Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 206 Afraid of Patterned Animals Since Childhood

The old man is indeed right, there is indeed not enough land at home to keep these 'little animals', on the ground or in the water, a zoo is enough!

The corner of Su Zhixiao's mouth was still twitching, his father had already pinched his son's little face, and then pulled and pulled, like playing with a doll:

"Fu Zhizhou, go to bed early tonight."

These fantasies of yours may be realized more quickly.

The kid is not stupid, he is clever, how can he not understand the meaning of his father's words?

cut off.

"Hmph, Dad, you don't know, my great-grandfather has already raised a baby panda for Congee, and my uncle even took Congee to see it himself!"

What the hell?

Fu Jiyan was surprised:

"You said your great grandfather raised a panda for you?"

The kid nodded:

"That's right, the keeper uncle said that the baby panda will be Congee's from now on, and he took a lot of photos, and the uncle even signed for Congee."

Good, got it.

The old man and Fu Feishen's grandfather and grandson doted on this little guy too much, and it is very likely that they adopted a panda for this little guy at the Giant Panda Base!

Even, if it is possible to adopt tigers and lions, the grandpa and grandson must have already completed the formalities.

It's a pity that tigers and lions cannot be adopted, and it is even more impossible to raise them privately at home!

I have heard of this in the past. There are three ways to adopt pandas: annual adoption, lifetime adoption and naming adoption:

One is to adopt giant pandas on a yearly basis, and the annual adoption fee for each giant panda is 100,000 yuan;

The second is a one-time lifetime adoption of giant pandas. The lifetime adoption fee for each giant panda is 500,000 RMB;

The third is to enjoy the right to name the giant panda while adopting the giant panda once for life. The fee for naming and adopting each giant panda is 1 million yuan.

As for what my son said just now, it can only be the third type.

Su Zhixiao didn't know what to say anymore, so he opened his eyes wide and wondered, isn't the family spoiling the children a little too much?

Fu Jiyan actually wanted to go with his wife, stroked his forehead:

"Fu Zhizhou, next time you want something, remember to report to me first!"

The kid seemed unhappy, but his grandfather and uncle were not there, so he could only obediently agree temporarily:


Dad, can porridge raise a crocodile at home?

My classmate's family also raised two big sharks, they are so fierce, their teeth are so long, they are longer than Congee Congee's legs! "

Pretty good at climbing up poles?

"Why do you raise crocodiles? How about adopting one more panda?"

Although a crocodile can be a town house, it always feels a bit oozy.

The kid quit:

"No, no, baby pandas already exist, people want to raise crocodiles now, dad, dad~"

Fu Jiyan was very impatient when his son panicked:


However, Su Zhixiao objected:

"Not allowed!"


"Mom, why can't you raise baby crocodiles?"

Su Zhixiao stroked his forehead, but did not respond.

Ms. Su still smiled and said:

"Your mother is afraid!"

Can my own daughter not understand?

I have been afraid of those small animals with patterns since I was a child.

The child pouted. It was the first time that Fu Jiyan heard what his wife was afraid of, and he was very happy. However, what he just promised his son had to be voided.

After all, compared with a son and a daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law is definitely more important!

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