After taking off the game helmet, Qin Feng simply filled his stomach.

He casually turned on the television, which showed images of his troops casually slaughtering allied forces.

“This picture is a precious picture recorded by our student reporters, as you can see, the tyrant’s troops killed hundreds of millions of troops in just one round of fire!”

“We don’t know what the specific damage number is, but according to foreign forum news, the sixth-order human shield class was also directly killed in seconds!”

“I’m afraid that only [Vertical and Snowy] who has teamed up with him knows the specific number, but unfortunately, Miss Zhao declined our interview invitation.”

“Next, another picture!”


The picture turned, and it became a picture of Qin Feng directly standing with the Fire Priest again.

“As we all know, the Fire Priest is an epic boss, not to mention the students of the novice area, even if they reach the main world, it is extremely difficult to deal with!”


“All her attacks have no damage value to the tyrant’s troops!”

“It’s just incredible!”


Speaking of this, the host also paused.

“What exactly is the talent of a tyrant? We can’t guess anymore, but… Our expert review team firmly believes that it is probably SS level! ”



Qin Feng casually turned off the TV program.


Also SS-rated genius?

Sorry, the halo system is definitely countless times more powerful than SSS-level talent!

This group of so-called experts is really a group of rice buckets.

He also waved his hand casually, and a computer picture suddenly appeared on the TV screen.

Blue Star’s technology can also be regarded as developing, Qin Feng opened the official forum, and he directly entered the Dragon Kingdom block.

Suddenly, countless posts came into view.

[Ten pieces of evidence from the tyrant! ] It’s definitely a wall hanging!! 】

[The tyrant is the most outrageous person I have ever met!] Even the strongest geniuses of the Demon Race and the Protoss Race could not have such strength! 】

[One person takes away all the bosses above the gold level of the newbie map, and the entire universe is unique! ] 】

[I am a domineering guild high-level, and now I offer a high reward for tyrant clues, any effective clues, one million dragon coins! ] After providing the real identity is confirmed, 100 million dragon coins! 】

[The relationship between the tyrant and Zhao Xiaoxue has been exposed, and the two have been dating for eight years! ] 】

[I am a little fairy after 00, 160CM160KG, now talk to the tyrant, do you deal with the object? ] 】


Ninety percent of the posts in the Dragon Kingdom block were discussing Qin Feng.

I have to say that what he did is really a bit outrageous.

Of course.

Qin Feng only glanced at these posts, not caring at all.

But some posts… It’s really out of the world.

Still dating Zhao Xiaoxue for eight years?

Why don’t you start dating from the mother’s womb?

As for the posts where the domineering guild spends money on the top…

Qin Feng’s eyes also flashed a dangerous light.

It seems that the domineering guild has not suffered enough.

Qin Feng also had a plan in his heart instantly, but ignored it for the time being, but pulled the webpage down.


Soon, a post attracted Qin Feng’s attention.

[I, Xia Moyu, now sincerely invite all geniuses of the Dragon Kingdom to join us, jointly attack the secret realm, and win the first kill of all servers! ] 】

Xia Moyu…

This name, Qin Feng is also too familiar.

The Xia family is also one of the eight major families of the Dragon Kingdom, but… This family, on the surface, are all Terran troops, but in fact, they collude with evil forces.

Xia Moyu later became a powerful death lord.

And the Xia family, when several natural disasters attacked Blue Star in the future, they also fiercely backstabbed a wave of dragon countries.

This also directly led to the collapse of the entire defense line of the Dragon Kingdom, and it could only retreat to the second line of defense.

The number of people who died as a result of this is even more numerous, I am afraid it must be nine figures.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng also sneered.

He is not a virgin, and he has no idea of being a savior.

But…… He takes revenge.

In his previous life, he was played by the Xia family as a monkey, and in this life, he naturally wanted them to pay their debts back.

Qin Feng pondered for a moment and muttered, “Secret Realm… It is indeed necessary to raid a wave, the world’s first kill is still there, and the reward is still good. ”

【War】In this game, the secret realm plays an extremely important role.

The so-called uncharted realm is the copy that players understand.

Planes independent of the Overworld.

As long as you clear the level, you can get very rich rewards.

The secret realm itself is also divided into many levels, roughly divided into five levels: ordinary, difficult, elite, heroic, and doomsday.

The higher the difficulty, the higher the reward will naturally be.

And if you win the most difficult World First Pass, you will gain the ownership of the secret realm and become the master of the secret realm.

After that, Uncharted produces a certain amount of resources every week.

In some large secret realms, the resources produced every week are enough for a small guild to squander for a long time.

Therefore, the secret realm in [War] has become a must for soldiers.

The number of secret realms has also become a symbol of whether a person is strong or not.

With his thoughts flowing, Qin Feng swallowed the last piece of bread, and then fell into a deep sleep.


When Qin Feng woke up again, it was already nine o’clock in the morning.

He was also checking his phone.

“Female teacher: @ everyone, students, everyone take a break first, review and review their homework more, the federation is preparing for the individual competition in the afternoon, everyone get ready!”


Individual Battle?

Qin Feng also plucked his ears.

What stinky fish rotten shrimp competition?


The choice of the Human Federation is also quite wise, and now the novice map is completely covered with [scorched earth], let alone online development.

If you go up, you will die, and you can’t stand even for 1 second.

The timing is just right for an offline individual competition.

Shaking his head, Qin Feng didn’t think much about it, anyway, there was still a while.

After simply filling his stomach, he put on his helmet and entered the game.

The sound of the system sounded instantly.

“Dingdong~ Welcome back to [War], I wish you a happy game!”

“Dingdong~ During your offline period, the level of [Nest of the Beast] has been improved, and it is currently level 10!”

“Dingdong~ During your offline period, the level of the [Ancient Elf Life Ancient Tree] has been improved, and it is currently level 10!”


“Dingdong~ During your offline period, the [Basic Training Ground] has been built!”


“Dingdong~ During your offline period, [Flame Gate]*3508 has been built!”

“Dingtone~ During your offline period, [Basic Training Ground] generated a total of 3500 experience points, and you triggered [Supreme Experience Aura (LV8000)] to gain 2800W experience points!”

“Dingdong~ One of your [Ancient Elf Royal Archer] level has increased, currently level 2…”



“Dingdong~ During your offline period, your hero [Territory Butler Eliza] used the [Population Pack]*100 and trained the [Ancient Elf Royal Archer]*10W!”

“Dingdong~ During your offline period, your hero [Territory Butler Eliza] led his troops to repel a total of 13W enemies!”



A series of sounds from the system fell, and Qin Feng was also relieved.

That’s the benefit of Supporting Heroes!

During his offline period, Eliza not only built and upgraded all the buildings, but also recruited the 10W unit by the way.

Qin Feng also nodded with satisfaction: “This heroine… It’s a bit capable! ”

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