The land of blessings!

Based on Qin Feng’s experience, he preliminarily estimated that the level of this blessed land would not be very low.

It went on for half an hour.


Elven archers cleanly set up their bows and shoot arrows.

Countless monsters were instantly blasted into slag.

Qin Feng had already encountered a relatively elite seventh-order troop.

Moreover, the strength of the troops is obviously supermodel, and the attributes are no worse than the ninth-order troops.

Of course, Qin Feng is still unimpeded.

Soon, the sound of the system sounded in his ears.

“Ding-dong~ You’ve entered a special area!”

“Dingdong ~ World Announcement: Dragon Kingdom player [Tyrant] has discovered a place of blessings, as the first player in this class to discover the land of blessings, hereby reward: Lucky Value +3!”

“Dingdong~ The current mission to conquer the land of Fuze has been issued!”


A series of sounds from the system fell, and the students were stunned again.

“WDNMD, tyrant, this dog thief, actually discovered the land of blessings?!”

“The number of Fortune Lands in the Novice Continent is extremely limited, and if the tyrant gets it, the development speed will be out of control!”

“I think he’s out of control right now…”

“Ah this, the land of blessings, whoever gets it, take off directly!”

“I know I saw the tyrant’s troops, everyone go and grab a wave!”


The appearance of the land of blessings made all the students feel a burst of envy and jealousy.

One by one, the sour ones are going to die.

The battle for the land of blessings is an extremely important goal for each class.

But now…


What kind of joke, the terrifying combat power that Qin Feng showed before…

Use your head to grab it?


Beautiful Country.

Adam gloomy face and snorted softly.

Eve beside her was also in a bad mood.

The reason is simple.

【Garden of Eden】The guild also found an area suspected to be the land of blessings!!


The surrounding area has been occupied by fifth-order wild monsters.

Their troops at this stage simply can’t even clear out the wild monsters in the peripheral areas.

Not to mention discovering areas and triggering conquests, you may die at a glance.

That’s very uncomfortable.

Of course, they are still comforting themselves.

“Hehe, what about discovering the land of blessings? There is no relocation order, there is a fart use? ”


Qin Feng was too lazy to see the view of the unexpected realm, and at this time, he was checking the conquest mission of the Fuze Land.

【Land of Blessings】

Mission Description: This land of blessings seems to have been occupied by other races, and you can only enjoy the blessing bonus if you defeat them and occupy the core.

Mission Type: Conquest Quest

Task difficulty: 130W

Mission content: Capture the core (0/1)

Mission Reward: Gain ownership of the Land of Fortune


The conditions for conquest are very simple, just occupy the core of the land of Fukuze.

At this time, a group of slender human figures suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

The clothes on their bodies are exquisite and luxurious, even in the night, it is difficult to hide the nobility.

Qin Feng threw a reconnaissance technique over.

【Sub-celestial Archer (7th Order)】*1500W

【Sub-Celestial Priest (7th Order)】*2000W


Celestial Forces?

Seeing these slender human figures, Qin Feng also frowned slightly.

The celestial realm, as the name suggests, is a very high-end realm.

The most representative creature inhabited in it is angels.

In addition to this, there are naturally various other creatures.

These troops in front of them can only be said to be troops that are slightly related to the Celestial Realm, but do not live in the Celestial Realm.

Generally speaking, the Celestial Realm and the Demon Realm are hostile, and they have been fighting each other for an unknown number of years.

Representatives of the good camp.


Qin Feng didn’t have any good feelings for the Celestial Realm.

This group of celestial creatures… It’s too arrogant and hypocritical.

With his nostrils facing the sky all day, he simply looked down on the Terrans.

One by one, the whole is full of justice, but why don’t you see them helping the Terrans drive away several natural disasters?

It’s just a group of ordinary people who only care about their own interests.

What to load?

At this time, a male creature in the Celestial Force slowly walked out.

He looked at Qin Feng with disdain and said, “Human, this blessed land has been occupied by our Celestial Realm, but–”

“Of course, we in the Celestial Realm are peace-loving, and we can give you a chance to settle in!”


The Celestial Realm man paused, and a Kang Guan look appeared on his face, “After settling in, as long as you hand over 90% of the resources to us, we will agree to your settlement, otherwise–”

He paused slightly and smiled contemptuously: “Get out!” ”


The words fell.

Qin Feng blinked.

He also didn’t understand, this stupid critic… But an epic boss, where is the courage to talk to him like this?

Turn in 90%?

Isn’t that a working boy?

Also showed a generous look, don’t want your face?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng sneered.

What about the same good camp?

In this world, there is only one rule.

That’s the fist!

Whoever has a big fist is the truth!

He waved his hand directly.

Suddenly, countless sharp arrows suddenly burst out.

The Celestial Man’s pupils shrank and he scolded angrily:

“You dare?!”

“Human, you look for death!!”


He snorted coldly, waved his hand directly, and opened the magic enchantment.

The Celestial Realm, the understanding and attainment of magic, is far higher than that of the Terrans.

What he opened was a very powerful magic barrier that could withstand hundreds of millions of damage values.





The magic barrier appeared for only a moment, and it was swept inside by a terrifying explosion, tearing into countless pieces.

At the same time, the sound of the system sounded in Qin Feng’s ears.

“Dingdong~ Your troops killed [Aritos (Epic Boss)]…”

“Dingdong~ Your troops killed [Sub-Celestial Archer (Seventh Order)] *1500W…”


“Dingdong~ Your actions may provoke the Celestial Realm, please be vigilant!”



The system sound falls.

Qin Feng looked coldly at the corpses of the Celestial Troops.

This group of troops is just a seventh-order troop, and naturally there is no resistance.

Erin Dai’s brows frowned slightly: “Lord Lord, killing the Celestial Force is easy to cause diplomatic incidents.” ”

Qin Feng shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, they are just sub-celestial creatures, usually hanging the name of the celestial realm, and the fox fake tiger is used to it, so the celestial realm is too lazy to pay attention to them.” ”

Sub-celestial creatures… It’s actually just a race that is a little related to the celestial realm.

The Celestial Realm didn’t bother to deal with them.

Erin sighed softly and nodded slowly.

The troops continued to march high.

The reaction of the Celestial Force was still very fast.

In less than a few minutes, an extremely large force appeared in front of Qin Feng.

In the front row are the ninth-order meat shield classes.

In the center and rear are the eighth-order export classes.

The number is at least in the billions.

Further back, there are various defensive and auxiliary buildings, among which there is even a legendary defensive tower.

On this scale… If the students want to take it, I am afraid it will be months away.

Before the formation.

A gorgeously dressed man stared at Qin Feng deadly.

He also recognized Qin Feng’s identity.

“Tyrant, why attack colleagues in the good camp? Could it be that you have fallen into evil? ”

“Also, your actions have angered the Great Lord of the Heavenly Realm!”

“As long as you apologize to us now and hand over a million divine powers, we can consider letting you go!”

“Otherwise, the Lord of the Celestial Realm is here, and you will surely die!”



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