Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 283 What do you have that I can lie to?

Hexing Entertainment.

Yang Xiying's incident has basically had no impact on the company. After all, it is the individual who committed the crime and has nothing to do with the company.

If anything, the company is still a victim!

So, it's back to normal.

Fu Jiyan followed A-Ban, it was cold and scary, and many colleagues were afraid to say hello.

After going upstairs, he went straight to Manager Zhou's office.

Knock Knock


Aban pushed open the door, and someone strode in.


"What did you call me for?"


"Sit first, sit down and talk."

Someone swished his eyes, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious: You better have something important!

Sitting very casually on the sofa in the reception area, tapping on Erlang's legs, with one hand resting on the armrest of the sofa.

Yes, my lord!

The corner of Zhou Huan's mouth twitched before he turned around and took out a document from the drawer:

"Go ahead."


Of course someone caught the thing Zhou Huan threw over without blinking an eye, raised his eyebrows, and opened it.


Manager Zhou's whole face was smiling brightly at the moment:

"Yes, look at who is the director on the last page?"

Bai Yimou?

After seeing the director's name, Best Actor Fu was indeed slightly shocked.

After all, Director Bo, those are the earliest and most outstanding group of people since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The dramas that are exported, both at home and abroad, all win awards and get soft hands.

This old man hasn't been out of the mountain for twenty years, why suddenly

No wonder Manager Zhou's face was dying of laughter.

"Do you still know Director Bai?"

Someone shakes his head:

"do not know."

Zhou Huan stared:

"Are you sure you don't know him?" It seemed that he didn't believe it.

King Fu Daying rolled his eyes:

"What's the benefit of me lying to you?"

As for?

As far as the big manager this week, what is there to lie about?


cough cough.

Zhou Huan coughed twice before continuing:

"You said you didn't know Director Bai, this book was sent by Director Bai himself, and you were called to play the leading role by name!"

So, if you say that the two don't know each other, who will believe it?

Fu Jiyan glanced at the script in his hand, and then carefully flipped through the first page.

"Annual tribute drama?"

"Yes, A Yan, don't underestimate the gift show, director Bai is going to come out, do you know how many old artists want to get involved?

How many people in the circle wanted a role in it?

Moreover, take a closer look at this tribute drama. "

There is a feeling of mystery.

Fu Jiyan casually flipped through a few more pages, and when he saw the general content of the script, the corners of his lips unconsciously twitched.

"A criminal police movie?"

"Yeah, I've talked about the tribute drama, the main theme movie, and I heard that before the shooting starts, I will train in the Municipal Bureau for a period of time, and there will be a few scenes in the Municipal Bureau after that."


very good!

"I agree!"

There is no need to think about anything anymore.

After all, it is entirely possible to use the banner of work to spend more time with your wife!

What a great opportunity!

Zhou Huan suddenly showed an expression of "I knew it would be this result":

"Okay, if you agree, then I will contact there directly later."


While talking, someone's phone rang, and it was still a string of strange numbers.

After connecting, the over there first reported themselves:

"Hello, is this Actor Fu? I am director Bai Yimou's assistant, and my surname is Xin."

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there?

"What's up?"

Tsk, calm enough!

I don't want to say anything anymore, after two days of recovery, my nose started to runny again.

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