Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 130 As for being so fierce to your man?

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that everyone came back from outside.

Su Zhixiao and Bai Yu were both carrying large and small plastic bags, all of which were physical evidence collected at the scene.

As soon as he went upstairs, he saw the figure on the corridor.

"Sister Su, brother-in-law is waiting for you, right? Give me something, and I'll take it in."

As a member of someone's Yan Fan army, Bai Yu is of course willing to do something for the idol, for example, try to let the idol and Sister Su get along as much as possible.

Tsk tsk, I just don't know when I can see the two children?

Others also watched their noses and walked fast, but Yu Guang always paid attention to this.

Gossip mind, who doesn't?

Fu Jiyan turned around when he heard the movement, and now he was staring at Su Zhixiao with a half-smile.


"Come with me!"

Don't look at everyone walking far away, each of them has very sharp ears and is listening.


Sure enough, a large group of police uncles in front were sorry to hear that the man had left.

Can't hear melon anymore!

No matter how bad it is, it would be nice to hear a great actor being scolded by his wife, this is rare in a hundred years.

Forensic office room.

Bai Yu and the others are all in the autopsy room right now, but there is no one in the office.

Su Zhixiao went to the water dispenser first to drink half a glass of water, then took out a new paper cup from the side, filled it with water, and handed it to someone.

When Fu Jiyan took it, his fingers were very dishonest, and he secretly hooked someone else's palm.

Su Zhixiao's face turned violent, and he quickly withdrew his hand:

"Be serious, there are surveillance!" Nervously, he looked towards the corner of the wall.

A certain person was smiling, holding a glass of water with one hand, and sipping:

"Then if there's no surveillance, can't you be serious? Officer Su? Huh?"

Chi Guoguo's teasing!

Su Zhixiao stared, turned around, and sat down in front of the chair.

"Why haven't you left so late?"

Why are you staying here?

"What do you say?"

Besides waiting for Officer Su to come back, is there any other reason?

Even the director of the Ningnan Municipal Bureau, I'm afraid he doesn't have that much face!

"Since it's okay, then leave quickly!"

The chair was suddenly pulled from behind, and then, I felt a rush of heat on my neck, someone bent down, and wrapped the person in his arms like a hug:

"When do you get off work?" He asked softly.

Mr. Su Zhixiao was worried that someone would come in at the door:

"Get up!" No matter how much you push, you can't push people away.

"Officer Su, you haven't answered my question yet."

Su Zhixiao bit her lips angrily:

"It's still early for me to get off work. Didn't you see that everyone hasn't left tonight? You leave quickly!"


"Then I'll wait for you to get off work?"

"Need not!"

As for today's matter, I don't know how many colleagues will laugh at me.

Someone sighed inwardly:

"Where do you live? I'll go to your room and wait for you at the head office, shall I?"

Compromise, otherwise what else?

Su Zhixiao rolled his eyes hard:

"Please, do you think I'm on vacation? I'm living with people, where should you go!"

Someone finally stood up:

"Is this how you are treated on business trips?" His tone was full of disgust.

Think about my little assistant, when did he not live in a single business suite alone?

Su Zhixiao snorted twice:

"You are enough!

go now! "

"Okay, okay, I can't go? As for being so fierce to your man? What a cruel woman!"

It's really rare for Su Zhixiao to talk to her.

first 2k

I'm going out for a walk, I'm feeling sick

The little baby porridge will come out soon.

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