Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 160 Buy clothes for your man!


The door was not closed, Su Zhixiao opened it, and saw Ms. Su and Father Ji sitting on the sofa in the living room, with worried faces.

Hearing the movement, he raised his eyes and looked here:

"Girl!" Father Ji shouted.

"Uncle Ji, Mom."

Ms. Su put it down in one breath, and her complexion improved a bit:

"Okay, come and sit down."

Fu Jiyan stepped in later, and Ms. Su's attitude was much more enthusiastic than before:

"Little Fu, come, eat some fruit. Principal Lin's house just sent two boxes of cherries."


Sitting next to his wife.

Su Zhixiao loves cherries very much, and has already started eating them one by one.

"It's so sweet, much sweeter than the ones I bought outside."

Ms. Su snorted:

"The cherries you bought outside are not authentic X-region cherries, how can they be delicious? This one was shipped directly from X-region by Principal Lin's house."

Well, it seems that it really scored.

The taste of fruits from different origins is obviously very different.

Of course, the price must be quite different.

Fu Jiyan was stuffed with a lot of cherries by his mother-in-law. He didn't like to eat them very much, but seeing his wife's food looked delicious, he gave one to his mouth.

It seems that it is really not bad.

But, so be it!

As the prince of the Fu family, what good things have you never seen or eaten since you were young?

I don’t even want to eat cherries brought back by air from abroad at any time, not only cherries, but also other fruits, such as imported white strawberries, laurel lychees, ruby ​​grapes, etc.

"Old Ji, let's go out for a walk."


The old couple used to go out for a walk after dinner every night. Today it was because they were always worried about their daughter.

Now, the daughter has come back, and obviously her mood has improved a lot, so she naturally wants to go out for a walk.

When they left, the old couple also took Ji Ci and Xiao Porridge with them.

Mainly, I just wanted to give the young couple more private space, so the living room became quiet all of a sudden.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, a certain person was getting more and more excessive and kept pushing to the side.

Su Zhixiao was squeezed to the edge of the sofa, and then turned his head to take a deep look:

"Is your butt that big?" Tucao.


"Officer Su, why don't we go out for a walk too?"



"What do you want?"

Someone pointed at him:

"did you see it?"

"I see, high-end private custom suits and shirts are very expensive."

That's not wrong.

Obviously, though, men don't mean that.

There was a bit of helplessness on his face, and he continued:

"Officer Su, your man doesn't need to negotiate at home!"


What is this guy trying to say?

Depend on!

Someone directly pressed the person on the sofa, and then said word by word in the person's ear:


The old couple in the family, as well as Ji Jici, and even the kid are wearing comfortable casual home clothes, but, just myself, always wearing a high-end tailored suit, no matter how you look at it, it's out of place, okay?

Su Zhixiao could be considered to understand, he coughed with a sneer, and looked at the clothes on the man:

"Well, well, go out and buy you clothes."

The man let go of the woman and sat up:

"To be the same as you." Began to make demands.

"Are you sure? My clothes are not from big brands, but from an original private store. My brother's clothes are also from his family."

The man snorted: "Yes, this is what I want!"

What about big names?

Money can't buy a good heart!

first 2k

Go to sleep.

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