Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 332 Doubt if the child is yours


"I didn't expect Officer Su to be angry with your precious son at times?"

Purely deliberate ridicule.

Su Zhixiao snorted coldly:

"You are enough!"

"All right, little brat, my husband will clean it up for you. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

The corners of Su Zhixiao's mouth twitched when he heard this, did he do whatever he wanted?

Hey, hey, why did he say that word too?

"Fu Jiyan, with your attitude, do outsiders know what people will think when they hear you?"

"Oh? What do you think?"

"I will doubt whether the child is your own, and whether you are the child's own father!"

Have you ever seen a father talk about his son like this?

I am afraid that there are few cases in the world!

The person on the other side of the phone seemed to be choking and coughed several times before continuing:

"Is there really this kind of feeling that you are tired of living?"

These words sound like threats.

Su Zhixiao rolled his eyes:

"Stop, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are, do you think you are the big brother of a gang?

Seriously, don't you think those game consoles at home are a bit too much? "


"What do you mean it's okay? Do you know that your son is addicted to games now? It's because he wants to play games tonight and I don't let him, that's what happened to him."


On the phone, the man's face became more formal:

"Officer Su, what are your plans?"

"We must quit his game addiction!"

How old is it?

Is that how you like playing games?

How can I stop it in the future?

Su Zhixiao has seen too many cases where young people ended up committing crimes because of playing games online.

Among those children, the youngest was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

At this age, it is clearly the beginning of life, but those people have already reached the end.

So, it must be stopped now!

Otherwise, it will be a little bit older in the future, especially when you reach puberty, and you can't control it.

"Then quit!"

Absolutely will never have any opinion on the wife's proposal.

After all, Su Zhixiao still softened his heart:

"Take your time, too much haste is not good for children."

Who knows, someone on the phone is not so soft-hearted:

"How old is he? What can he understand? I'll arrange for someone to come home tomorrow and take away all the game consoles."

Let that kid want to play even if he wants to!

Once and for all!

Thinking about not letting my son play games tonight, my son cried so sadly.

Then if all the game consoles are taken away tomorrow, if they are all gone, I might not be able to cry.


"Just do it like this, Police Officer Su, don't be soft-hearted just because that's your precious son. Be soft-hearted, just be soft-hearted to your husband."

That kid is very annoying, and I don't know why this woman cares so much about her son!

Can a person's own son not be rare?

As the saying goes, a child is a piece of meat that falls from the mother!

Su Zhixiao twitched the corner of her mouth:

"Then you can figure it out."


At this moment, a small figure quietly appeared at the door of the room, lying on the door, peeking inside.

After being discovered by Su Zhixiao, the kid hid back.

Seeing this, the corners of Su Zhixiao's mouth couldn't help but twitch:

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore."

"Tsk tsk, Police Officer Su, kick people after you've used them?"

As for being so ugly?

"Your son is here, don't talk about it."

Good, got hung up on again.

The man on the set pinched the phone so hard that it almost broke into several pieces.

Fortunately, the director called to start filming!

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