Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 376 Officer Su, Where Are You Going?


The child was stunned after seeing his mother watching the phone:

"Mom, do you have a job again?"

No way, the child has experienced similar situations several times.

Su Zhixiao came back to his senses and shook his head:

"No, it's your uncle."


The kid blinked and blinked:

"Mom, what's wrong with uncle?"

In fact, I was still quite ashamed inside, what age is this?

There is such a thing as family law?

Squatting down, holding his son's chubby hand at the same time:

"Baby, I'm afraid we can't go home for the time being. We have to go to Huo's house."

The Huo family?

The child reacted for a while before finally reacting:

"Is it my grandfather's house?"


"Mom, why are we going to Grandpa's house?"

The kid pouted, as if he really didn't want to go.

Khan, who made the children dislike Huo Shengzhe of the Huo family so much?

The corner of Su Zhixiao's mouth twitched a few times:

"Because, if we don't go there quickly, your aunt will be beaten badly."

The children mainly focused on the title of 'aunt':

"Mom, is there any aunt in porridge?"

Su Zhixiao coughed:

"Yeah, there is."

I don't really want to continue talking to my son.


"All right."

Having a car is really convenient.

The child obediently sat in the back seat, wearing a seat belt, and Su Zhixiao started the car.

"Mom, is this the new car you bought?"

It seems that after looking at the entire environment in the car, he asked.

The car had already slowly driven out of the gate of the Municipal Bureau, and then onto the main road. The speed was not fast. After all, there was still his son sitting in the car.

"Yeah, does it look good?"

Of course, the children were crazy to join in:


Looks better than Dad's car! "

Forget it, your mother doesn't care that much, don't worry, she will definitely accept the reality.

Can this hundreds of thousands of cars compare with your father's millions of millions of cars?

But in the hearts of children, that's what they think!

Mom's everything is the best.

The car is also the best looking!

Probably, even if it is a Chery QQ, it will open its eyes and talk nonsense without blushing!

Su Zhixiao was very relieved and happy in his heart. The old mother's heart was sweeter than drinking honey after being coaxed by her son.

The distance between Huo's villa and Fu's old house is actually not too far. If you go there, you have to go through Xiangzhou International.

Su Zhixiao didn't pay much attention to the car following behind, but who knows, that car kept honking its horn.

The turning lights came on, and he slowly pulled over and stopped.

The Audi R8 that followed unexpectedly also parked on the side of the road. Then, the door opened, and a familiar figure got out of the car and walked towards the front.

When the kid in the back seat saw the person, he hurriedly said:

"Mom, it's Dad!"

Su Zhixiao actually saw it in the rearview mirror a long time ago, just, quite suddenly.

As for such a coincidence?

Just passed outside the old house and met?

Well, yes, there is no doubt, it really is such a coincidence!

Knock Knock

The window was knocked several times.

He let out a long sigh of relief before he unlocked the car. The person outside had already opened the door and stepped up with his long legs.

However, when he saw his own son sitting firmly in the back seat:

"Fu Zhizhou, you played truant again today?"

"No, Dad, don't talk nonsense!"

The kid is pissed.

What is this dad?

Someone glanced at the boy, then changed his face instantly, and looked at the woman in front of him with a smile:

"Officer Su, you can't enter the house, where are you going?"

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