Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 258 The Best Blind Date Man

Going upstairs, to the entrance of the coffee shop, it's the first blind date, I must be very nervous, and I'm fingering my hair all the time.

"Sister Su, is my hair all right?"

"Well, it's okay."

"Are my clothes okay?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."


After taking a few more breaths, he stepped into the door of the coffee shop.

Inside, on the last seat by the window, the other party has already arrived, sitting with his back facing the door.

However, looking at their backs, Bai Yu and Su Zhixiao obviously frowned at the same time.

This, is not a little too thin?

Moreover, those who are generally so thin are basically

Of course, they didn't dare to make a decision just by looking at their backs. The two stepped forward:

"Hi, I'm Bai Yu, is this Lai Hui?"

The man stood up quickly when he heard the sound:

"Yes, I am Lai Hui."

That face, there is no need to confirm anything anymore, it is absolutely certain that this is an addict!

Bai Yu's face turned dark on the spot, her hands clenched tightly into fists.

Su Zhixiao pulled Bai Yu down silently, and Bai Yu's face calmed down a little. They looked at each other, and they both understood what the other party meant.

"Sit down and talk." Leng Shengsheng said, Bai Yu had already sat down by herself, and even pulled Su Zhixiao to sit down.

"This is my colleague who came with me.

Mr. Lai, where is the high school? "

When an addict appears, there are many more things behind it.

If this man is useful, it may, indeed, lead the police to uncover a whole thread.

No matter how big the resentment was, he had to calm down.

Make a routine first, and then notify the colleagues in the anti-narcotics brigade of the bureau.

Lai Hui was very upset that the woman brought someone along for the blind date, but he couldn't say much, and his eyes were very disgusted.

Su Zhixiao acted like he didn't see anything, so he called the waiter and ordered two cappuccinos.

But that man suddenly said:

"I only pay mine and Miss Bai's money, and the extra money has nothing to do with me!"


Bai Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up abruptly:

"No, I don't need you to pay for mine!"

I have never seen such a superb man!

Even the waiter couldn't help but take a few more glances before leaving with the order list.

Su Zhixiao pulled Bai Yu again, and whispered:

"It's okay, you pay attention, I'll go to the next table."

Since this man disliked having one more person so much, Su Zhixiao didn't mind sitting at the next table in order not to anger or arouse his guard.

It's not too far away, after all, if this man suddenly becomes addicted to D, who knows what radical actions he will make?

Now, just wait for the colleagues from the anti-narcotics department!

After Su Zhixiao got up, the man's complexion improved a lot in an instant, and he looked at Bai Yu with a smile on his face:

"Listen to my aunt, Miss Bai hasn't graduated yet?"

Bai Yu hummed:

"I'm in my senior year and I'm an intern."

"Oh, that's good, that's good. Let's get married as soon as we graduate!"


Bai Yu was startled for a while before she came back to her senses:

"Mr. Lai, is this the first time we've met?"

Familiar is not familiar, okay?

Lai Hui laughed, but his face was too thin without any flesh, which made people feel very perky.

"What's the matter? I'm very satisfied with Miss Bai, even if I get married now, it's not a bad idea!

Miss Bai, your family is from the countryside, and you have a younger brother, right? "


Lai Hui became even more proud:

"My family has two frontages in the urban area. Apart from the apartment we live in, there are two other apartments that are also rented out. The monthly rent alone costs tens of thousands. Miss Bai, you should think about it clearly."

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