Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 346 Serious Injury

The first time, of course, was to rush to the cafeteria.

After dinner, Su Zhixiao went back to the family home, took a brief shower, changed his clothes, and then returned to the office.

That is, as soon as he stepped into the big office of the criminal police team, a heady smell came over his face.

Looking at it again, the elders in the team are all catching up on sleep in various postures right now.

Well, there are still about ten minutes before clocking in for work in the morning.

Those who slept on their stomachs on the table, and those who took off their shoes and lay on two chairs.


No wonder it smells so heavy!

Anyway, there is nothing important to report, so let's go back to the medical examiner's office first.

Bai Yu clocked in almost at the last minute, and hurried upstairs again, her hair still wet.

As if, I didn't blow my hair after washing it!

As soon as I entered the office, I saw Su Zhixiao already inside:

"Morning Su, good morning."

"Morning, have you gone back to the family courtyard?"

"Well, I have to go back and take a shower, otherwise I can't stand it."

The men in the criminal police team may not feel anything if they are used to it, but lesbians have to take a bath and change clothes from the beginning to the end, and they will hold back unless conditions do not allow it.

"I have a dry towel in the cabinet. You can use it to wipe your hair. Wet ones are not good for your health."

"Thank you, Miss Su."

After a while, I heard someone shouting for a meeting in the corridor.

Bai Yu's hair has been wiped dry, and it is almost half dry now.

The two of them didn't delay anything and went to the conference room.

When we arrived, everyone had already arrived.

This morning meeting, of course, is to analyze the two cases last night in detail, especially the murderer of the first case has not yet been caught, and the murderer is very likely to commit another crime!

During the autopsy yesterday, the victim's cervix was found, and there were abnormalities in the uterine cavity, with many bubbles.

After that, Police Officer Cui did DNA and blood screening of the victim overnight.

The results of the examination showed that the victim himself was very healthy, but the murderer was a patient with advanced gonorrhea.

This kind of behavior is prone to psychological distortion and the impulse to retaliate against society.

And the scars caused by various violence on yesterday's victim's body are enough to illustrate.

The murderer is very irritable, and he no longer has the so-called humanity, conscience, and compassion.

It's really dangerous!

So, after the morning meeting, only Su Zhixiao, Bai Yu, and Cui Xingran were left in the criminal police team, and the rest went out.

Taking the Chengdong Reservoir where the corpses were dumped yesterday as the center store, they were divided into four groups, patrolling without dead ends within a radius of 20 miles, and also applied for the support of the special police team.

Almost the entire eastern part of the city is now in the police deployment center.

And the murderer won't go out of this range!

. . . . . .

At about eleven o'clock at noon, the murderer was arrested.

However, several colleagues on the police side were injured.

The murderer was physically strong, and he could do some simple wild moves, mainly when he was discovered by the police, he ruthlessly slashed himself with a knife a few times.

Patients with advanced gonorrhea, once the blood spreads, is bound to be contagious.

Inevitably, everyone was forced to tie their hands and feet.

Fortunately, he was finally caught.

The second victim was seriously injured and had a knife cut on his neck. Fortunately, the police found out in time.

Along the way until he returned to the bureau, Luo Yifan's face was very dark, and the rest of the people also looked not very good-looking.

Bai Yu secretly stretched out his head to look at the corridor, then retracted his neck all of a sudden:

"Sister Su, Team Luo and the others are back, but they seem to be very angry."

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