Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 185: Have You Ever Hated Me?

I don't know whether Shen Baiyan believed it or not, but Su Zhixiao heaved a sigh of relief, what he said was true, and he didn't lie.

"Shen Baiyan, do you want to visit her when you come back this time?"

Ten years.

Su Zhixiao has only been there a few times. He really didn't have time to spare when he was in the police academy a few years ago, and later he worked, so he didn't have time.

Shen Baiyan has not been back for ten years.


I dream about it, but the reality is that in many cases, it is impossible for people to do whatever they want.

Because of that incident, the entire Shen family immigrated.

But in fact, the life after immigrating was not very easy. He lived in a slum area, Professor Shen was a substitute teacher at the school, and Teacher Bai's health and mental condition became worse and worse.

As for Shen Baiyan, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time, and he still had to go to school.

So, if you really want to come back, you can just buy a ticket and fly back.

The life of the Shen family gradually got better after Shen Baiyan went to university.

The tuition fees are all earned by Shen Baiyan from his part-time job, and Professor Shen doesn't have to work so hard to support the whole family.

However, not long after life got better, Professor Shen had a car accident on the way to find Teacher Bai, and he disappeared.

"Xiao Zhixiao."


Shen Baiyan looked at Su Zhixiao with deep eyes, and said word by word:

"Back then, did you ever hate me?"

Su Zhixiao shook his head:

"You are not a murderer, what do I hate you for?"

It's just that in the first moment, there might still be a little resentment in my heart.

After all, if Shen Baiyan had attended the appointment on time, Song Mi might not have been killed.

However, it is impossible for a person to predict the prophet, isn't it?

"I'll catch 'him'!"

Otherwise, I would not have decisively given up Tsinghua University and Peking University and chose to study in the police academy!

Shen Baiyan moved the corners of his lips, as if he was suppressing something:


Me too!

After chatting like this for a few words, Mo Ke and the others actually started to fuck the bottle, and Su Zhixiao couldn't help but twitched his brows when he saw it.

"Student Su, here, I'll give you one." A classmate happened to stuff a bottle of beer into Su Zhixiao's hand.

Well. . .

"Sorry, our unit bans alcohol all year round!"

Although Su Zhixiao is only a forensic doctor, he is also a member of the criminal police team. The criminal police team may be tasked with going to the murder scene at any time, so how dare you drink?

Even, everyone in the criminal police team signed a letter of responsibility, and printed the "prohibition measures" into a "prohibition card" and distributed them to everyone, reminding everyone not to "shock".

By the way, the bureau has also set up a report box for this purpose, adopting methods such as no greetings, unannounced visits in plainclothes, videotaping, photography, registration, etc., inspections and pickets are carried out from time to time, and those who violate the "prohibition" are promptly notified of criticism and disciplinary action.

The male classmate scratched his hair in embarrassment:

"Ah, that, I forgot that student Su is a policeman, it's all right, let's have a drink."

Another can of Sprite was conveniently stuffed.

Su Zhixiao had no choice but to catch it:

"thank you!"

"You're welcome, hehehe."

The private room has never been quiet, it is very noisy, and it can be seen that everyone is very happy.

Su Zhixiao took two or three sips of the can of Sprite in his hand.

Khan, this kind of carbonated drink is generally not drunk, it is better to have a bottle of mineral water.

Shen Baiyan didn't drink, and stood up suddenly at this moment:

"Little Zhixiao, do you want to go out?"



Here, I really can't stay still.

Not only did the ears hurt from the shock, but there was also smog everywhere, and the choking people burst into tears.

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