This giant crocodile is three meters long.

If only it could stand up.

It is already equivalent to the height of a one-story building.

“Attack the abdomen.”

This giant crocodile floats above the mud.

Lu Cang already had an idea in his heart.

“Targeted mimicry.”

The next moment, Lu Cang locked the [Long-armed Giant Crocodile] to open targeted mimicry.

This is a method of using mimicry.

You can target a target when all of his external sensory organs look at him.

are all states obscured by mimicry.

In this state, Lu Cang is no longer mimicry for other creatures.

Changes in the surface of the body are also no longer perfectly coordinated with the surrounding environment.

But for targeted targets.

Lu Cang can be said to be completely equivalent to stealth.

Lu Cang slowly approached the mire.

At the same time, sink towards the mire.

Because of the invincible state.

In fact, the quagmire would not have any effect on Lu Cang.

The outside of Lu Cang’s body was like a membrane, completely isolating the mud.

Therefore, Lu Cang was not worried about suffocating in the mire at all.

As for how to act in the mud.

That can be solved just by swimming.

After entering the quagmire.

Lu Cang slowly swam in the direction of the giant crocodile.

And the giant crocodile did not notice Lu Cang’s existence at all.

Soon, Lu Cang came from below the mud pool to the lower abdomen of the giant crocodile.

The lord himself can see the general outline of the monster, as well as the basic information.

This is an ability that the monsters of this world do not have.

With the unique vision of the lord.

Lu Cang could see the general outline of the giant crocodile from below the mud.

Soon, Lu Cang identified the biggest weakness of the giant crocodile.

Lu Cang still remembered that in the book “Rainforest Terrain – A Guide to Third-Order Monsters”.

I have seen records of long-armed giant crocodiles.

【Long-armed giant crocodile】

[Features: flexible, extremely high outer skin defense, but extremely low abdominal defense, even inferior to the epidermis of horned deer. ] 】

[Close-range and medium-range combat are powerful monsters.] 】

[Achilles heel: heart, throat].

[Anatomical diagram (figure)].

[Attack method: claw strike, tear attack, bite attack, no special attack skills.] 】

This monster relies on the strength of the flesh to attack.

There are no special skills.

However, the physical strength alone is enough to be called a very difficult monster in the third order.

Lu Cang took a fancy to it because of this.

If you point out the [Secret Steel Organization] in the future, you will get a class that fights with physical strength.

Isn’t this directly invincible?

Lu Cang recalled the anatomical diagram.

Then, find the heart in the mud.


One blow stabbed out!


This blow pierces directly into the flesh! pierced its heart.

In just a moment, he directly killed these third-order monsters.


“I rely on, this rainforest area, the resources are quite abundant.”

“After exploring in the past few hours, I have already obtained three red fruits.”

“Hehe, Lao Zhang, you can’t do it, I’ve already picked up five life grasses.”

“Grass, is this really the foggy area of the fifth order? How is it rich to flow oil? ”

“Vozh? What is it? Secret steel? ”

A lord jumped down from his mount and picked up a stone on the ground.

“0.01 units of secret steel!”

“How can this fifth-order fog area even have secret steel?”

The pupils of these lords shrank.

This foggy area does not seem to be simple.

“Just the periphery, there are already so abundant resources.”

“If you enter the core area…”

They swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It’s unimaginable.

In the foggy zone, the more inward, the more good things there are, this is common sense.

Although it is obscured by fog.

But these lords seemed to have seen that the mountains of gold and silver were waving to them.

“The whole army listens to orders.”

“Accelerate forward.”

“Damn, I really regret why I didn’t bring a little more troops out.”

“I already knew this, so I brought my hero-level combat power out.”

The lord sighed, all feeling pity.

I thought it was just an ordinary exploration.

Therefore, too many combat power resources were not used.

But I didn’t expect that this foggy area was so rich.

I already knew that in this way, if you bring more soldiers, you can get more loot.


Two hours passed quickly.

Lu Cang was in the middle of this time.

Not only hunted the [Long-armed Giant Crocodile], but also hunted a third-order [Giant Fist King Kong].

In the invincible state of Raippi.

Lu Cang was unscrupulous.

But even with mimicry.

Lu Cang was still hit three times by the giant fist King Kong.

If he is not invincible, it is estimated that he will be violently killed on the spot.

Of course, if there was no invincibility, Lu Cang would definitely not dare to personally strike like this.

If you are accidentally killed, it will be finished.

As for the fourth-order monsters….

From the third order to the fourth order, it can be said that it is a qualitative change.

Lu Cang’s current strength as an ordinary person could not pose even the slightest threat to a fourth-order monster.

Even if it can hit the weak point, it is estimated that it is only a minor injury.

When Lu Cang returned to the lair.

[Evolutionary gene analysis capsule] has been grown.

This is a building like a culture tank.

The flesh and blood are the chassis, and the yellowish gel liquid forms a capsule-like substance.

In the gel solution, there are also vacuoles floating.

This is the evolutionary gene analysis capsule.

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