

Princess Dinah was stunned.

She blinked her beautiful eyes a little dumbfounded.

That’s it?

She also thought that Qin Feng was going to open his mouth in a wave of lions.

I didn’t expect that… That’s all it takes.

She also said directly to the deputy: “Ciri, bring all the potions in the legion!” ”


A female paladin hurriedly walked out.

A few minutes later.

She returned with a bunch of bottles and jars.

“Report Legion Commander, this is all the potions we carry now!”

Princess Dinah nodded, “Okay.” ”

She counted it a little and said to Qin Feng: “This operation was too rushed, after another vicious battle, we don’t have many potions…”



Qin Feng nodded and took it casually.

The next moment, a series of sounds from the system suddenly sounded.

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the potion [Intermediate Life Group Recovery Potion]!”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the potion [Advanced Life Group Recovery Potion]!”

“Ding-dong~ You got it…”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the potion [Holy Light Elixir (Epic)]!”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the potion [Dark Resistance Potion (Epic)]!”

“Dingdong~ You have obtained the potion [Intermediate Marching Potion (Purple Gold Level)]!”



Looking at the extra pile of potions in the backpack, Qin Feng said that it was also a burst of relief.

It doesn’t take any effort!

Most of Qin Feng’s strength came from the aura system.

And the best source of potions … It’s all kinds of NPC forces.

He also opened his backpack and took a closer look.

Although there are many potions obtained, many of them are upgraded versions of various potions.

The first is the more advanced red and blue medicines.

Qin Feng also gasped, directly from the silver level to the epic level, and a wave arrived.

Qin Feng is also directly extracted.

“Dingdong~ You used the SSS-level skill [Aura Extraction], successfully triggered a 4900x increase, and obtained the Aura [Advanced Life Recovery Aura (LV4900)]!”

“Dingdong~ You used the SSS-level skill [Aura Extraction], successfully triggered a 3200-fold increase, and obtained the aura [Advanced Magic Recovery Aura (LV3200)]!”


“Dingdong~ Your Aura [Advanced Life Recovery Aura] has been upgraded, and the current level is [Supreme Life Aura (LV73900)]!”

“Dingdong~ Your Aura [Advanced Life Recovery Aura] has been upgraded, and the current level is [Supreme Magic Aura (LV68200)]!”


A whole bunch of red medicine blue medicine down… Qin Feng’s two recovery aura levels were also high and scary.

It went directly to about 70,000 levels.

He also opened the skill bar to check.

[Supreme Life Aura (LV73900)].

Description: An aura that is too powerful to exist, as long as it is shrouded in aura, your health bar will rub back….

Level: 73900

Effect: All friendly units in the surrounding 73,900W yards continue to regain health, with a total of 739 million health points every 60S

Current Status: Closed


[Supreme Magic Aura (LV68200)].

Description: An aura that is too powerful to exist, as long as it is shrouded in aura, your blue bar will rub back….

Level: 68200

Effect: All friendly units in the surrounding 68200W yard continue to restore mana, for a total of 682 million mana points every 60S

Current Status: Closed


The values of the two auras were already so high that Qin Feng couldn’t understand it.

This value… I’m afraid that even a full-level flesh shield-type crowned soldier is full of blood in minutes.

But the problem is… The aura is still one jump per second, and if the damage overflows, it will still be seconded.

Closing the panel, Qin Feng’s gaze also fell on the last three bottles of potions.

[Holy Light Potion (Epic)].

[Evil Resistance Potion (Epic)].

[Intermediate Marching Potion (Purple and Gold)].


The three potions were all that Qin Feng had never seen before, and they could extract new aura.

Among them, the Holy Light Potion and the Darkness Resistance Potion are unique potions made by the Templar Legion itself.

The former can increase the damage value of light attributes, while the latter can directly immunize dark magic below the seventh order.

It can be said to be very powerful.

And the last bottle of potion is actually quite common.

It can increase the mobility of troops, and in the later stages of the game, [marching potion] can be said to be necessary for fighting.

Qin Feng also directly began to extract.

“Dingdong~ You used the SSS-level skill [Aura Extraction], successfully triggered a 2400x increase, and obtained the Aura [Advanced Saint Aura (LV2400)]!”

“Dingdong~ You used the SSS-level skill [Aura Extraction], successfully triggered an 8000x increase, and obtained the Aura [Supreme Evil Resistance Aura (LV8000)]!”

“Dingdong~ You used the SSS-level skill [Aura Extraction], successfully triggered a 1800x increase, and obtained the Aura [Supreme Marching Aura (LV1800)]!”



The sound of the system fell, and three more auras appeared in Qin Feng’s skill bar.

[Advanced Holy Light Aura (LV2400)]: All troops in the surrounding 240W yard, when attacking enemies in the evil faction, damage will be increased by 2400% light attribute damage.

[Supreme Evil Resistance Aura (lv8000)]: All troops in the surrounding 800W yards are immune to dark magic below the eighth order.

[Supreme Marching Aura (LV1800)]: All troops in 630W yards around, movement speed increased by 1800%.


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