Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 326 Mother Fu is here

"At work, why are you all so gossip?"

Listening to the general secretary's complaints, the ladies at the front desk don't care:

"It's a pity, the young lady is wearing a mask, we didn't pay much attention at that time, Xiaodan, you received the young lady just now, tell me."

"Me? I didn't pay attention to it either, but the young lady is very gentle and intimate, and she speaks softly."

A group of people gossip about blah blah blah, but as the protagonist being gossiped, he doesn't know this.

I hired a taxi again to go to the kindergarten. There was no way. The nearest subway station near Fu's Group was two miles away, and there were still 20 minutes before the kindergarten closed.

The only option is a taxi.

Fortunately, Fu's Group is not too far from the kindergarten, and the taxi took only ten minutes in the past.

Outside the gate of the kindergarten, there are already all parents picking up their children from school.

Su Zhixiao got off the taxi at the intersection and walked over.

Squeezed among a group of parents, it's not obtrusive, and if you don't look carefully, it's not the kind that no one will notice.

Khan, this is probably one of the common occupational problems!

Police officers have more or less various habits.

It didn't take long, and a teacher led the class out.

Class one, class three, and class five are not the classes my son is in.

Fortunately, the fourth class that came out was Class Two.

Su Zhixiao also squeezed forward this time, otherwise, he would not have seen his son's little figure.


The children also saw Su Zhixiao in the parent group for the first time:


About to rush over.

In the end, the teacher held back the schoolbag.

The kid tried his best to suck the milk but couldn't break free:

"Teacher, it's my mother. My mother is here to pick me up!" she explained back.

Su Zhixiao had already walked over, and the teacher finally let go when he saw that it was indeed the child's mother:

"Mother Fu."

"Teacher Ye."

"No wonder the kid Fu Zhizhou was about to run out just now. It turned out that Fu's mother came."

"I'm really sorry, I'm busy with work, and I don't usually come to pick him up."

"No, no, Mama Fu works for the people, we all understand."

The children always say in the kindergarten that their mother is the most powerful person, who specializes in catching bad guys, better than Ultraman, and often scares other children to let his mother catch those bad kids.

Of course, the teacher resolved the conflict between the children in time.

Children, how normal is it to be noisy?

"Miss Ye, then I'll take the porridge away first."

"Okay, goodbye, Mama Fu."

"Goodbye, Teacher Ye."

The children also waved to the teacher:

"goodbye teacher."

Mother and son held hands, and after walking for a while, the child hugged his mother's leg:

"Mom, why did you come to pick up porridge today?"

Su Zhixiao squatted down and shaved his son's little nose:

"Mom got off work early today."

The kid laughed and raised his arms:

"Mom hug."

"Don't hug, it's so hot."

Holding it feels like two stoves are next to each other, just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

"Mom, mom~"

"Go by yourself obediently, and mother will take you to play later."

Hearing that they were going to play, the children stopped clamoring for an instant:



"Mom, where are we going to play then?"

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