Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 216: Worse than Animals

The bureau was as busy as ever, and the colleagues I met along the way were all in a hurry.

"Good morning, Officer Su."

"Good morning."

Even before the luggage came and could be put back in the dormitory of the family courtyard, he carried it directly to the office of the criminal police team.

Guo Yishuo was drinking water at the door, so he was the first to see the person:

"Hey, Miss Su is back?"

"Morning, Xiao Guo."

Guo Yishuo put down his cup and stepped forward:

"Come, come, just give me the luggage."


Su Zhixiao glanced at the office:

"Where are people?"


What happened again?

"They all went out. I received a report at around two o'clock in the morning. A body was found lying in a pool of blood in the park. No, the person who went out has not returned yet."

"Which park?"

"It's the one on the second ring road."

"Purple Lake?"

"Yes, it's Zihu Park."

Just as he was talking, Guo Yishuo's cell phone rang:

"Team Luo?

Well, Miss Su has arrived.

OK, got it. "

End call:

"Sister Su, you don't have to rush over there, they have already returned and will be there soon."

Su Zhixiao nodded:

"Then I'll go get ready."

The luggage was naturally taken to the medical examiner's office.

After changing their clothes and tying up their hair, sure enough, Dui Luo's voices could already be heard outside.

He quickly put on his badge and left the medical examiner's office.

On the side of the criminal police brigade's office, there were more or less traces of morning dew on their hair, clothes, and shoes.

Seeing Su Zhixiao, Bai Yu was the first to shout:

"Sister Su~"

"Officer Su is back?"

"So fast? The first flight?"

Su Zhixiao smiled:

"Yes, I rushed to the airport after receiving the call. At six o'clock, the first flight to Beijing North."

Luo Yifan made a gesture:

"Let's all go in first, and the meeting will begin immediately."

Everyone entered the office one after another, with Su Zhixiao and Luo Yifan walking last.

"Team Luo?"

Luo Yifan was quite apologetic:

"Officer Su, um, I'm really sorry, you're still on vacation, so I called you back.

Mr. Wang was on a business trip early yesterday morning, there was a sudden homicide, and Bai Yu was still an intern, so there was nothing he could do. "

Su Zhixiao laughed:

"Captain Luo, what are you talking about? It's not my first day in the criminal police team.

There is nothing to be sorry for. We are the police, isn't it just to solve the case? "

"Okay, let's go in. The body was first transported to the funeral home, and it will take a while before it is transported back."


During the meeting, Su Zhixiao finally understood the situation of the case.

In the early morning, not one body was found in the park, but two, a woman and a little girl. Both victims were stabbed several times and fell in a pool of blood.

This kid doesn't look big, maybe five or six years old at most.


What kind of cruel murderer would swing the butcher's knife at a five or six-year-old child?

Still hacking several times?

I'm afraid it's worse than a beast, right?

Not only Su Zhixiao was angry, but the rest of the criminal police team were also extremely angry. Everyone really couldn't accept the murder of a child the most!

After all, life hasn't officially started yet, so it's lost like this!

"According to the preliminary investigation and interview, the two victims should be mother-daughter relationship.

Victim: Chen Yunting, female, 32 years old, unemployed, divorced her husband some time ago, and brought her daughter back to her natal home, living at No. XX on Zihu Street.

Victim: Cai Ying, female, five years old, lived with her mother in her grandfather's house, unfortunately killed! "

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