Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 174 It is indeed someone's style of doing things

Seeing the incoming call, Ji Ci came down from above, bit open the glove with his teeth, and pressed the connect button:


"Brother, where are you?"

It can be heard that the tone is very urgent.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Su Zhixiao briefly explained the matter on the phone:

"Brother, I don't know what to do now."

Although Ji Ci was always angry with that Fu, in fact, he didn't have any deep hatred.

The biggest annoyance is that the cabbage that I have raised since I was a child is actually offered, and the two people may not have a natural magnetic field that is not very compatible, which is not pleasing to the eye.

But when something really happens, no one will stand by and watch.

Not to mention, my sister called for help immediately.

"Don't worry, is the Ningnan City Bureau right?

I'll be here right away, twenty minutes at most. "

While talking, he has already started to unequip with one hand.

A group of buddies who are all ready to go are a little stunned:

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Ji Ci's face was a little heavy:

"It's nothing, I can't get together with you guys today, sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, you go and do your work first."

"That's right, Ah Ci, why are we talking about this? You can go to your own business first, and if you need help, just ask."

"Well, let's go."

Ji Ci took a taxi to the Ningnan City Public Security Bureau. Along the way, the taxi master drove the car like an airplane. The main thing was that Ji Ci showed his work card after getting in the car.

The 20-minute drive time was reduced to 16 minutes and arrived early.

After paying the money and not even asking for change, Ji Ci got out of the car and rushed into the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Su Zhixiao reckoned that the time had already been waiting at the door, and when he saw that Ji Ci had arrived, he hurried forward:

"elder brother!"

"What's going on now?"

"I don't know. After the people from the Security Bureau went in, no one came out again."

So, it's really not clear what the situation is.

Ji Ci patted Su Zhixiao on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, it's all right, I'll ask the director."


"Don't stand here, come with me, find a place to sit and rest inside.

With my brother here, nothing will happen! "

Anyway, it is also at the level of the director of the provincial department, even the director, has to be given three points.

Su Zhixiao followed Ji Ci up to the second floor, and then went directly outside the director's office. There were seats in the corridor, and Su Zhixiao was pressed to sit down:

"You just wait here for me to come out."

In fact, after Ji Ci came, Su Zhixiao felt a lot more relaxed, and his thoughts calmed down a little:


Seeing this, Ji Ci turned around.

"Knock knock..."

"Come in."

When Ji Ci entered the office, he saw the people inside were on the phone.

"Yes, I understand, I will investigate clearly.

Okay, okay, Mr. Fu, don't worry. "

Mr. Fu?

Hearing this address, Ji Ci certainly guessed who the person on the other end of the phone would be.

Old man of the Fu family!

All the relatives and grandchildren have been called to the bureau to investigate, how can the grandfather not ask?

Sure enough, after hanging up the phone, the director touched the thin layer of sweat on his forehead:

"Aci? Are you here for that one too?"

Ji Ci nodded without denying anything.

"Director Director, what's going on here? All the people from the Security Bureau are here?"

Director Dong sighed:

"You think I do?

It wasn't just two days ago that someone wanted to follow the prince of the Fu family, but he was discovered.

At that time, he was beaten up quite a bit, and then he called the police. "

This is indeed someone's style of doing things!

4k finished!

Go to bed early~

Then don’t forget to punch in, leave a message and vote for recommendation~~~

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