Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 343: Failed to Protect the Innocent People

In the forensic anatomy room, all preparations are ready.

Bai Yu came in:

"Sister Su, the family members have agreed, this is their signed consent."

Su Zhixiao took it and looked at it, then nodded:

"let's start."


. . . . . .

It was getting dark early, and the autopsy, which started around eight o'clock, didn't end until nearly one o'clock in the morning.

The door of the dissection room opened, and Su Zhixiao and Bai Yu came out.

"Xiao Yu, send these to Officer Cui immediately."


The couple, who were waiting outside the dissecting room, got up from their chairs when they heard the movement.

At this time, Luo Yifan and Guo Yishuo came over.

"How about it?"

"Captain Luo, all the information is here."

The family members are right in front of them, and generally they will not dictate directly.

Luo Yifan took it and turned it over, his face became more and more solidified, and after turning all over:

"When will the DNA test results be available at the earliest?"

"It depends on whether Officer Cui is busy or not."

If you are not busy, it will be fast, just two or three hours.

If you are busy, you may have to wait.

Luo Yifan frowned:

"Let Cui Xingran test the DNA first, and let the rest go. This murderer is very likely to commit another crime, and he must be caught as soon as possible!"

Guo Yishuo responded quickly:

"Captain Luo, I'm going to find Officer Cui right away."

They have already walked several steps towards the trace inspection office.

Immediately, Luo Yifan called out to Old Zhao in the corridor:

"Old Zhao, take Fan Anjie and Zhou Jingxuan and go out immediately."

Old Zhao was holding a water glass to go out to get some hot water. The water in the office was gone, and it took a while to deliver the water.

Now, there is no need for water.

Turn around and go back to the office:

"An Jie, Jing Xuan, take something."


Several people came out and waited soon. Luo Yifan gave the autopsy report in hand to the victim's father, but the victim's mother snatched it over and looked it up. When he saw the contents above, his body became limp uncontrollably again. He fell down and sat on the cold floor, and the autopsy report was scattered all over the place.


How can this be?


It's not true! "

The autopsy report clearly marked:

Victim: female

Name: Yue Yue

Age: 11 years old

The perpetrator committed violence against the victim, resulting in 32 beating wounds all over the body, 10 bound scratches on both arms and legs, slight rupture marks on the oral mucosa, around the mouth and nose, two tooth marks in the middle, and skin peeling off the neck , There are scratches and bite marks on the X part.

Narcotic and hallucinogenic ingredients were detected from the victim's body.

Final conclusion: the victim died of mechanical asphyxiation caused by covering his mouth.

Drugged, obsessed with *J, violently beaten, to death.

That's just a kid who just passed his 11th birthday!

Bang, bang.

I saw the victim's father kneeling heavily on the ground:

"Captain Luo, all police officers, I beg you, definitely, definitely catch that murderer and avenge my daughter!"

Luo Yifan quickly stretched out his hand to help him up:

"Mr. Yue, don't be like this, don't worry, we will arrest the murderer as soon as possible! We will definitely catch him!"

The police are born to catch criminals!

In fact, such scenes can often be seen in police stations.

But every time, it made all the policemen present feel extremely uncomfortable, mainly because they blamed themselves. As a policeman, they failed to protect innocent people!

The victim's mother also sobbed again and again:

"We must catch him, we must catch the murderer who hurt my daughter, and kill for death!"

When the words fell, the whole person fell backwards.

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